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‘Worgrouo Boat of Cand Commins “ase Roast ‘avenra Roe a ran aration Reouah Lacy TAT mpc nas rom __ [oan ‘Ger Soden Yoder 7 origina Agere Tio wenger |— sere a7 suas — 6S 2017 Bien Sous —wrerane | sian ‘sien po see Jerome Se io cao ‘Sine — anion wn ox aceon "yo “e| “ae “et ‘ remain ° 3] eee me we : Jeane ineroereconornsten ne anes] Bae cS ewe Dor Progr Maananes Faiksw menace] srs retour care [canary Prone? a ast * Stent tre sno regen ra Saas ese) Siauon bogrm ue ‘ive a ‘ Sinton ° ‘ect Seung ona een oan ° Smo 5 ‘amg re rote avsao wows namo oom ¢ tae 3 Toya te ‘anos ° tae $ ‘opi er Star Geo ta 5 oot 5 eng esr epee wise maim : ‘ ° ° 2 sain Coon com tore . Sete 8 is crosnegror sree vate ° & Same xo [soma ean sie oes 5 tee ° sem ° nga arlene cote eh | gn io ss000 : fis rowsr tage Pees seman] ge ° 3 aexoere sen eee | ae) : an lesan sme saa a a | on — ae ag ae a Tioaan Sarg wh he IFAC bore pote $206 200 or bao oas $1215 200 replaamert tam $28,800 fo snewide ost locaton, vcd te a a ae, Gera Fund asrecemanded, de 988 00 for CEC, and $267 e20 fe the 27% pay, ede ne toms rough 15 sutton ft $1080 ee to nd bs Rangond Fs Prtechon Astozaters om the Ecananic Rezzvey Reserve und. cue ino am 416, Ferre a ay 400823100 argarg tem tba Corral Fund. incuce ne tems 17 trough as ecorimendod Last, nado $4,800 {othe Timbo: Ertan a gounmende. Lrcwe te Oeparart of Lan fica yar 2017 $5.44 O00 rom the General Fund, $42,562,900 fom or i ae cob om fodral funds orate $56,625,400 ord 29710 FT. The modo lum sun fore Fores nd ange Fe Protection Prearam on ‘Decision, Ths maten matches he GovorcrsReconmendten wth a fowl austmers. Ft ipa forthe one tne cost of be Ranasand Fre ‘lscussan, Tis oten mates rc Racy Reserve Fund. Secon, tax $23,100 fm he General Fund forthe Tbr Prtocive Assos Preecton Assos (oct Garor Fund a8 fezeasein Gedeated tds and an €2-2% increas erat funds fron overal nase 7.54 ‘fund fom te carob ‘Aslscasiomary te inp sum autor forte Fatest and Rago Fre Protacon Program ies the depart lity to contacter ain at rsupacing on uton, Newsy, Gore cxmmerrg cargo ha Fores Logacy rowan. eauet aaa esate he apache anguage edna he amp sum sppepraton and cayovr forthe ferestepacy eprcpeaton, Page aarns 205m Werks? ‘at Lad Commnsioners “Kgeney Request “Governors Rec ‘Nano, Monks Guth calm RS am toe are praeeeet ieee is — Stoel te — Sel Satie ae em — me a a oe i eat ae “a aaa conn See eal Se eel ee eee ae = na al Se ele ae ee ace alae, Se Sas ee Eee one mal te SS| BOBS eae ses oe tell ae slots cee ie —— a [crore = cael eee a Saale ees = eee ee = DRS ea fi : Cee a fsbeetacstean Be a = ee eee 5 et Me eee et ae a Sp a i —es| eee ae ae a a ee = “Gotan Staring wane FAG wg do $925 200 tr bef coats, $1216 60 fr roplocarent ems, $8 000 sated cet aocaion include he sete eon er soa) eal S0% Gora Fund as recomended eae $558, 50 fe CEC, and $0870 re 27 pay. reside He tems though 18 sr mde extn ine ham fd the Rargla Fe Pretachn Asda tom te Econanic Recovery Reserve Fund. ce ine em #10, #, ferns Petes Asters to 48 823100 engang fom he General Fund. Incas ne tas 17 and 188 recomended, Aso nue $4.30 te roe Na soa as ecormended. 1 ove tothe Separert fans fe sal eat 217: 8.344.900 om he Geers Fund, 42.5500 fom dost Fan S317 50 om fedrl nds orate $54,625 400 and 201-1 FTPs. The motions kanp sun fer fe Forest and Range re Pretecton Progam omy, plsasson Tas maton matches he Govere'sRecommendaton wih tre austen Fis pays fr the oo costs he Ranga Fie Protection Ree amine Cosme Recovery Rasre Fund Sacand, Wadd $23,100 fon fe General und rhe Tene Pretec Assoations, Lasy, reoves funding fart Glagtone eons, Foret Lagay Pre ‘A cctomsry ta lup sum authori forthe Forest rd Range Fe Prcacion Pram ves the ceparimentne fei 0 cra a sees cr ey Aaa deg one master, The mohoysa2s% rekon fe General Fur, 89.7% cease deested hands, and an 3.8 crease federal Ancor an overa croase of 77% in a nds or the current budget Leave en | request unanimous