TWD 106

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Ueto eth) THE WALKING DEAD ROBERT KIRKMAN Creator, Writer CHARLIE ADLARD Penciler, Inker, Regular & Variant Covers CLIFF RATHBURN Gray Tones, Cover Colors RUS WOOTON Letterer SEAN MACKIEWICZ Editor Previously: After his assault on the Savior’s base, Carl has become Negan’s guest. While ‘there, Negan forces Carl to show him the wound beneath his bandages. Negan also fears that one oF his wi is cheated on him. For that, her lover receives the Iron, where his face is horrifically burned as @ permanent mark of betrayal Now Carl must pay his own price for killing Negan’s men. For Skybound Robert Kirkrnan Entertainment ‘Shawn uJ. Didde ase oe Brandon West Relations LA SIBOUIND. 000, spactiovicz rie Stephenson ‘Sarah deLaine For Image Comics mala Steph @. 2" Todd McFarlane Mare Silvestri Vincent Kukua Jim Valentino THE WALKING DEAD #108. January 2013. 2001 Center St., th Floor, Berkeley, CA 9» 2013 Robert Kirkman, LUC. All rights Feserved. THE WALKING DEAD (including all prominent characters featured herein), its logo and bil character likenesses are trademarks of Robert Kirkman, LLC, unless otherwise noted. Image Comics and its logos are registered trademarks and copyrighis of Image Comics, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted In any form or by any means (except for short excerpts for review purposes) without the express written permission oF Image Comics, Inc. All names, characters, events and locales in this publication are enti fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons (living and/or dead), events or place: intent, is coincidental. Printed in the US.A. For information regarding the CPSIA on. ‘material call: 203-595-9636 and provide reference # RICH - 468471 Office of publication: ._ Copyright WHAT ARE THEY EVEN IT's HIS SON. DOIN IG OUT THERE? SHE WAS NEVER SPENCER--E THINK T'VE MY GIRLFRIEND, ER. SAD MAYBE TWO WORDS I'D LIKE TO KNOW THE SAFETY OF THS ‘COMMUNITY ISN'T DEPENDENT ON THE BEHAVIOR OF ff ‘THAT BOY. WAH MAKES \\ telat Aes Mone PANEL, Bia SORE YOU THINK WE CAN AFFORD A DISTRACTION UKE THIS YOURE A L{ so08 man, SPENCER. R > A) BOYS! IT's CEE TING DARK. LET'S HEAD HOME! 7 RICK IS SPENDING EVERY WAKING HOUR TRYING TO FIND HS SON--AND WE'RE HELPING HIM KEEP THS COMMUNITY TOGETHER WHILE HE DOES: ia AND DAWN (ERIC, We OWE Hina HAT. WE DID OKAY ON OUR ‘OWN OUT THERE, RECRUITING PEOPLE. ARE YOU SAYING ¥ RUN PREPARE FOR ” WAERE, anassauT? WETREy PREPARE TO : WE KNOW HOW RUN? TO SURVIVE. THIS PLACE IS SPECIAL. Y WE SHOULD BE TALKING ABOUT YOU KNOW THAT. RICK” ' SECURING THIS PLACE, MAKING IT WORK, WE SHOULD BE GONG OUT ON RUNS FOR FERTILIZER, et FT SOUNDS LiKe YOU REALLY BELIEVE No, CIVILIZATION. GIVING THIS GUY HALF ‘OF OUR SUPPLIES IS AFAIR TAX WE ALOT LESS TENSE, WE ‘CAN u WTH THE HILLTOP, TOO. ae pe. w eitaat DIDN'T WANT TO WAKE YOU BUT T THOUGHT THIS NEWS WAS WORTH--| NEGAN... T KNOW WHERE HE LIVES. SV SAW HIS CARAVAN ENTER-- THEY'VE GOT A WALL, CANT REALLY SEE SIDE. AST THEY'VE GOT AKILLNG FIELD... I DON'T WHAT ARGUND KNOW WHAT EL3E YOUD. CALL IT, THEY'RE USING THE DEAD AS A DEFENSIVE MEASURE. PRETTY SMART. THEY'VE GOT THEM IMPALED INTO THE GROUND, CHAINED TO CARS, TIED DOWN, SOME’ MORE MOBILE THAN OTHERS. gust GETTING TO THE WALL COULD BE A PROBLEM. THAT DOESN'T ‘SOUND PROMISING. AND ONCE WE'RE: INSIDE =-HOW DO WE FIND HIM? YOU SAD THIS PLACE HAS HOW MANY’ FLOORS? SOME TALL TREES NEARBY--DONT. KNOW HOW CLEAR AVIEW YOU COULD GET WITHOUT RISK OF BEING SPOTTED. ROAMERS WON'T EVEN NOTICE Us. I DONT KNOW... A, BUNCH. TEN? TT's A HUGE PLACE: THERE A. PLACE NEARBY WHERE T COULD SET UP, WATCH THEM THROUGH MY SCOPES I'D BE BEST TO KNOW WHAT WE'RE RUNNING INTO MAYBE I'D SEE CARL. I’M gust Y ITLL BE ENOUGH OF A ruc YOU TO SHOW HIM WE KNOW WHERE PLACE THAT Vo SEEMS LIKE BIG--WE'RE "THIS COULD I'VE BEEN DEALING WITH NEGAN ALOT LONGER THAN YOU--AND T CAN, SAY HE'S COMPLETELY UNPREDICTABLE, Ny ETN Dy tong loran ariat to hi Chari Adlard mak ‘better ai the goddamn time. Congratst Hey Robbie Sed geist te ance waa hc aed Believe, unprecedented for an independent comic. ‘You just can't win. omic, thane from the