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Dang cu hdi c6 mot ngudi trong hinh Dang cau héi co nhiéu ngwei trong hink Dang cau héi co hinh dnh 46 vat Dang caw hdi.c6 hinh phong can thién nhién ‘Trong cau héi v8 hinh anh Part 4, edn lou ¥ con ngudi a trong tam. Cin quan sat k¥ ding tée eda ngudt 46, Day la dang edu hoi dat con ngudi lam trong tm nén hoe vién edn luyén tap eéch miéu ta nhuing dae diém vé ngoai hin, dang tc eta nan vat dua theo edu tric “be + V-ing’, déng thoi edn lam quen véi nhing tir vung miu ta dé vat hay enh vat xung quanh eon ngu © Hay quan sit ding tée tay va mat trude tien. (The woman is holding a book.) (The womanis looking down at the machine @ Hy quan sit ding tae ting thé eda ng trong hin, (The woman is making some copies) (The woman is operating a machine) ) Hay xe inh ede d® vat xung quanh. (There is a photocopier along the wall.) (The door is closed) EERE ot cin, nd took down at hn sng machine ms cc make a copy sa chp iu operate in hink phtocoper tndy sa chup ti lig slong dc ther cloned Bi ding li 16 aicsteP roAc wawnhantrivietcom © Nghe nhing céu dudi day va dign vao ché tréng. 1. The woman is the street with a broom, The woman is the girl's arm. 3 Heis ‘a phone conversation at the desk. ______ into the microphone. 5. Hois on the paper with a pen. She is ____ the liquid into the cup. 7. Themanis at the computer. 8. Awoman is ‘something under her arm. HEBER) ese ing pt room eich examine hin conduct a phone conversation ni chun dfn at microphone mis pour A i Bit A B auld tc Kng ary mang de www.nhantrivietcom ua 17 Nghe cdc eau miou ta vé hii hinh dust diy, néa 66 n6t dung pha hap vét hink, chon T; nguge le chon F. @) (T/F] © (T/F] © [T/F] © (1/F] | (©) (1/F] | ©) (T/F] | Gidi thich: (A) People are working at the water's edge. news inh 6 mot ngudi nhung trong e&u lai e6 tt people nén la dip an sal (B) The man is carrying a tire by = 86 ng — Neu dich ti ter ng dy sang tiéng Anh sé la by himselt, (©) The man js putting on a shirt. \ Phan biet dong tae - put on li dog ta chi hanh dOng nén la dip an sai cf) The man is wearing a shi. (0) ting clown trees. —+ Phin bigt ding tie ~ Ngudi trong hinh khéng lam dang tée cutting down. (E) The man is wearing the gloves. |. Phan biét trang thai ~ Nguéi dn éng e6 mang giing tay nén cu dung wear la dap an duing. cf) The man is putting on the gloves. (x) fo G $6 agua 1e men is changing the car tires. ony hinh chi suit big mot nguoi nén la dp dn sa EES OF er or wrwrwr EI) tn waters age sui mp cay mon, Ahn ip 2 xe by nett a puton mic adn oar ci ~ wi ni di, mang eat down cht glove eng tay 18 Baste Toe www nhantrivietcom «Nghe ede céur miéu ti vé bute hinh dudi day, néu e6 n6i dung phi hop vét hink, chon T; ehon F 2 ® Giai thich: (A) She is « l at the desk. (B) The woman is typing on the computer keyboard. L (©) She fs writ L ‘something with a pen. (0) The women are working in the office. a) [T/F] (8) [T/F] (©) [T/F] (0) [T/F] ©) (T/F] ) [T/F] — Phan biet dong tse ~ Gidi thich vé dong tae dupe chu’ nhat eda nguii phy ne. ~ Phan bigt trang that ~ Nguoi phy ni dang cdi viét nén la dap dn sa ~ Trang thai dong t4e — Nguoi phy mi e6 déng tae dang edm but va viet nguge leis \ $6 nyu ~ Chi oo mit minh nga phy ni trong vin phong nén edu 66 the woman mét la dap én duing, (€) She is reaching for the monitor. t ~ Phan bigt dong tie (F) She is i nducting 2 phone conversation at the desk. ESB or err ater BEERIEY ve nny heyboard phi roach or ot ky monitor ma in endeeaphone conversation hg gu dia tha ~ Pha bigt trang thai ~ Khing théy 66 dign thoai trén ban nén la dap an sai Néu li reach for thi nguii phu mi trong hinh pha dang dudi tay. one 19 Too me a eee! Dong tac tay va mat holding in a hand ‘don chat trong tay ‘opening the bottle's cap ‘me ndp chai ‘pouring something into a cup 46 thir gl vio tach looking at the monitor hin man hin ‘examining something ‘xem xet vat gi reaching for the item itt ab vat carrying the chairs: bing ghé Dong tac tong thé climbing the ladder leo len thang ‘speaking into the microphone ‘noi bing miera ‘conducting a phone conversation ‘Gi chuyén dién thoa working at the computer tam vige bang méy vi tinh cleaning the street quét dung. standing beneath the tree 1. The woman is sweeping the street. 