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Ueto eth) THE WALKING ROBERT KIRKMAN Creator, Writer CHARLIE ADLARD Penciler, Inker, Cover CLIFF RATHBURN Gray Tones, Cover Colors RUS WOOTON Letterer SEAN MACKIEWICZ Editor Previously: Negan’s first trip to Alexandria leaves the community scrambling to replenish their supplies. Carl is the lone resistance, stowing away on the to the Saviors’ camp. As the truck is unloaded, Carl opens fire, killing several men before he’s overtaken and given a For Skybound — SoPert (rkman Entertainment Shawn, uJ. Didde ic Stephenson ‘Sarah deLaine For Image Comics Eric Steph ae Robert Kirkman Todd McFarlane Mare Silvestri Valentino ne. Office of publication: 2134 Alleton Way, 2nd Floor, Berkeley, CA 9 rt Kirkman, LLC. All fights reserved. ‘THE WALKING DEAD (including all prom featured herein), its loge and all character likenesses are trademarks of Robert Kirkman, LLC, unless otherwise noted. Image Comics and ita logos are registored tr ind copyrights of Image Comics, Ine. All No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by xcept for short excerpts for review Purposes) without the express written permission of Image Comics, Inc. All names, characters, events and locales in this publication fictional. Any rea ent iblance to actual persons (living and/or dead), events or place intent, is coincidental. Printed in the US.A. For information regarding the CPSIA on. ‘material call: 203-595-9636 and provide reference # RICH - 462837. rights rese WHAT ARE YOU GONG TO DO.TO Me? fairy SERIOUSLY, FUCK YOU. ee Ml \ Mi \ les ‘ D }. al | th WELCOME HOME, SIR. I SAW T THE TRUCKS FROM THE | WINDOWS ON LEVEL FIVE-- J THAD TO SEE YOU RIGHT AWAY. NEGAN HAS, RETURNED/ Se AMBER, HONEY. YOU DONT HAVE Vo YOU TO BE'SCARED. YOUR POSITION | UNDERSTAND HERE IS COMPLETELY THAT, l “WAT, VOLUNTARY. DON'T WANT RIGHT? ANYONE HERE Ie THEY DON'T WANT TO BE. aN pl 50 YOU KNOW THAT SY AND GO B/ ww BE WITH HIM--YOU'LL FORFEIT W) OF COURSE IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE, TO MARK AND BACK TO WHATEVER JOB YOU HAD BEFORE SHERRY BROUGHT , WHAT CAN'T ca A’ EXACTLY FUCKING RIGHTS I’M SURE YOUVE HAD PLENTY OF NECK. RIGHT? YOU KILLED LIKE FIVE OR Sik OF My WI DIDNT | YOU KNOW WHAT, STOP. I CAN'T EVEN GET A GOOD (GO ON LIKE THIS. 17'S LIKE. TALKING TO A FLICKING BIRTHDAY PRESENT. TAKE THAT SHIT OFF THIS CAN'T GO UNPUNISHED, FUCKING CHRIST, MAN! NO WONDER YOU COVER | | | ee fs \ N Ti oT \ 1 SS HI ae | ay [Come i | As; \ | om ‘ 7 fr - i NO SHIT , THAT. | 3 INeeD \ |{ SOMETHING | FUCKING BULLSHIT YOU DON'T. KNOW e CLASSIC ROCK APHeLED JouRE Gone TO SING ME AFUCKING Aa Ss won’ WO iH F# CACO Resa WINS ‘Season's greetings, Letter Hacks! Now's the time of year that ‘rercan be thankful for the paychopaths, sycophants, miscreants nd degenerates that write in every month And all the ‘SBatanced” people, too. We wouldn't have ieany other way. Happy Holidays! Letters! Having worked on @ zomble book long enough to have thouaht about {hi stuf assay too much. ffee! nates my duty te pass an tne one thing that doce get used nearly enough n rome stoves. Tp we Maybe Robert has on entire story ine with trip wie in it that 1 haven't Fee, But, for what W's worth, coke he Run with Al yours fre and ‘okay. Back tothe rainbow cor. Aron Kuder the/motherfuckin=K! Well I's ike on Breaking Bad where the writers have to leave out a couple steps s0 people aren't really ‘Seeking meth. Robert doesn't want folks knowing how to REALLY survive a zombie apocalypse. Selfish? You decide: ‘seems far-fetched and a littie out of place (to me at least) if it tere to appear in these stories. That said, Fwouldn' rule ie out From ever happening. “There should be an issue of THE WALKING DEAD where they go to Your house and fin the scrips ta the ext few sues of THE WALKING BERD. That would make foram interesting story are ig Genoni Maybe Grant Morrison could pull something lke that off. ‘pastoral Huntérdon County, New Sersey: Ever 36 miles fom cea we Sere pteres wun Jt mpn gus fortwo sue hours ees