Gloria Milton

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Mary Jan Lantz, Director of Human Resources and Risk Management


Supporting Documentation Non-Faculty

Below you will find supporting documentation requested:

1. Win-Win Attitude (Always presents a pleasant demeanor, approachable, open minded,
creates an atmosphere of caring, and positive problem solving).
I believe I present a pleasant demeanor every day. I greet people with a smile and hello. I
try to remember names of staff and students so I can give them personal greetings.
Everyone needs a smile instead of frowns.
I am open-minded and approachable. People often ask me for directions to various offices
or how to perform operations. Students ask me for help writing letters. We develop a
rapport so that when they see me, they remember who I am and speak to me wherever I go.
I create an atmosphere of caring because I DO care. If I see someone hurting, I will reach
out to them physically or via email. I will pray with people who need something positive at a
particular moment. If I have something you need, I will give it to you. I do not expect
anything in return.
I am a problem solver. I will figure out how to accomplish a task. If I do not know, I will
research and practice until I get it right.

2. Collaboration (Exhibits positive teamwork to achieve institutional goals, supportive of other

people and departments, goes beyond and above job duties to help other).
I believe in teamwork. I have worked with students to write thank you letters to scholarship
donors which tells their unique stories put into proper format.
I have worked with various College offices, Regents, Galveston College Foundation Directors,
and outside vendors to prepare for events and/or projects like the Five Fabulous Chefs Events,
The UnGala 2015, the upcoming Gala, and events to benefit college programs.
I have worked with my Director and Grants Writer on many successful Galveston College
appeals, projects, and grants by doing what it takes to get the job done.
In my personal life, I collaborated with church members to feed over 600 people at our Annual
Thanksgiving Dinner. This annual event is free to whomever wishes a hot meal. I have also
worked with my church to purchase and distribute toys to children at our Annual Childrens
Christmas Program. In addition, I prepare meals and/or run errands for friends and neighbors
who may be ill or elderly, or just hungry.

3. Enhancement of college operations (Develops effective department/college procedures and

processes, identifies area for improvement and recommends changes, works to achieve
I am working with my Director, Maria S. Tripovich, to raise money for scholarships and
programs. Our office is also responsible for getting materials/supplies and equipment for
Nursing, Health Sciences, and the College.

I have worked with my Director, the Presidents Office, the Vice Presidents Office, and
various outside vendors to coordinate and stage the UnGala on the Galveston College
Campus. The event raised funds for Nursing, Health Sciences, and Performing Arts.
I am working with my Director to coordinate the Galveston College 50th Anniversary Gala
scheduled for October 2016.
I have worked on fundraising appeals for Galveston College and the Galveston College
I have workedand I am still working--with the Galveston College Foundation to raise funds
for Universal Access through the Five Fabulous Chefs events.
I have worked with my Director, the Presidents Office and the Office of Public Affairs to
bring scholarship donors and scholarship recipients together and to raise funds for various
College programs.
I have worked with my Director and the Office of Financial Aid to develop tools to inform
students and their parents about the Universal Access program. I have also worked with
area schools to supply Universal Access information for students and their parents.

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