2. She's taking a photograph of the artwork. 8, Aman is tying a boat at the dock. 4. Aman is feeding the birds by hand, 5, Ho's viewing arts in the museum, 20 1G ste? TORK www (A) The man is (8) The man is (©) The man is (0) The man is (A) The woman is (8) The woman is (C) The woman is (0) The woman is nie hin dud day Al) B (A) He is (8) Heis (0) Heis (0) He is wo chi tring. (A) She is (©) Shois (C) She is (0) She is um 21 ‘Trang hop trong hinh e6 nhiéw hom hai ngudi, néw ning ngudi trong hinh Khong 06 dng tae chung thi phi chai quan sat xem e6 hanh dng nao khde biét hay khong, Chu y lim quen wéi ede tir vung di kem vi gidt tir nbiim di té mi quan hé vi tri ela eon ngudi hoe sw vat va hoe ech gid thich ede diém slong va khée nhaw cia nbitng nguot trong hin, Phir e ae « 4 Quan sit diém gidng nhau eta moi ngudh > _ The women are sitting on the bench) (People are relaxing outdoors.) P Quan sét diém khde nhau eta moi ngubi (The women are looking in different directions.) (One of the women is having her legs crossed.) “© Xe dinh vi tri cia moi nguti va str vat xung quanh eon new (The women are sitting side by side.) (The benches are placed along the fence.) FEE lor sri outdoors 4 ng rt Indoors «rons hi ferent rections hese huing Rh hae hve one's logs eossed nisl cn side by sie canh bin haw be placed diac but dat along. dc theo fence ine 22 BIG stEP TORIC swwomnhantrivietcom bie © Nghe ning, cau dudi day va dién vao chd tring 1, They are _____ adocument. | 2 They are the audience. 3. The musicians are ___ instruments. 4, They are _ inarow. 5. They are from each other. 6 Thyae 7. Children are ____ the water fountai - 8. The travelers are _ their suitcases. TEES ook at nin document i fin ausonce Kin id musilan whe isrument nhac cu musical irsrument! ne up sip hang ina rom thinh mot hing meeting cic hop water fountain ei mk suitease vl www nhantriviet com une 23 «Nahe ede eat migw bi vé bie inh dud dy, néu of nGi dung ph hop vot inh, chon ; nguye Iai, « chon F ) (T/F] | (8) (T/F] © (T/F] (0) [T/F] (&) (T/F] (F) [T/F] Gili thich: (A) People are w: 1g on the ground. \ Dong. ie ging ~ Dang te chung eva moi nguéi li di bo. (8) People are watering the trees. Ce phan bist ding te ~watornghia a tut nude. Trong hin khing 66 nguot tat made nen Ja dp din sai (C) Some people a sitting under the trees. G Phan biet dong tae ~ Khong thay nguét néo dang ngdi. (0) People are . phan biot dong tie ~ Moi nguot dang di vé hung cénh ofng nhumg enter nghia la bude uéo nén theo hinh la khong dung. fering the building. (€) Many people are in front of the front gate. -~ ong tae ging ~ Moi ngudi cing ding 6 trade I6i vo tia nha la dong tae chung nén la dip én ding. (F) Some people are w: L ng for others at the gate. ~ Phan bigt dong tée ~ C6 nbidu ngwoi 6 trude 1 vao nhung khong biét duge ho 6 dang dot hay khong, EER wrererererer ABBE) wan oo ground i water na emer do ont gate cig a 24 BiG stEP TOE + Nghe edie edu migu ta vé bie hinh dusi day, néu ef n6i dung pha hep véi hinh, chon ; nguoe lal, — choo F, ) [T/F] (8) [T/F] (©) [T/F] (D) [T/F] (©) [T/F] ) (T/F) | Giai thich: (A) One of the men is gesturing with his hands, \ Dong tac khée Chi o6 mot ngudi dan éng dang lam diéu bo bing tay, gesture la tar Khoa. (8) Children are sitting in two rows. \ Dang te ging ~ Dong te chung eia bon té a siting nhung two rows nghia 1a 2hng ma bon txé dang ngbi theo nhiéu hang nén day la Ap din sa (C) The men are facing the children. ' Dong tae ging ~ Dong tae gidng nhaw eda