consent to cde the atachodanguageegang the lump sum apropicon oy rose ants 205m Lump Sum Standard Intent Language Included in IDL budget: SECTION 3. EXEMPTIONS FROM OBJECT TRANSFER LIMITATIONS. For fiscal year 2017, the Department of Lands is hereby exempted from the provisions of Section 67-3511(1) and (3), Idaho Code, allowing unlimited transfers between object codes, for all moneys appropriated for the Forest and Range Fire Protection Program for the period July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017. Legislative appropriations shall not be transferred from one fund to another fund unless expressly approved by the Legislature. Page 3 spprois Proposed Carryover Language for Idaho Department of Lands budget: SECTION 4. REAPPROPRIATION. There is hereby reappropriated to the $s Department of Lands any unexpended and unencumbered balances © | appropriated or reappropriated for the Forest Resources Managment 88 | Program for fiscal year 2016, from federal funds for trustee and benefit payments, to be used for the Forest Legacy Program for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Note: This is not a new program, but the awards have increased and timing of Federal payouts is dependent of closing, TrusteesBenefit ez Sevan For FY 2015, the Forest Resources Management Program had a federal fund Pee Eee appropriation in TB payments of $1.3 million. DFM authorized noncogizable wae ae appropriation of $3.4 million. The program spent $5.27 million overall for four camover_$ 1.00 easements totalling 7,731 acres, all in Northern Idaho. Total ‘3 910 Last session, JFAC approved the transfer of $1,809, 100 in federal appropriation from the Fire Program to the Forest Resources Management Program. The FY 2016 Federal Fund TB appropriation for the Forest Resources Management Program is $3.1 million. Page a sppos Workgroup [Beparenant of Water Resources “ageney Request ‘Govemare Ree Brack Burtenshaw {Gibbs Gute Keough Lacey llr Max Tout [Gamat Teta [FIP Gomera Dedeatad Feder "Tota 5 2078 Orginal Appropriation Taser Tan anati.ao0| 12,168,700 sosmngoo| —vsn00 —ra.8700__araujoo__ 3.725400 mosan.200, 2017 Base Mision 1 Ttsrsaoo—tnsqen0| 1.00 11673000 4706100 bapsan0 1880050, frat 100 sssoi} “tesa —""rensno] coo ibaco «tao 850015000 erations Senstnents 52200 sam] 43700 ‘aro| 00 aro 11000 ° 47 Jepinrmort tone cam anam| azo ©2200] 0m aD ° sttene Cont ocaon (asec, saa] anys aca] 0m 8.00) = Jonange ms Enpiogee Compensation ‘mem tosgoo] tengon «= Staaoa] 00 ton00 ar. 000 [2 Payot asin ___senson|__2ste00 __senea|__nco__asreqo__ 2.20, FY 2047 Program Martonance asar 0 ——7a.snsa0 | —12553,200 190,200] —ven.00_ 175.400 524,700 Wao Wate Core Subiass 7 78200 o 820[ 000 oa Ante esuring& Montero ° 1800 2 neon} 000 8 790m sit ajestan Stat to Gane Fund rs 2] sae Oa ee }.Sutace Water etiomertAeemert sia3co sagan] semt00 am tco] 400 a 100 ° | sear iver Commision Assessmont ‘0 S000] 5000 ‘saco] oc 8000, ° |: Nothem tans Teen hyorogecloglst eszm0——ea00|8s00—=«ta5pco] 00000 © Re-watah Of in Salmon 38600 35600 ° ‘000 ° ° ‘Wate gr song seared aaron] mage 2ug700] 0008700 o Hyertogc Oma Caacon joo = snec0 ° 0] amo ° ° i. water Right Yu Seling 400) "40 8 o| a0 ‘ a wer Sestamaity Props ° 0] zoom — 2e000m0| 000 sc00n00 2500000 fs Priest tan cute Subscount ° ° ° 0] 000 onaoo ° eh Tranter 81a} oem _a71gon0]__o00 26000) 2017 Tot Taare ote | 14.,200 22075100] —ves00 taxa ao0 7.408600 en FY 76 ABER essa —"fartao)| "3386500 —— 1341900] 300 sn 00 2.600500 13% (ang 2a | oe si Motion: Starting wih the JFAC base, include $159,900 for benefit costs, $54,700 for infaionary adjustments, $405,400 from the General Fund for Feplacement iam, a reduction of $45,400 for statewide cos allocation, an increase of $314,400 for CEC, and $360,900 forthe 27th payroll Nest Tretade line lems #1 through #6 and #8 as recommended. Then, for line tem 11, the Water Sustainabity Projects, include $5 milion from the General Fund ongoing and $2.5 milion one-time from the Econamic Recovery Reserve Fund. This $7.5 millon is to be transferred to the Secondary Aquifer Planning, Management and Implementetion Fund. Lastly, addline item #12 tited "Priest Lake Outlet Subaccount' for $100,400 from the General Fund. ‘This sa cash transfer needed to restore money borrawed from the dedicate fund to move into the Water Center back in FY 2008. 