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Tristan Strom

Ms. Stronks
Vocab #16
1. Altercation: Noun - a noisy argument or disagreement
After our altercation, we didnt talk for two days.
2. Appalling: Adjective - awful, terrible
The appalling treatment of a waiter made me never eat there again.
3. Asafetida: Noun - a resin-like gum that comes from a plants roots
The sight of the asafetida is different.
4. Boded: Verb - be an omen of a particular outcome
The new revelation meant that the case boded well.
5. Contemptuously: Adjective - showing contempt, scorn
She sneered contemptuously as she stormed out of the building.
6. Contentious: Adjective - causing or likely to cause an argument, controversial
Dont act contentious; youll end up starting a fight.
7. Denoted: Verb - be a sign of, indicate
This symbol was denoted to be a life giving spell.
8. Diligently: Adjective - constant in effort to accomplish something
She worked diligently, turning out essay after essay.
9. Emerge: Verb - to come forth into view or notice
She would not emerge from her room for three days.
10. Evidently: Adverb - obviously, apparently
My generous offer would evidently take her some to mull over.
11. Frivolous: Adjective - characterized by lack of seriousness or care
I myself would not hire the young, frivolous attorney to defend me.
12. Habiliments: Noun - clothing
The habiliments worn by priests to church are sometimes very
13. Impose: Verb - to put or set by as if by authority
He will now impose his beliefs onto her.
14. Indignantly: Adjective - feeling or showing anger or annoyance at seemingly
unjust treatment
The child acted indignantly and wouldnt go inside when his mother told
him to
15. Persisting: Verb - to last or endure tenaciously
The high screeching noise kept persisting until we got a mechanic to look
at it.
16. Pestering: Verb - to bother persistently with petty annoyances
The annoying little girl kept pestering him about buying a toy for her.
17. Petticoat: Noun - a womans light, loose slip worn under a skirt or dress
Im not sure if I have ever worn a petticoat before.
18. Provoked: Verb - to give rise to a strong reaction in someone
When they are provoked, snakes will go for the attack.
19. Reckon: Verb - conclude after calculation, be of the opinion
I reckon that youll never get out of here.
20. Steeple: Noun - a church tower or spire
Dont go up on a steeple as that could be dangerous.

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