nhing ngubi din ong la nhin Adi dign bon tre (0) The men are briefing thoir colleagues. ~ Dong tie ging ~ Dong tae gidng nhau eda nhing ngudi dan Ong duing la dang gif thich dibu gi dé nbumg bon tré khong phai la ding nghigp nén day li dp dn sai, (E) People are leaving the gymnasium, Phan bigt dong tie —teave ki dang di ra phong tap thé dye nhung ttc bon tré dang ngbi non day la dap dn sat (F) Children are to the speaker in front of them. Phan biet dong tae ~ Bon tré vua ngdi vaa nghe ngudi dan éng néi nén la dap dn ding, Nauoi dan dng 6 day nghta la speaker. EE Wher eror er mr BIE oestrone dub lato rows shinai uing ce nhin di die bet ii coteague ling nahin yma ph speaker 1c noi wwew.nhanttiviet.cor un 2 25 Nhimg d6ng tac nhiéu ngudi cing lam ‘shaking hands: ‘chatting with each other ‘iin glia facing each other 401 mat nhaw sharing the office space ‘ling chong mot ché trong van phng attending a meeting ‘tam dur mot eupe mit tinh : interviewing a person phing van mot ngudi . addressing the audience: ‘nol chuyée voi khan gid handing some paper to another dun gy cho newt Me giving the directions chi duong: ‘standing in line ‘hing trong hang sitting across from each other git hai bén déi dién nhau looking at the same object cting nhin vao mot vat taking the food order ghi gidy goi thie én passing each other i ngang qua nhau examining the patient ‘kiém tra site khée ben nhan - \ 1. Customers 2r2 waiting i line for a table. 2. They are taking escalators to the next oor. 8, They are resting on a bench. 4. People are shopping for groceries, 5. People aro sitting side by side. 26 aiastep EC (D) Some people are (A) One woman is (6) One of the women is (C) The women are (0) The women are he va dién vio ché tring (A) The picture is (8) People are (C) People are : (0) One of the men is (A) All the people are (8) People are {C) People are (0) People are us 2 27 Trong hinh khéng xust hign con ngudi ma chi xuat hign dé vat nén edn ndm duye ede dip dn o6 16 gia {hich vé moi Hien he vi tr hay trang thai cia ee sw vat xung quan. Thé bi ding *be + p.p (qué khut phan ti)” Ia edi trvic cau vei inh thife co bin “chi ng bi te dng bir hanh dng”. Sur vat Khong ty m6 thue hign dng tae nén vol truong hop eta Part 4 thi ede ddp dn cho s&n c6 chi ngut Ia d8 vat va thudng duoe trinh bay vét hinh thet bi dong. su trie cia thé bi dong, 8 May das (The carts are stacked neatly.) (The carts have been put in ines) inh dim giing va khde nhaw gita ede su vat (Al the carts are identical) (None of the carts are loaded with items.) © Xée dinh moi lion he vi tri giita eae su vat (Some carts are placed along the wall) FEBEIRS stn sp scp sink coming in es they hing Keating han load chi iL om ing ha 28 acster To8 ww © Nghe nhang cau dudi day va din vao ché tréng, 1. The kitchen i The shoes on the shelf. __ over both doors. 4. Thedrivewayis 5. Avehicle 6. Theboatshave at the dock. 7. Several cars _ ata stop sign. HEBER) tare cin don pay iy iy rch om sm pave tp pak de) dock Br Ho up phn sop stn bid ding vas 29 + Nehe edie cu midu ta vé bute hinh dudi day, néu ¢6 noi dung pha hop véi hinh, chon T; nguge laie— chon F, 1. ; (A) [T/F] (8) [T/F] (C) [T/F] (0) [T/F] (©) [T/F] ) (T/F] ® Giai thich: (A) The cars are lined up along the street. G eang thai sw vat ~ C6 thiy xe hoi 6 xa nhung khong xép thanh hang (be lined up), (8) There is 2 fre hydrant next to the curb. trang thai su vat ~ Mé ta vi tri lip voi rdng 6 mép duving, (0) The sidewalk is boing poved. Trang thi sw vit ~ Co via he nhung khong pha dang duge lt (0) There aro no pedestrians on the sidewalk. Cy phan biet con nguii~ Khong e6 nguii xudt bign nén 1a ddp dn ding. (© The fire hydrant is being set in front of the building. \S nang that sue vat ~ be being set didn ta hanh dong dang dupe thue hign (6 thé bj ding) nén day Ia dip n sa (F) The street is very quiet. \tvang that sy vat ~‘Trong hinh