1 move to the Department of Water Resources for ical year 2017, $18,630,800 from the General Fund, $7,465,500 from dedicated funds, and $2,278,300 from federal funds for atolal of $28,374,700. FTPs are capped at 155.00, ages sranos 934 aM, Wirkaroup Discussion: Inflationary adjustments include General Funds for rent costs and dedicated funds for general inflation such as travel and repairs. Replacement items include software upgrades, computer equipment adjusted to a four-year replacement cycle, seven vehicles, and field equipment. Line item 1 provides additional appropration to allow the department to spend receipts from subleases to the State Applellate Public Defender and the Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Line item 2 reflects the seventh year of loan repayments from Groundwater users for purchase of the water rights at Pristine Springs. This motion then transfers those money to the Aquifer Planning and Management Fund for aquifer monitoring, measurement, and modeling. Line item 3 shifts the last remaining dedicated position in the Northern Idaho Adjudication to the General Fund. Line item 4 funds five positions to support the surface water settlement agreement. Line item 5 provides $5,000 ongoing for the Bear River Commission Assessment. Line item 6 provides funding for one technical hydrogeologist needed in Coeur d'Alene. Line item 8 provides funding for two positions to work on water right licencing backlogs. Line item 11 includes $6 million ongoing from the General Fund and $2.5 million one-time from the Economic Recovery Reserve for Water Recharge and Aquifer Stabilization Projects. Those moneys are then transferred to the Secondary Aquifer Planning, Management, and Implementation Fund. Lastly, this motion transfers $100,400 from General Fund to the Priest Lake Outlet Subaccount to restore cash used for other purposes. Overall, the motion adds funding for eight positions: one in Couer d'Alene, two in Idaho Falls, one in Twin Falls, three at the Boise Regional Office, and one at the Boise Headquarters. The total motion is a 53.2% increase in the General Fund and a 37.2% increase in all funds. | have additional language for the needed transfers. Cash Transfers: Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 authorize the four cash transfers. | request unanimous consent that the Cash Transfer sections be included in the budget. Page spans $3180 Cash Transfer Language for IDWR budget: © | SECTION 3. CASH TRANSFER. There is hereby appropriated to the = | Department of Water Resources and the State Controller shall transfer a &| $716,000 from the Revolving Development Fund to the Aquifer Planning and "| Management Fund, on July 1, 2016, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for S| the period July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017. 2 | SECTION 4. CASH TRANSFER. Of the amount appropriated in Section 1 of ¢2 | this act to the Planning and Technical Services Program from the Economic > | Recovery Reserve Fund for lump sum, the State Controller shall transfer 28 | $2,500,000 to the Secondary Aquifer Planning, Management and £8 | Implementation Fund, on July 1, 2016, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for & | the period July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017 2 | SECTION 5. CASH TRANSFER. Of the amount appropriated in Section 1 of £2 | _ this actto the Planning and Technical Services Program from the General 4 = | Fund for lump sum, the State Controller shall transfer $5,000,000 to the 28 | Secondary Aquifer Planning, Management and Implementation Fund, on July £8 4, 