oprostes 2nd evasttion everynhere, ven dawn Srake the Scene wat eve wots diet tren near he pie eu i a ad ance. the'scones of destruction I accessed through the phone were numbing With nothing much to do, I walked toa local Exxon and waited on line tora cup of coffee. for an hour. People talked about the storm, Someone mentioned & wae ie the apoctiypse, nave taadmt Ike many Welking Dead and general comic/aombie fans, my mina went Immediately fo the prospect ofthis unitcely, yet nox strangely trus, ‘stenari. Ohe could see now in any Soctety i woula ony take one person to storm the store and al woud eri in chaos {thought of The Rie of the Governor book, now the early times after the breakout were ‘described. It mas 9 9008 catration from a myied of erezy feelings ‘cad for tends, lucky tobe alve= wil work be 9¢h I think at ts heart, this comics and always has been about people, 1 know that has been sald before. But ater ths gay Til never read 3 ‘ory wlenin these pages eve same vay again, Rick an the eran ge Us hope. The storys sbout as real as k gets, when you tink of how (uekly society wuld de-evolve given ceftah stustons. Bute ‘rouge al, we can move forward. Jersey io. strong place with good people. He wil takes lor of work, but it wil get done. “Thanks for making my favorite form of entertainment a litle more than words and pictures on 8 page Patrick Bivona {ebonon Borough, New Jersey Patrick, good to hear you, as well as the other Sandy affectod Feaders,are safe! Coming out of adisaster like this, there were Stil the inevitable stories of footers piloting boats toward flooded beach homes or impersonating electrical workers to get Into abandoned apartments. at's face it The Knuckleheads, ont ever quit, ut they can be outweighed by the folks Bonding together to help out their neighbors and complete ‘Strangers. Which there were 9 LOT of belief that if civilization were to fall, we wouldn't unite, we. Hees faaia i eben caia an e ‘You bearded swine! Have you no shame? No decency? You dishonor Yourself snd your famiyt Maybe I should back up ané explain my rant, but the temptation to hur! Few more insults Is stong, You scruPhy looking tease So, this Michonne special issue thing totally sucked. I don't say hat iighty taiready knew ie wae a reprit of her rs appearance With just tle something extra I aready knew ft was from Playboy, 501 didnt think it would be too racy. 1 was not nomever, prepared to desl with the hanctot or wishy-washy pages't found mith hertaixing to ct Sead boyiriena seemes ile wimpy for she women Whe went at the Governor th pliers ang blowtorch 1 ques betrayed” ito strong word 1st feel tle lt down Everyone else in the TWD crew is awesome, and I love you. However, Kirkman, youre on thin fee, Youre gonna have to cut of Rick's other hand ors Yoot or sometning to redeem yoursel i get right on that (Sorry, ck.) In my defense, 111 Just say Seen, but we have seen, over time that her gruff exterior, was forthe most parts facade So ther Robert and co, Fics off, pretty much hate you. You falled to print my last letter then I Was so pralsing of you: Now, 17m pissed: You leave Hoagie atthe Hilltop and nowt wee jst supposed fo forget about her and Sopher tot sat the apse so much aon character, acaly tovsee them togetner for nom, Ivs been great to see them grow os 9 “Couple.” Ane flow thats dead (t least fer ow), That sucks. Secondly afterrading eater hacks iar 185, Tdacides tty Sul the soften up a) Not go mich that you cel es Jerky, bute a Frat In place of Ramen. So thank you for thet. I guess 1 ean forgive You for the fst transgression thanks to this ‘Ang now on to Sean. You don’t have the same snarky humor that Sine hed, but your commentary is sil pretty Funny. Ana Yes, snarky 2 wore: Lode itp you must ‘There's lots of things I don’t have that Sina does: a fashion Sense, the ability ta draw real well, a feminine name. Is that snarky enough for you? #youllneverbesina Ste you'and fa hen over esl a love with your bows amazing. 