khéng of nguit va rét it xe e9 nén rat yén tinh, cwrererorerer bemed up dine xp de hing along doc then he eran cng cd mp dng be paved du Lit pedetion he det sinh ag ding scowl 30 iG ste? TOES wowwanhantrivietcom + Nghe ex cau miéu ta vé bie hinh dud day, néu e6 ngi dung phi hep vor hinh, chon 7 nguge lai chon F. [T/F] (8) [1/F] (©) [T/F] (0) [T/F] (© ([T/F] () [1/F] ® Gidi thich: (A) The shelves are fi G trang that chung ~ Nhung cai ké duge chat ddy hang nén khong cin ché tréng. with items. (8) The shelves are boing stocked with products. ‘Trang thii su vat ~ being stocked la cum ti didn ta hanh dong dang dupe ku tra nén day la dip dn sai (0) The products are put in a 1e plasti bags. ‘Trang that chung ~Tat ed sim phim e6 diém chung la duye dung trong tut nylon (plastic bags). (0) The customers are purchasing the candies. \ Dong tae eta eon ngubi ~ Khong ef ngudi trong hinh nén vige miéu ti ddng tée mua hein 1a sal (E) The shelf l he bottom is empty. —* Trang thai su vat. ~ Ke ben dui khong tréng ma day hang. (The larger plastic bags are on the upper shelves. i ~ Vi tri sur vat ~ Nhung tai in hom nim 6 ke dud nén edu nay la dp din sai EER wr er er erernr ERED et net wan sie chi iy be tached wth da hit ~ prodet hin he pati bag lon Burchage un eandy i Botan sa ne empty ting upper dir vis uaa 3 982 BIG STEP TOEIC wwenhantrivieticom Chon cau diing qua léi mien ta v8 ede bie hinh dur day, ling nghe va dién vao chd tring 1 2 at) Bo ¢O ob (A) Food is (A) The window is (6) There is , (8) The rug is (©) The cake is, (C) There is (0) The dishes are (D) The coffee cups have A B c D A B Cc D (A) People are : (A) Some people are (8) There is . (8) The suit is (C) Some people are . (C) The lights are (D) The cars are (D) The clerk is La dang caw hit Idly phong enh thién nhién 1am 46i tuong trong tam chi Khong phai con ngudi. Cée dip «in duge thé hign bing hinh thute bi dong do chi: ngu dién ta su vat hoge not chén. Cae ban hay of sing nvm ving cic cum tir migu ta thién nbién va phong edn, Doan tit vung vé thién nhién hay su vat gay ah 9 (Many trees are growing in the area.) (The path goes through the woods.) ® Kae doh mi lién he vt gia eve su vt (The fallen leaves are scattered on the ground) (Thore are trees on both sides ofthe path) » Xie dinh trade nbung cum tir thang dt edt hd. (The trees have thick leaves.) (The area is heavily wooded.) ath ding min woods ring ci allen eaves Ld rung be seatered Ic di, nie on ath sides hui Ben ding iy be wooded. hide day dc have thick leaves heavy li 34 sia stEP ToEIC \wowwanhantrivietcom: © Nghe nhitng cau dudi day va dién vao chd tring, 1. Thepathis at forest. 2. Skyscrapers the city. 3. Thereisa along the sidewalk. 4, peak is ‘the snow. 5. Thelakeis 6. There are around the tall buildings. 7. Theboatsare ___in the water. 8 Thereisa_____ the lake. path dung mon pass though di gue skyseraper whi choc} tower coo zu hin grassy phi dic sldowelk Siae peak din chop be covered with dis phi in calm Hk Rost Lin héuk wl beg chided vwwwanhantrivietcom ne 35, Nghe eiie cdr midu ta vé bi hinh dud dy, néu e6 noi dung phi hop vét hinh, chon T; nguoe lai, chon F ) [T/F] (8) [T/F] (©) [T/F} (0) (T/F} (©) [T/F] ©) (1/F] Giai thich: (A) People are shoveling the \ Ding tae eda eon ng ~ Khong thay xust bien ngwot nén ei mien ta dong tae con nguit la dap én sai There's a bench mot being used. rang thai sw vat ‘Prong hinh khong thay 06 nguoi ngdi tren ghé nén day la dap dn ding (©) The ground has been covered with snow. ‘rang tha sw gt —Trong hinh 06 thay tuyét phi day san nén day la dap dm ding, (0) The trees are. L ~ Phan bigt trang thai ~ Khong of eay nao bj dn xubing nén day 1a dp dn sa (© There is bios crvang that sw vat — C6 ngoi nha tha trong hinh nhung khong o6 dong tuyét lin étrude nha. ow in front of the building, () The trees have lost Gu Trang thai sw vat ~‘Trong hinh eay ld sum sué nén