Pregnancy Induced Hypertention

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Commonly Occurring

Decreased blood flow to the
placenta: reduces oxygen
and nutrient flow to the fetus
Placental Abruption: early
separation of the placenta
from the uterus
Premature Delivery:
recommended in certain
cases to prevent life
threatening complications
Future Cardiovascular
Problems: experienced
postpartum when
preeclampsia or premature
birth has occurred


High blood pressure

problems occur in 6% to
8% of all pregnancies in
the U.S.

Over the past 10 years, the

rate of high blood pressure
during pregnancy has
increased by nearly onethird.

Women with chronic

hypertension, women who
are obese prior to
pregnancy, pregnant
women under the age of
20 or over the age of 40,
women who are pregnant
with more than one baby,
and women with diabetes
are more likely to develop
hypertension during

Disease & conditions. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Gestational hypertension: pregnancy induced
hypertension. (2012, April). Retrieved from /

Heude, B., Thibaugeorges, O., Goua, V.,

Forhan, A., Kaminski, M., Foliguet, B., & ... Charles, M.
(2012). Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index and Weight
Gain During Pregnancy: Relations with Gestational
Diabetes and Hypertension, and Birth
Outcomes. Maternal & Child Health Journal, 16(2), 355-363.
High blood pressure in pregnancy. (n.d.).
Retrieved from
Pregnancy induced hypertension. (n.d.).
Retrieved from


What is Pregnancy
Induced hypertension?
Pregnancy Induced
hypertension is a form of
high blood pressure. Blood
pressure is the force of blood
pushing against blood vessel
walls. High blood pressure
means that the pressure in
the blood vessels is above the
normal range. Pregnancy
induced hypertension is a
complication of pregnancy
that is characterized by high
blood pressure, fluid
retention, and protein in

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

The best way to prevent
hypertension during pregnancy
is early detection. It is important to
monitor for any changes to
effectively detect any symptoms of
hypertension. Some symptoms
Sudden weight gain
Blurred vision or double
Protein in urine (urine looks
Urinating in small amounts
Nausea, vomiting
Right-sided upper abdominal
Changes in liver or kidney

Hypertension is a major
concern during pregnancy
because not only does it have the
potential to cause problems for the
mother but it also can cause
unexpected problems for the baby.
When a mother has hypertension it
causes the blood vessels to constrict
and result in resistance of blood
flow to the mothers organs
including the liver, kidneys, brain,
uterus, and placenta. Other
problems that may develop are
placental abruption intrauterine
growth restriction, and stillbirth. If
left untreated the mother may
experience dangerous seizures and
even death of the mother and fetus.

To prevent hypertension
during pregnancy it is
recommended by the American
Pregnancy Association to:
Rest lying on the left side
to prevent the weight of the
baby from pressing on any
of the mothers major
Have frequent prenatal
Decrease the amount of
salt in diet.
Drink 8 glasses of water
each day
Blood pressure medication
(for severe hypertension)

The goal for treatment after being affected by pregnancy-induced hypertension is to prevent it
from getting worse and any further damage. Once diagnosed with this condition the mother
should expect to follow the following treatment options:
Bead rest
Hospitalization if close monitoring is needed
Magnesium sulfate to lower blood pressure
Continuous fetal monitoring
Frequent laboratory testing of urine and blood
Delivery of the baby early

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