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Even though these articles have the same topic climate changes,
they have different conventions, features, tones, person pronoun
and different aspects to view the same topic, because different
areas article has to attract different group of audiences.


There are some similar and different conventions and features in

these two academic articles, which are important for persuading
readers to believe their argument.


On the other hand, the conventions and tones of a famous persons

speech in public are distinct and unique, which have essential role
to appeal citizens what they should do.


Except similar and different conventions appear in these three

articles, there are many special moves, which has its own
function to whole paper, in each article.


So why does each article have different conventions, different

tones, different purpose? The main reason is that the main group
readers of each article are different.


In general, academic paper has its advantages and non-academic

paper also has its advantages. On the other hand, academic paper
also has disadvantages compared to non-academic paper; nonacademic paper either has disadvantages compared to academic
After comparing these three articles, it is obvious that academic
paper is more logical, scientific and persuasive than non-academic
paper is and non-academic paper also can express what academic
paper cannot.


WP2 Reverse Outlines

For WP2, I either do not make any large structure changes. Like my WP1, WP2 either
is not so specific. And another problem is that I do not make a perfect hook in the
beginning paragraph. Actually, I do not how to write a hooked beginning paragraph to
grab readers attention. In addition, I still make some phrase unclearly. For example, I
write academic paper is realer than non-academic paper. Actually, I mean the
evidences in academic paper will make audiences believe the argument much easier.
In general, my WP2 is better than my WP1.

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