day 1a dap din sai. EEterenereent ERE stove xc bong used ned dng be covered wth da phi bit bout down bi chit din ape mi ding 36 216 stEP TOEIC \yowwenhantrivietcom + Nghe ede edu miéu ti vé baie hinh dudi chon F. chon T; nguye lai, (®) [T/F] (8) (T/F] (©) [T/F] (0) [T/F] | (©) (T/F] ©) (T/F] ‘= Gidi thich: (A) The ducks are swimming in the lake. ong tae ein con vét~‘Trong hinh 6 nhiing chi vit dang boi nén diy a dp dn ding (8) The boa wre docked at the water's edge. ang thai su vat ~Trong hinh khéng e6 thuyén be. Diy la bay loi dung edich phat am fuumg tu nhaw ella ducks va dock. (©) People are swimming in the water. bang teeta con ng ~ King e6 nguéi dang bot nen edu nay la dp dn sa (0) Some objects are reflected in the water. trang thai su vt ~ Bing nhing ei edy phn ehigatrén mat nude nen ew nay la dp én hing © People are feeding the i ~ Dong tic ea con ngudi ~ Trong hinh khong e6 con ngudi nén edu mé ta dng tae eta con nguit 1a dap an sa (F) People are waving on the deck of the boat. ( 5 = Dong teeta con ngudi ~ Khong xust en ¢on ngui trong hinh Iam y tui wave trong eau khong ef nghia 18 con song ma li vdy tay. Wr Or ORO er mr EI ee on swim Fr 0 the i be doko ci Phin chi fod cho die wave cyt dack bong tn sedge mép nce object sou, ot sh bertlected www.nhantrivietcom uma 37 Nghe va doc thico nbimng oym tif eo ban cn bict khi trong hinh co phong 3B 1G STEP TOEIC Moms A BC (A) Some people are (8) The mountain is (C) The trees are (0) There are (A) Most of the trees are (8) The area is {C) The road (0) There are A Bl) cl) Dp (A) The trees (©) The buildings are (C) The buildings are {D) There are (A) There are 5 (8) The water is (©) People are (0) People are ues 39 ‘Cau hdi Who / Where Cau hoi When / Which ‘cau hi Why /How /What Cau ndi Yes/No au ndi Iya chon Cau hdi Who/ Where rene a eur Dang eau hdi bét dau hing Who/ Where xuat hign trang binh 2 lin trong d8 thi mai thing. Tuy thi sinh chi nghe cau héi nhung eting o6 thé dé dang tra lot duge. Who la cdu hoi vé ngudi ein Where la cau hit ve noi chin. Tuy nhién khéng phai lic nao eiing nhur vay nén khi lim bai thi sinh nén edn than dé phat hign va trénh duye ede hay e6 trong d8 thi, Who called you this moming?— = © La cau hoi v8 con nga; thong > One of my clients from Hong Kong. «qua tit called dé hot nguct da got va budi — sing la ai ——— “>> Client c6 nghia la Rhaich hang. Who will announce the report tomorrow? © La céu hat vé con ngudi, thong qua will announce dé hai vé nhan vat sé phat biéu la. ~ Noi dén mot chic danh ey thé. The president will do it. Where did you go for your vacation? — -© La cau héi vé noi chén, thing qua go for! ©> went to Florida this year. vacation dé hii vé not nghi mat rdgtnsyear : + DB cap dn mot dla Aiém eu thé Where will the meeting be held? —Pe La cau hai ve noi chén, thong qua will/ Inthe comers oom ‘meeting/be hold dé hai dia diém sé t8 chute hai nghi. = + DB cdp dén mot dja dim ey thé. ABBEY toi teehee ch hang announce hing bo rapor Bn i, i ag hu presen chi ich beta dig i che comrence hi 42 810 stEP TOEIC vwawwnhantrivietcom [Nghe edie cau hoi va chon ra eéu tra loi dung. 1 (A/B) 2 [A/B) 3% [A/B] Le) BEEBE econ ht downtown Kn rng think ocd h) ia phumgarhitet in ric sls meting ‘ii ngh bn hing be ld de 1 hic sl wal bi hay reise dag aa ea an hang en ‘be canceled i hiy bi aww ais 43 + Nghe ese ca hi vat chon ra edu bri ot ding, « 4 [AB] { | 5. [AB] 6 [AB] TEESE bein change of ph ich ofce supple on ing pin stapler ci phi pay for isha an ut BF com cash restr isn i enanee 039 next wow president phi ich prasen the war rs gsi ving 44 BasteP TOE oot Nahe ede eu hi va chon rae tri Wat ting, @ 7. (A/B) 8. [A/B] ® [A/B] = Gidi thich: (BEBE port ini cdo chng io missing md shi lac be submatied daze nip vetement party ride chia tay mph hee leave the company 1 Hii cin, ng zie neeace se dy chug gi gud tn expensive it www ns 45 30 Nghe nhiing cu dudi day va dién vio ché trong che this report? 