30 Shoemate Ss 1'm slowly making my way thraugh the second compendium, and Photed comething! What @ i wihrRobere Kirkman love stat omerandfhrougnsus ne eres hae generay been 8 man i nok nly Pes this ype, but also seems to Rave some unspoken manlove for Seal, Kirkinan? Not that there's anything wrong with fe But man, 1 Teel Ake lparts of tis series is Just an exploration ato your bottorrt6-bear Eugene Have you ever Googled "Robert Kirkman bear"? On, here we go. Dear Waking Dead Team, What the hells Glenn’s last name? I figure, since he's dead now and al ‘Thanks for satisying my curiosity Modesto, cA honestly don't belleve I ever gave him one. He's got one on the Stow, and I believe Steven Yeun actualy came up with ite Sou haven't bothered to remember": Scrow that guy. Well hey there, Me. Kirkman dense), loved neue TOS) Ane my question: " 1 read somewhere that you regret cutting off Rick's hand. Is this true? 1 refi igethi was aval part or the Book ond made hint what he Greetings from Buglrie, I don't regret doing it, I never regret story decisions on this book, BUY, that sald, it's ted to some diffeulties, and there are Storytelling cheats thae we de from time to time Every now anid then Rick does something he just shouldn't be able to do. So, due fo those fimitationse, T wouldn't do i again if Thad the chance (7V'SHOW?) but tha doesn't mean I regret "make th ample and quick, er 2 ls yearsint the romble you Find bread to male's sangwicn?s © " PS, This comics ike crack and I've been on board since day 1. ‘Taco shells are where it's a. You can still MAKE bread. The ingredients would keep. Shut up. Dear Robert and Sean, Carl! The kid nas ingane amounts of machismo. If [have one hope for his book, its that Car gece his heat legit kil with Negan, Let that crazy ls go wild with Luce ata play some sect music on Negan’s sll. Danie Belay (What the-- Legit Kill? Shanet Ben! A six pack of Saviors last issue! ‘What more do you want? woman's body activates to shut the kill dowa? Is that even, Funny?_1 don't know, 1's Taton, I'm Just going to feave fem Justin Case! Shutup, Bockrath--i'm tired. 1 like to see you do better! ear Robert, Okay. -pormaly 14 nave jumped al enationalo my computer and Ereshed you fot kiling off Clann (ike Taid when vou shot Carlin the eye) Bat dediged to st on it for'a few months and lett set n. Now lets go Beck in time It’s» Sunday efternoon ond I have the long anticipated Walking Dead Issue #4100, 1 tel everyone to leave me alone, Lam going to neve 9 great afternoon ang send my favorite com. I's a great tumpn for me as hove been with you since sue #1 and we dit. leave 2100.50. 1 fish the book.-dnd I say out oud, “Wom, Tédat enjoy that AT ALi" fof Natural Born ker, night dour tothe “My Mother soys.-" But that's hele me | could say Negan Is The Governor 2 and I was really going to trash you Burthats he a me seing Looking back Ym GLAD you killed Glenn. It was horribly dramatic, The Ifpage atthe close up of Glenn evoked the rror of Romero's Mat of the ivng Desa ikea that. The senseless daregorafor*human ie ‘Though I stil don’t care much for most ofthe characters or the Sometimes soap operas relationsnips. The Sook i ne. ike that Siroady by #102 we see that Rick how's plan. Oh this s gonna get GOOD, ‘want to toll you that The Walking Dead isthe ONLY comic book I reae rrowadaye since all my avorce Marvel tes got strange” ang dont feel lite ome anymore, Home ts now The Wailing Dead for beter or for tnorge: LIKE even ie makes me feel ike shit ike lsue #100, Thanks, IRMtas'a GREAT RIOE ‘Now another thing ke to bring up 1 was quite horied to see after the eters page was un. Walking Dead lunch boxes, You do know that this comic Bak is for adahe ight? 1 explain eto youn 2 way You ‘might understand. Bo you want some fucxtty fuck shitty shit Seven eds yeor olds reading Your fuskty fuck uck sh cause he ueking Instead if you must. See, then i will be a big collectors” tem. have @ bone to pick with you Robert and Image, What’ with the attermste covers*l am nota callector anymore, but i rememberes when yur grand epic ramble grape nave came ot, Tew Ras, Something good art T baught ¥ gues of #1 right there ar coon ae ame out Ie was along time ago, ut TKNEW fai. aise know now that they are valuable, so Agured 1a give one to v2 year ce (daughter so keep for sfaw decades for tne qrandkide, So checked. Gh PID buy 2 Issues of i slaght! 