March 9

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Reminder: corrections on the quiz and animal projects are due Friday - if
you need help, please come see me in study hall or after school.
Finish Evidence of Evolution packet
Comparative Anatomy CrashCourse
Intro to Chapter 6 Packet Darwin!

Before the CC video, please jot down the following

on the back of your the video is on, do
your best to take note of these four things.

What is an animal?
a. Animal?
What does convergent evolution use?
a. Convergent evolution?
What did Huxley do?
a. Huxley?
What tissues make animals?
a. Tissues?

Please turn in your evidence packet and pick up a

Chapter 6 packet!

First to publish about evolution

English naturalist best known for

developing the theory of evolution
Statement supported by evidence, highly tested,
accepted by the scientific community as fact
Change over time through mutation, natural
selection, leads to different species

Individual best fit to environment will

survive, reproduce, pass on its genetics
Casual way of saying natural selection
Favorable mutation, helps survival
Discussed by Darwin - individuals of some
species help family members reproduce but
dont reproduce themselves, for the good
of the hive


University; studied medicine, clergy

Travels aboard The Beagle, collecting samples, develops his
Marries cousin Emma, has 10 children
Publishes On The Origin of Species


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