2. did you this camera? 3. the meeting? 4 can | take the near here? are you planningto. __me with this proposal? 7. __ did you _ the news? 8. - the sales department? 9 _ public phone? be working on this project? BRIBE von ini i arora md guy phi chap dink eh im chi toa, chi i proposal di, 2 nai imeharge of piv oh ~ 5 ste inopin tre pale eee Cau héi Where 6. Where is the nearest train station? 7. Whore can pay forth shit? ‘8 Where did you buy that briefcase? s 8. Where can we get an ink cartridge for the +10. Where can I find the accounting office? 46 wcstep TEC wowmnhantrivietcom Lng nghe va chon cau tra lot dting cho timg ed hi, sau Khi nghe lai Kin 2, hay didn vio ché tring. wath Boe the expense report? (A)Itcosts more than (8) The trees are, (©) In your 2AL) Bll c take her to the airport? (A)The planeleaves (8) Robert can do it. © . 3 AC] Bf ec _____ a good place to eat? a) and steak. (B) Try the restaurant or in the moming. wowwnhantrivietcom Al Bo ¢ belong to? (A) Itis mine. (B) No, | didn’t (C) it's not__ pay phone? (A) I think you should ar (B) Yes, you can a (C) There's one _ about my missing credit card? (A) Tell the man back there. (8) No, "ll pay a {C)l___ tomechanic yesterday. as 47 Dang edu hot bat dau bing When /Which xudt hign trung binh hon 2 ~ 3 edu trong é thi méi thang. Tuy thi sinh chi duoc nghe eu hoi va ede dp dn nhung viee tra loi duing cde céu hoi la tuong di d& dang. When la cat hoi vé thai gian, con Which 1a edu hat Iva chon. Tuy nién, thi sinh nén edin than voi nhting by tr Toi glan tip vi chuing khong dé cép dén thoi diém hode sw Iua chon mot each r6 rang. © prin ich civ noi va he a chon ap When will the meeting be held? —— © LA dang cau hai vé thoi diém, thong qua will bbe held dé hoi vé mot tha diém 6 twumeg Iai + Khong dé cap dé thit gian cu thé, chi cho Diet la buéi chiéu qua cum ti after lunch, After lunch. {r= La dang eau hoi vé thot diém, thong qua id last talk o6 thé biét duge 6 la thoi diém 6 qua hn {> «Dé cp dén thoi diém cu thé 6 qua hi When did you last talk to Mr. Kim? — 9 Yesterday at the meeting. — Which hotel should | reserve?- -© La dang céu hi lua chon, thong qua hotel/ reserve dé hoi vé vige s@ dang ky khach san © The ong close to downtown. eeees nao * Da chon the one. Which way is faster to the station? — © La dang céu hei lua chon dug nao (which way). Thong qua ti station e6 thé dodn Ia hoi & The highway is faster. — vé eich di dén nha ga — Cu thé da n6i dén highway. ter hank hon BEER) meeting iri wd di tc at cn n,n a roar cing ky se vionway 48 1G steP TOEIC www nhantriviet‘com (+ Nahe eae eau hoi va chon ra edu tra loi dung,» 1. [AB] 2 [A/B) 3. [A/B) IBIS cove tor vi ha — dé de —workahop hi stg, hit a he tet inhi poston chi cw appt fr ep don ‘marketing cing wie ith faraway xa deaine Fan ct market survey thio sath rang marketing doparment hong tpt as tknow of nla ict \ + Nahe ee ea hoi vi chon ra eb tr Tt ding,» — | | | | | 4 [AB] 5. [A/B] 6. [A/B] ates ria cat tr Tet Khong [EER ivory employe tring i ot hin én preter thick on window xa hi conkin s aisle seat gh ngdi cunl Idi di elther cai may hodc cai Kia anive dén for a while mit Iric actually tHe sie 50 vic stEP TOEIC wow nhantrivietcom 2 8. [Nghe ede eu hoi va chon ra cfu tra Lo king. © — $$ [ave] [are] [are] Proposal di hit, dé gh due dn han, dio ham be ready sd ving approve chip wn wallpaper gi din wing patteed ci hou zn brighter singh une St © Nghe nhing cau dudi day va dién vao chd tong, 1 supposed to start? 2 turns off the camcorder? 3 are you going to 2 4 should | for the staff meeting? _ today? - . the red one or the blue one? 7. you start your 2 8 ‘goes to London? 8 got to know each other? 