2016, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the period July 1, 2016, 3 through June 30, 2017. ¥ SECTION 6. CASH TRANSFER. There is hereby appropriated to the {| Department of Water Resources and the State Controller shall transfer '9.3.8| $100,400 from the General Fund to the Miscellaneous Revenue Fund, on July bos 1, 2016, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the period July 1, 2016, '25 3) _ through June 30, 2017. Such moneys shall be credited to the Priest Lake & Outlet Subaccount. Page? ayiyrois of Pristine Springs Property Encourage Sale | Senator Brackett Legislative Intent for IDWR budget: SECTION 7. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. Itis the intent of the Legislature that the Idaho Water Resource Board sell the Pristine Springs property for the appraised value, and that the proceeds be deposited to the General Fund. Page 8 spas ‘workgroup [Baparinont of Parks and Recreation “caren Ree Toto or ai aco Boho Lacey Mir a root | err Gard Dedeted Facer Tot le Appraain Sara sag | tens — 30 00 00300 sk 7900 2017 Base Sirrtoe sent [hanes syn atom —css.ioo —sastoo ett on ne] eats — ato izioo Tar encore tome ae ° zane ° | zackawe state Cont hoaton auc ““ssa| mong arma 3 Skate Jrneimempryes composaon ime oetoos| cm Stapo town wouoo. Mh 00 hPa oe —_atee| aso aon aman sano 384,00 ran Prog Watnance Sauer s6s8.200| ano 350 Hamuror_— apt amo 5820 Fare Education Coot 1 rea 00 1 cra fc canada i Cote 3 sgonons| 000 2 sero ¢ tomo fi: ponroer uae cain 9 “espaoo| 00 “esoa ooo feyoum Bouse OX Tat & “Stoo t00 ° eam oom ‘chan Sot eX Tlie ¢ seem] oo ° Sup oon on ose Ey Ros & soma t00 oe oon fr rman ay Une ea Se00 $m] om See ow rene Oe Storage Bang ‘owe ¢ omm| om ° iam ° tao pico ane Sno cea ome ¢ sao 8 Rom Tarega Gnas Campground Pas 2 aot ¢ — aseneea) B00 ° asa ° aso shin Perr! Cont oOo ° ‘ 0] b00 © “raoo 100000 ° 2uaga gunn Reo! Pn om) $a] oo ooo ¢_ son [rvavir Tout =aset es | — Sa —Sossaeo | “ome 8700 —siataaan —eea7amo asso a FY TE eS ee oe | es — rie aoe Tialon Stating wih the JFAC base clude $174,100 for benefit cost, include $2,405,900 rom dedicated funds fr replacement dems, include $34 500 for ean a reation, $241 800 for CEC, and 8254 100 for the 27th payrol_Include all the ine tems a recommended bythe Governor. | mows fo ne ae cof Parka ond Recreaen for cel yeat 2017: 83,338,70 om tne General Fund, $31,396,400 fem dedestd und, and $4,887 80 from federal ‘nds for otal of $39,630,900 and 160.89 FTPs, piscussion’ This maton mazhes the Govemo’'s Recommendation. The maton isa 2.1% decrease inthe General Fund, a 152% nerease in ddcated funds, a a eal fans or an over inerease of 1138 in al funds fom the curent budge. There ave two seetons of standard legislative tent hat Tul adress ater \dard Intent fr. 10% nu in 1 | request unanimous consent to include the attached legislative intent Page ayrpanis 238° 10% Transfer Exception| Carryover Standard Intent Language Included in IDPR budget: SECTION 3. EXEMPTIONS FROM PROGRAM TRANSFER LIMITATIONS. Notwithstanding Section 67-3511(1) and (2), Idaho Code, trustee and benefit payments appropriated for grants in the Management Services Program may be transferred to capital outlay in the Capital Development Program or to capital outlay in the Park Operations Program to reflect grants awarded to the Department of Parks and Recreation for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Legislative appropriations shall not be transferred from one fund to another unless expressly approved by the Legislature. SECTION 4. REAPPROPRIATION. There is hereby reappropriated to the Department of Parks and Recreation any unexpended and unencumbered balances appropriated or reappropriated to the Department of Parks and Recreation for the Capital Development Program for fiscal year 2016 to be used for nonrecurring expenditures in that program for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 Page 10 s/r/zoas

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