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Moore 1


Alex Moore

Mrs. Cottrell
Career Prep A-132
March 4, 2016


Moore 2

There are so many countries I could have chosen to research; however, I have always
been interested in visiting Greece. Greece is a beautiful place to visit. Its exotic and filled with
beautiful scenery. It also tells many stories with its beautiful historic landmarks.

Greeces government is a Parliamentary Republic. Its Head of State gets elected every 5
years. The Head of State is also the president of the country. Their Prime Minister is the head of
their government. The current Head of State is Prokopis Pavlopoulos. Their current president is a
part of the New Democracy. The government name is the Hellenic Republic. Their constitution
was adopted in the year 1975. The current Prime Minister is Alexis Tsipras.

Greece is located in southern Europe. It is located between Albania and Turkey. It borders
the Ionian Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Its considered to be a part of western Europe.

Greeces currency is known as the euro. Its worth approximately $1.09 if converted to

Tourists can visit the beautiful landmarks. They can prepare to hear the mysterious
history to behind every ruin. They can shop and visit little diners at the Kolonaki and Syntagma
Square. If youre looking for somewhere to stay while visiting this beautiful place, stay at the
Grace Santorini and enjoy their free breakfast. Visit the beautiful Zigori and the Cape Sounion to
see the ruins of the Temple of Poseidon.

Moore 3

Visit the Acropolis of Athens. Tourists should also visit the Parthenon and hear the
mysterious stories. Check out the White tower of Thessaloniki. Delphi is Greeces most known
and popular archaeological site. Visit the largest and one of the most historical island Crete.

The Greek flag is blue and white. It has a white cross in the top left corner. The flag lies
in a blue field.

Greeces population is 11,129,645

Greek is the official language. Koine is the term for common Greek. The everyday
vernacular is Dhimoti.

Greeces culture started in the Mycenaean Greece. It originated in the Byzantine period.
It has continued in the classical age. Its common religion goes around the Eastern Orthodox
Church. There type of dress is pretty common and similar to the U.S.

Greek food has adopted some of its factors from the west and east. The Persians have
brought over honey, sesame seeds, and honey to the Greek diet. The Arabs brought over many
types of spices. Romans left behind different types of pasta.


Moore 4
Many people from Greece were ancient and contributed to our literature. Famous writers
like Homer, who wrote the Iliad. Some of the philosophy that we study till this day like Plato and
Aristotle were natives to Greece.

Along with the actual report, you are to create a vivid and exciting slide show. The
slideshow should have a few facts that were discussed in your paper along with a lot of
beautiful pictures of your country.-

Along with your paper and slideshow, you are to prepare or purchase a dish (food item)
that is relevant to your chosen country. Be prepared to discuss how your chosen dish
relates to your country. We will have a festival celebrating all of the countries
represented during the presentations.-

The last portion of this project-create an informative poster with information and pictures
about your country OR dress in something that is relevant to your chosen country.

This project is worth 500 points! The business report

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