10. ________ is yours? ‘Cau h6iWhieh 6. Which do you prefer, the black one or the white one? ‘7. Which hotel should | reserve forthe Visitors? ‘8. Which place would you like to go for lunch today’? ‘8. Which number should | press to be connoctod withthe front desk? 10. Which way is quicker to get to your home? 82 BIG sTEP TORE Lng nghe va chon cit tra lot dking cho thing eft héi, sau Khi nghe lai lan 2, hay dién vao ché tring. wall Bll ¢ is Sophia _ station? atthe (A) We need one more (B) She didn’t toll me. (©) The train — . 2 Al) ‘would you like, the white ‘ones or the blue ones? (a)Cant — 2 (@)Thoseare (©) There is _ across the street. medical check-up? A (B) The results are (C) I'd like to 4 5. atl 60 ef to the train station? a than a car. {B) Take the route 5. (C)___, taking train is . Al 1 et the international conference _ 2 “ this time. 6) . (0) It will at least. acl BC) cf are you looking for? (A) I've been seeking (8) A convertible ©! _____ behind the building. ne 53 Lin luot he kg? nhiing edw hoi dé bj dat bay. Khi gap dang edu hoi bat déu bing Why/How/ What cin phai chit nghe ky ed tit theo sau tit nghi vén d& nm bat duge ¥ nghia cia edu hoi. Do a6 each tét mht la hoe ebi tit ting loai caw hoi. Sia. Why were you late this morning? €) There was 2 road construction. Why don’t you take a few days off? — No, Ihave too many things to do. How do you get to work?——— yl drive by mysolf, How many workers did you hire? e Less than 10 people. Hove long will it take to complete this, project? Two more month 84 pasTePTOEC re La cau hii ve Iy do, thing qua th late a8 hoi ly do tai sao di tr, —> © Da cap cu thé Iy do di tré 1a vi e6 mot con during dang thi cing 8 La edu trie Why don't you...?, thong qua ccum tit days off nguii héi da dua ra dé ngbj xin nghi vai ngay. Da tit choi dé nghj bing tie No va trinh bay ly do many things to do. © La cau hii vé eich thi, thong qua tir get to work dé hal nguii nghe di lam bing edch nao, a trinh bay eich the ey thé a di lam bing xe hoi qua ti drive, {© La cfiu tric How many...? hoi vé s6 luong, thong qua workers /hire hit vé s@ nhan vien 4a duge thu. > + Noi vé sé nhan ven cu thé la 10 neu © La edu trie How long...? hoi vé khong hv gian, thong qua ti complete d& hai vé thoi gian hoan thanb dy dn > Noi dén that gian eu thé 1a mat hon 2 thang. Cau hoi What What should I do to turn on the copier?|_ po La dang edu hoi vé cach thiie mi may > Press the green button. photocopy. * Cau tra bi mig ta dong tae oy thé nhén nit xanh, What time does the flight lepart? Céu tric What time hot vé thoi gian, thong qua tit depart dé hii thoi gian may bay eat At3 P.M ou anh, PP * Dé cap cu thé thot gian edt ednh, What do you think of the new computer? @ It’s much faster than the old one. Cau trde What do you think of..? hai vé ¥ kién, thong qua ti computer dé hei nhén xét cla ngudi nghe vé my vi tinh mei + So sinh voi may vi tinh true dy dé thé hign y kién eva minb, BEBIDY oad construction vie ia hits ding tke tow days gh i my get to work iin Ne hu, mn complet fa hin capo dy ony pre nh pat Mhi ni ci cn How many edn ctu ti loi vé sf luyng, How often én cau ted Joi chi my thudmg -zyéo, How fong ein cd ta leh Khong that gan, 9 dap an thuing lé cau tra lei trink bay noi dung hung dan hay tig hang myc cu thé. dap dn thutng Ta cau tra Ioi trinh bay y kién e4 nhan, ‘+ Cdn ghi nho ring dong cau nghi vin bat du hing Why/How thuong khong ted lof bing Yes/No. Tuy nhién rang fe traing hap Why don't you ..?, How about ..2 mang ¥ @ nghj e thé duvet lt bing Yes/No, ~-e Nghe ee eau hbi va chon ra edu tra Ii ding, »————— 1. [A/B) 2 (A/B) 3. [A/B) BEEBE 200 sans (i) ove to wor xe cdi im aver di tno he — 56 810 STEP TOES www (Nabe eo ht han me tek ing, $$$ 1A/B) 8 [A/B] 6 [A/B] {BEEBE sn vic ccm sng goonbunnes tps i cng dc mainly cis open md (i) ey cia Bhi sect gard shan sgn Ba Noy nity 1b wwwnhantrivietcom une? 57 ao + Nehe erie edu Oi va chon ra edu tra loi ding. 7 [AlB] & [AB] | Sk ® Giai thich: [BEIT eparmant pin, om oad ric ng by ta in ete pen mtn boat for wok ne berdelyed bi han diate do rsa ea 158 iG ster TOE www @ Nghe nhung cau dudi day va din vao ché tréng. 