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The Deaf or Hard of Hearing 1

The Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Abigail J. Griffith
Ivy Tech Community College

The Deaf or Hard of Hearing 2

This paper focuses on students who have hearing disabilities. The paper will discuss issues
such as, what does it mean to have a hearing disability? Also does it affect students in school? If
so what is one of the struggles and how do schools handle it? Finally, this paper will end with
things are important to remember and maybe have to help students with hearing disabilities in
the classroom.
About Hearing Disabilities
A student who is deaf or hard of hearing is a student who has a hearing disability. They cannot
hear what is around them like others can. According to Article 7 a hearing impairment can affect
the students ability to use their hearing for developing language and learning, educational
performance and developmental progress. This can lead to problems in the education of a
student. (Education, 2010)
Those who dont have hearing disabilities develop their knowledge of language through
hearing others speak. They listen to what those people have to say and learn pronunciation,
meaning and how to write from listening to others. People with a hearing disability cant use that
same ability because they cant hear how others speak. This can cause problems for them in their
education and developmental progress.
According to Article 7 there are different stages of hearing loss and different ways that these
students can communicate. A students hearing loss may be permanent or fluctuating. It may be
mild or profound. This is saying that the students hearing may be completely gone or they are
still able to hear a little. The students may be completely deaf or they are able to hear to a certain

The Deaf or Hard of Hearing 3

To communicate with others around them the student might use oral communication, sign
language or a combination of the two. Some students with hearing loss are able to talk so they
communicate through oral communication. They also may be able to understand the other
speaker because of limited hearing or because they read lips. Others cant form or pronounce the
same words so they use sign language to express what they want to say.
There are three things that a student must qualify under for them to be considered hearing
impaired and eligible for special education.
1. The assessment of current academics, Functional skills, and their preferred way of
2. A social and developmental history.
3. A written report from a qualified person such as an educator, clinical audiologist or someone
who has information about the students, communication, social interaction, and motor skills,
responses to sensory experiences and relevant responses to family and environmental situations
(Education, 2010).
Students with a hearing disability are capable of learning and having an education like any
other student but may need a different approach or different techniques than others use. A
hearing disability can affect the students ability to use hearing to develop language and learn.
Also it can affect educational performance and developmental progress (Education, 2010).

The Deaf or Hard of Hearing 4

One option of an education that families with children with hearing disabilities can choose are
schools designed for the deaf. These schools are specially prepared for teaching only students
who have various types hearing disabilities.
Another option that families can choose are inclusive schools. An inclusive school is one which
teaches students that have and dont have disabilities as a same class. While this can be a helpful
technique there is also the struggle of teachers not being able to communicate the lessons to both
groups of students. To solve this problem schools use interpreters to help communicate what the
teacher is saying to the classroom.
The question is should interpreters be used over the teacher? This problem is addressed in the
case of Rebecca Holmes. The Holmes were worried about their daughters education. They felt
she wasnt getting the education she needed. She had an interpreter who talked to her using sign
language but they felt he wasnt doing enough to help her. He was translating what the teacher
said, but when Rebecca didnt understand he wasnt the teacher so he couldnt explain it like she
needed to understand. (Wright & Wright, 2000).
In a different situation we see the response of someone expressing the same concern over
interpreters as teachers. Interpreters are not teachers. It is ridiculous that an IEP team would
design an education plan that does not specify a teacher. In your sons case, it needs to be a
teacher who speaks the same language as your son (Whitney, 2009).
The main question being looked at in both these examples have to do with the qualifications of
an interpreter. It is said that an interpreter who doesnt have a degree in teaching or special
education shouldnt be relied on to teach a student. Interpreters can be useful in the schools but
ones who have a degree and an understanding in how to teach. Just signing isnt going to be

The Deaf or Hard of Hearing 5

enough. They need to be able to interpret and explain words that the teacher may not be saying
but that would make sense to that particular student.
School Needs for Students with Hearing Disabilities
What kinds of things do students with hearing disabilities need to better help them with their
education? Its important to remember that there are students with hearing disabilities who have
different abilities. Some of them have partial hearing. They are capable of hearing words as long
as they are spoken loudly and clearly. Some cant hear at all but can read peoples lips to
understand what is being said.
For both of these students it is best to put them close to the front of the room where they can
hear or see your lips move when you talk. It may help them to be put in a position where they
can not only see the teacher when they talk but also the other students. Also, subtly pointing at
students when they start to speak may help a student who is deaf to know which direction the
person who speaking is.
It is also important that the teacher consider things like lighting and noise. A student with
limited hearing should not be put close to loud objects such as a heater, or a window that opens
to a loud place. Places with lots of light can cause problems for the student also. With light
streaming into their face it can make it harder for them to see and read the teachers lips (Salend,
Then you have your students that are completely deaf and dont read lips. If the teacher doesnt
know sign language the best option may be an interpreter. It is important to remember though
that the interpreter be qualified and can clearly communicate what the teacher is saying to

The Deaf or Hard of Hearing 6

student. They should be educated and able to take a different route than what the teacher is
saying if they see that concept doesnt make sense to the student.
Devices can also be used to help aid in learning. For example there are systems called Speech to
Text translation systems. These systems are designed to help people who dont hear to be able to
communicate with others. The person who is talking says what they want to say and then the
person who is hard of hearing can read what they just said on a monitor. This can be especially
helpful when trying to communicate through electronics such as telephones, cell phones, PDAS
or other cellular devices where the person cannot be seen that they are speaking to (Salend,
Families could also consider a Cochlear Implant. While not always successful this device is
made to help gain some hearing. This is a very sensitive issue though. Not only does is involve a
surgery but it is the cause of many disputes and strong opinions between deaf and hearing
people. The deaf worry that by becoming more hearing they are leaving behind their deaf culture.
A teacher must understand that the student isnt the same as all other students with this
disability. There are different types of hearing disabilities and depending on which one they have
can add to the best way to teach and help them in their education.
Ending Remark
Students with hearing disabilities may have trouble hearing but that doesnt mean they have to
have trouble learning. When teaching someone with a hearing disability its important to keep in
mind what they experience and teach in a way that they will understand and comprehend what is
being taught.

The Deaf or Hard of Hearing 7

Works Cited
Indiana Stateboard Education.(2010). Special education rules Title 411 Article 7, p.79.
Salend, S. J. (2011). Creating Inclusive Classrooms. In S. J. Salend. Upper Saddle River:
Whitney, S. (2009, August 13). Interpreter as Teacher? Not in IDEA. Retrieved from
Wright, P. W., & Wright, P. D. (2000). Wrightslaw Law Library. Retrieved from

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