1 bought the valuable one ana fhe uckity Rick shit isgue thats nat worth fuckin’ shit Yuck shit 1 igove the ohe good one Ihad to my saugnter ana the sit one i gave cer stepnon who i 9 teenage fan of your come and the show. Why ‘ould you co thot to your fans right out of he gate mith Ieeue #1 3nd BOR ers ike ha iting senate covers® Beng wi you singe leave ONE and rot bet one the N/show conta ers fou and Iinoge Owe av ORIEANAL sve ONE” Or your Feces wil be on Your {I disagree that 1 owe you an original issue one. What version of {Sue One did you buy that's worthless? ‘Now back tothe book. think you should consider ENDING IT SOON, We great as is. Just ll everybody olf already. 1 think you should KITT BY ISSUE 150, Lett STAND ALONE. The BEST TV series re bnly 3 rd Seasons, thats whet makes them special Though 1 think Yours coule gs 9 go08'5 or mayoe'6 sessons. Anyway I'm ooking Forward to EVERYBODY getting kiled nthe come book, Your fons are ‘way too rabic umn. pastionate about the book ane the PEOPLE in But relax tans, they are not REAL PEOPLE. Its just a comic book. 1 promise you Iwill not be ending this series at issue 150. Youmay nb lke I, or maybe you do, LeaMt quite tll, but thankfully, other people really enjoy It including mew and Chorlle, ahd Rus, and Cliff (1 think)... el, even Sean likes It. So welll keep going. Have FUN, Robert. Kick as, The book i great, Rick does stupid shit all the time thet gets peope kilea.-1 think i's GREAT! leant waitto ee what mess they get to ts tm Enjoy, But endfor the books One last thing..afterreaing issue #100.'m now roting forthe Sincerely, ‘letor G8epar 2.5 il be wating for my esue #4, You better sgn too, That's Hi Robert S50 as along time reader and a student of wring, after issue 100, 1 Gecided ! upula make an etfs te wrteto you wth © question, couple ‘Ftnings writing courses and Books highlight, Is! 1) Make us care about the characters. 2) Make inspired/unexpected choices. (Obviously the success of Walking Dead can be attributes to both these factors: fhe later being a highlight ofthe series, Tmean where else sould some see nave te blo kof main charactors ik yu ther ngs because we cared about fim and had been wh him for s0 ions ‘ut then 1 started wondering at what stage do you hia point on ‘diminishing returns in terms of the story? ight now the original groups {ust down fa fen peop, people whort the readers have been Neaviy invested'a since the beginning of the series. How far do you go before the two points 1 made earlier are In confit with each other? At this rate somewhere down the road we ere going to have # totally Giterent cast of characters and players. Aret you worried that pegole ‘honcare ae much cause they den know any of these new people? How so you keep readers invested \fthere ie one to invest nt ust ‘mongering what you thought Keep up the good work binybe you should end iat £30." Well ail cam really say fe that Tknow what's ahead, and f think there's 2 Tot to look forward to. I’ve got rome really coo! things planned that are unlike anything that &appoared in the book thus far, and I'm confident i can keep this story compelling for many years to come. andif T ever run Out of fdeas and foul the book le starting to suck.-I'N Juct have Silens invade, which I predict will happen around issue 275. You ext month and celebrate Charlie Adiard’s 100th Issue of THE WAUIGING DEAD. This fs only my fourth issue, got to get a few tips from him on how to Keep this relationship fresh. -Sean Mackiewicz ‘And do it quickly, Sean, Sheesh. Okay kids. it's been fun, and realy hope you dug this Issue... See you all back here next month for Charlie's 100th issue. it going to ROCK:

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