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Rhetorical Analysis on a Satirical

Illustration by Pawel Kuczynsky
Grecia Hinojos
University of Texas at El Paso

Illustration by Pawel Kuczynsky

Grecia Hinojos
RWS 1301
Rhetorical Analysis on
Satirical Illustration by
Pawel Kuczynsky
Rhetorical Analysis
In this decade in which we live in our world is full of technology, which is a
great advantage for the human being since communication across the globe is so
much easier and faster. Not only that but also there has been an accelerating
growth in the science and medical fields. As one can list how humanity has
benefited from technology, a certain stress should be made in the consequences
this also brings. With the invention of the smart phone and social media it is
possible to communicate with a family member or a friend that is in a completely
different country. As mentioned in this 21 st century life has changed drastically for
the great advantages technology has brought but a polish illustrator by the name
of Pawel Kuczynsky has been working on satirical images since 2004 with the
finality of trying to provoke the people and get them thinking on how the go on
with their lives. The impact of the illustrations by Pawel conveyed by his use of
pathos, logos and ethos create a strong perspective.
The topics of Pawel are from social media, animal rights, politics and
poverty. One of the images caught a particular attention which is the most
famous one in which he tries to convey a message of social media. This image
has no name but the subject is about facebook. A well-known, platform in which
people upload pictures or update their status so their friends can see it. The
argument itself seen is that people are so obsessed with this application that they
live their lives through it creating a certain box, and it is exactly depicted by that
the character of the image is in box like room that looks like a prison.
The logos the artist used are very simple and peculiar one might have not
imagined. He creates a small prison for the character yet the door is open for
him to leave. Sending a clear message that it is the decision of the character to
look out the lens instead of going outside. He uses the logo of the social platform

that is considered to be the most popular in this decade, anyone can relate to it.
The window of the room is so high, giving no light to the room. Which leads to the
last point where the colors used in the image are dark and dull throughout except
in the small part where the outside world is and the colors he used there are
bright, that small section is the outdoor (nature).
The pathos used in this image can be interpreted by the position the
person is in which is a slouching pose, that manifests into a defensive attitude
that many of us may have when the feeling of uneasiness or fear is felt. The
slouching position in which the character is also shows that he is looking out his
door though the lens of F of facebook. Hence the use of pathos again hoping that
it will provoke a reaction to the audience, making themselves wonder if this could
be them. The box he created looks like a prison with bolts in the door and the
walls surrounding them have no decoration, not making it inviting.
The image speaks for itself, it has been published in several newspapers
in the cartoon section and is in a variety of articles around the world. The ethos of
the author are well developed he has won over 100 prizes including the Eryk
Award by the Association of Polish Cartoonists and a silver prize in the Dicaco
International Cartoon Contest. He has had anti-war and activist exhibitions held
in Brussles even after the Charlie Hedbo incidident in 2015 terrorist attack. His
art is well-known in Europe and is spreading across the globe. Not only does he
have this illustration he created with the image discussed included 36 other
illustration considered a mind provoking collection.
This image has the potential to convey the message that it is trying to get
across even though its very simple. It goes straight to the point and targets the
newer generations, although people might not see it as a problem the reality is
that it is. The way human interact these days is completely different and it is
affecting physically and mentally in the human development creating an
unrealistic expectation of life. It is an unnatural way of bonding and connecting
with our friends that has destroyed our society.

"These 29 Clever Drawings Will Make You Question Everything Wrong With The
World." The Mind Unleashed. The Mind Unleashed, Inc, 27 May 2014. Web. 23
Feb. 2016.

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