Class Strategy

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Past papers


20% Homeworks, Worksheets, Quizzes (roughly 45 hws+15 worksheets/quizzes)= each


50% for three Midterm exams

30% for Final exam

but you receive 10% extra credit for any problems you do before
coming to that class

Each hw 2h= 0.3% 1h=0.15%

Tutor room, Kenny

Discussion ask for help

Attempt hw before class, use webassign hints
Be strategic and concentrate on topics that will come on exam
Learn topic class TA, with examples, homework
Try to do about 1h daily
Math classes do problems (use internet if needed)
Create a list of key facts/theorems in book for reference


In-class ex /hw follow up solutions

Attempt problems in weekend,
Mon or Wed 1:40 2:00 Craig
Clearly tab manual
Create formula sheet as you go

Each hw=7-8h=2-3% 1h = 0.3%

Design Problems (inclass and takehome (6 to 8)) 30%

Midterm Exams (2) 40 (20 each)
Final Exam (8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. December 19th) 30

Hw generally due on Wed

Mojtaba/Rebecca wed mon
Mon 11-12AM Ask Prof.

1. Exam #1 ................................................................................ 20%

2. Exam #2 ................................................................................ 20%
3. Final Quiz ............................................................................. 10%
4. Homeworks ........................................................................... 15% (7-8)
5. Mix Design Competition ...................................................... 10%
6. Lab Reports/Presentation ...................................................... 25%
Total = 100%

Pop quiz dont count, extra reading can be useful

The breakdown of grades for item #6, above, shall be: Lab Report #1 = 9%,
Lab Report #2 = 12%, Student Presentations = 4%.
Each hw 6h = 2%, 1h =0.3%
Structural Analysis

Slow lecturer do math/asphalt extra reading

5 to 6 pm Th TA
Hw on Thurs PM
Use reduced system/ matlab to check results
Create formula sheet as you go

Homework Assignments (10) 25%

Exam 1 Oct. 15, Monday, 12:00-1:50pm 20%
Exam 2 Nov. 14, Wednesday, 12:00-1:50pm 20%
Final Exam Dec. 18, Tuesday, 7:00-10:00pm 35%
All exams are closed book and notes. One sheet of hand-written notes will be allowed in
examinations (two for the final). The final exam is comprehensive.
5-6h=2.5%, 1h=0.5%
Catch up math TA/kenny
Steel do in advance
Asphalt lab reports important
Structural analysis take computer

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