Micah Kint

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David M. Zula Andrea J. Berger Principal Assistant Principal ‘To Whom It May Concern: |'am writing this leter to recommend Miss Micah Kint for a teaching postion in your school. Micah has been a student teacher in my classroom for eight weeks during her special education placement at Kutztown University. ‘Miss Kint has taught students in third and fourth grade learning support with a multitude of disabilities and severities, It should go without saying that Micah has a true passion for teaching. Her passion and patience is demonstrated ‘each and everyday with the varity of student needs that she addresses throughout the school day. Since the first day of her placement, Micah has had a “take charge” personality and immediately jumped into help in al ways possible. Que to the many responsibilities of my own schedule throughout the day, Micah has demonstrated the ability to be flexible and wel planned even in unideal situations. She has had many experiences in her short time in ‘our classroom. She has planned, helped create, and attended several EP meetings. She has had experience with progress monitoring students in second, third, and fourth grade. As lead special education teacher in my building, 1 attend monthly administrative meetings as wel as special education meetings with colleagues. Micah has had the ‘opportunity to attend these meetings and has gained additional experience as a future educator. Most Jmportantiy, Micah has had the unique opportunity to observe and aide in the implementation of the Dyslexia Pilot {nour district. She has experience with the Orton Gillingham methodology in both Kindergarten and second grade, \ith individual students and small groups. This typeof intervention Is research based and essential for students with reading difficulties. ‘Micah has made many professional relationships with colleagues and administrators in our district. Colleagues have asked Micah to take on additional responsibilities throughout the day since they knaw they ean count on her for any job. She truly takes the initiative to seek out opportunities to gain further knowledge and experience whenever possible. ‘eel truly privileged to have had the opportunity te have Miss Micah Kint teaching in my classroom during her special education placement. highly recommend Miss Knt for a teaching postion in your school and feel that her Unique passion and knowledge to educate and nurture students willbe a great asset to your district. fyou have any further questions about my recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me. Naa, Mabcarc Robe (Mrs. Melissa Reber Lead Special Educetion Teacher Blue Mountain Schoo! District (570) 366-1065 675 Red Dale Road * Onwigsburg, Pennsylvania 17961 + (570) 366-1065 + FAX (570) 366-1797 “An Equal Opporcenity Employer

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