Vocab Question Words

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Question words and useful


To talk about where others and

I go.

To talk about when things are done

despus - afterwards, later

despus de - after
los fines de semana - on the weekends
los lunes - on Mondays
El tiempo libre - (the) free time

To talk about where

someone is from

De dnde eres - Where

are you from?
of, from

To indicate how often


To Ask Questions

Qu - What
Cul - Which
Cundo- When
Quin- Who

Questions Cont.
Cunto- How much/many
Dnde- Where
Adnde -To Where
Por qu- Why
Cmo- How

Other useful words

No me digas - You dont say

para (+ verb in infinitive) - in order
Ex: Voy a la biblioteca para

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