novels ts. BOTH take placeln the same, ngeetintner a mbonnnistte Son copycat rears dono Wy klk, Standard W-16/H-4 (and almost al Rave il aut, single set aye burs re. ‘They eon be iggea but why would you fam toa concern? Catt mnt awd fumbled the vespon a bs maybe even drape Scroll series would be amazingl nem of reimutl ear Robert “The Dungeon Master” Kirra and Sean “The Commie’ siete amaneterneet Gna anirana eee {oy don't know anything about guns, Rob Shelor. You should listen fei Gort hig plan, mean, Carls an annoying piece of shit Iforgiwe im for Compietely dlaagree with. But go on Jouve seen the “nere’ Car jouer abouts Soves ca nas nb of ing a caLing things iat sewn ane tin hs ther a {top of he worl, but GODDAM, he a tebe father: Uah And that, PS you have anything tod with how the show e going and you have liven Pakistan. Where arnt supposed to ind your comscs here and oh God ye never had on autographed aryting, Pease be nce icant wat the delay, £0 buy them daly, You shad read about Brant ‘Anyoy, good series, geting beter in ecent eons. MARCELO Besides, we sifnow PAKISTAN isthe problem. : ‘worldwide In English. buts- was making 9 oe! 2ust read £104, Please for he love of god wrap hs Negan/ Govern rehash En in tesue (2 vor comfort: Ico sand you soe oyu you anyiays.uf you wanted todo something predetable, why dd’ you a last Se seeing en thatpcple nau have att pd fo) Sa cto ilk ay iderbest trang becouse both know f's going to be hae seen tis belore and whl an aerate Governor oryine pays ot on inthe cayor tin Cray opote qe wah weit ewe mucho ino'athng bata cheap Redneck Gane Of Thrones” wh afew zombies todneck Game of Thrones! Let's go pitch THAT to AMC! ‘or hn at as me ben es Having Carl smeton tink would be ago ea 9 ery to fate bunt fore vious se of padzin. Watching Rick and crew do NOTHING BIR Sele Seay ae Ste ar Thanks forthe support Floyd. I'm sure I'l get through i, t00. Xm ‘The only thing Negan hasin common with Tae Governors that they The Governor never had 2 baseball bat! Toat ae TH0, Wel, tie 65-year male i back reading comics agen. [was hooked on the ek de cur local vary nthe consotdatad issue. ow Un tading the month [tues is my od ‘one ofthe things that as struck me about TWO is how smarts is forthe ‘early wiped out Europe and wnat ardes were ese mercenary uns of men {hatte thon os kngits, Communities bulma cis tea ese armies y- states See tho same thing developing here and has ead me tit the Tele senners same htory major wth an English minor wil write 8 earch peer sine io mth icine rier itis ie, Inmy mind, the most interesting part of the story Imes. ‘vein, Fowertul men Bull armies, terrorize the pepulace and there's an element oF eienco mystery. In fact, Ts sy tat NBC hae ppd a TWD. hrotianatys nee MSEENYS SO" Dust kidding. X love Jesus. He's practically a ninja! ‘shang ihe Complete tetceriacks Compensiim etn. youl ove tread iSscs in oo buy fachng te Show ana plying te neo gomel: Anow, ‘controversy. We barely even get Glenn letters any ars turned into a complete bd ase after ving fo gun donn Megan faracter ag fe matures snd grows even darker and cold Dooded. havea Of course he does, he's not a monster Maaaaaaaybe... keep reading. Please get that stinking fr eollared Jacket of f Rk You again?! SECOND OFF Carls fraly ging to do some serious shit, and tm serious tense fo how hhaaaa serge wnere the story wes heading). ut Oh Hy Goodness hero. The plot thckens in sucha dangerous Woy I alone see this coming, FiANDS OP NEGANIT Wil he maintain his perepective? Or wll his young mand Fa ici the miso legan Wf te be the cement that Roar beaks ‘wth but san image comic and tone ofthe coolest hing Fae ever ‘tp and m looking forward to reading more, Ed Brisson worked on Srophet, "No, but I read The Comeback, Ed's new Image book. Check it out! (dim ust joking) Pate Mayne ‘Been reading since arcund #15, keep it up, Oh and my mathe oves the show, S5 dont fuck Rp (any worse) Love you Hom Bloomington, iniona Incerviews with David "The Governor” Morrisey and all sorts of cool pase ene or Please do! Soe you all back here next month! For Charlie's 10ist

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