1 to have for lunch? 2. have you worked here? 3. join us for cottee? 4 about the damaged shipment? 5. lear about the bid? 6 do you need? 7 the new manager? 8 ‘the copier working? 9. is the presentation? 10. send out the memo right now? 4, How did you leam about this position at Samsung? 5. How bigs that apartment? '6. How much doss it cost to repair the equipment? a How many workers doo in your factory? Cau h6i What te 9, What date isthe deadline forthe proposal? 10. What type of accommodation would you tke? vowvuanhantrivietcom Lng nghe va chon edu tra lot dung eho ting edu hdi, sau khi nghe lai in 2, hay dién vao ché trong. AL) BL CG 4 Al) BL a = — get to the from here? around here? (A)No, today. (A) 20 dollars, please. @ away. (8) I'l send it by — » (1 by bus. (C) Just cross the street and it's 2 Al) Bl! Cl) 5 AL) Bi) Cli eo to get _ closed today? more office supplies? once (A) There will be a parade (A) We are 5 @itis (8) You should neighborhood. first. (©) No, V1 - __ not (C) Yes, my office has a the bus. at the lobby? wo (8) We should ae @®)__ togetthere. (©) Because _ — - (C) This is my ; 60 1G sTEP TOEIC www nhantrivietcom CCC CCC Cr CCG une? 64 Bai nay hoe vé nhting edu héi Yes/No, bit du bing ee ding tit Do/ Be /Have va tra loi bing Yes /No. Khi dap an bat dau bing Yes /No, én phai xi dinh xem eée noi dung sau Yes/No: OTuy tra loi la Yes tmhung e6 mang noi dung phi dinh khong. @NGi dung sau Yes cf lién quan én edt hii hay khing. Cén phaiinghe kj ede tt cing nh chit ¥ dén thi cia dng ti. Hoe trong tim ede edu héi duge dat ra theo Ihuing nim hat ¥ ehh eka eu ha. Did you call a taxi for Mr. Nunez? “© Ht xem da calla taxi chu, 9 Yes it should be here shortly. + Qua tit Yes o6 thé bit da go! taxt ri Haye you made copies of the booklet? © Hoi xem da make copies ches. © Lalready distributed them to the . a : ay ~ Di i Yes A hi luge bi nhumg qua eum ttt already distributed them e6 thé bit ban sao dé duve thue hign, Js your business going well? -© Hi cfg vige kinh doanh c6 tot hay khong, ‘¢y Not reaily, I'm having financial problems. + Qua cum tir not realy e6 thé biét la No, lam 16 ly do chinh la gap vain 48 vé tai chinh. calatax gi shorty hing Ui, sm eke copies sar chup ri Hu booklet sich ming stbute pin pit tends nu dham dr nancial (hw) i chink ia STEP ToEIC vow nhantrivietcom (+ Nahe eaie eau oi va chon ra edu tra dking, -—— 1b tare 2 [A/B] | | 3 [A/B] | [REI nny acne pono dda ngoi place te order dt hing ator vcd song te wal doce i ng completely fini ca contractor mh thdw offer 10i dé nghi sign ky kéi contract fp ding dectine sit choi wowwnhantrivietcom -+ Nahe cae cd hoi vi chon ra eam tra loi ding 4. [AB] 5. [A/B] 6 [A/B) EERE on ine din totnntaty cy md hay mee een ip han estate wi ink anal sifc 1 nt Ina mite nda ele 0 thio, tn ng tp chy do hoe 64 Bia stEP TOEIC + Nghe ede ed hdi va chon ra cau tet oi ing, © 7 [A/B] 8 (A/B] 9. [A/B] BEEBE somentchncs hing be sched odo die sip dp Ln how am change they i rac ii bi nn seem ct mathe nay md lee Kink ay yt woken a dn wow nhantrivietcom ume 65 © Nahe nhimng cdiu dui day va dién vao ché tréng, 1 to process the applications? 2 will replace Carol's work? 3 Tim recently? 4 while | was out? Bo to work today? 6 her name, K-A-T-Y? the invitations yesterday? - to the headquarters? 8 __ bottled water here? 10. each other before? 66 BiG STEP ToBC www nhantrivieicom ang nghe va chon efu tra lot ding cho tong edu hi, sau khi nghe lai Kin 2, hay din vao chd tring. 1 AL) Bi) Cl aA Bo eo in the kitchen? _ to buy office furniture? W)Yesheisa a ___, please. (8) Why don’t you 2 e __and lamps. (©) No, they are on : (C) There isa shop across the street. 2Al| BL © 5. A Bi] cl of the revised plan? (A) He has been working here for (A) There is one —_— (@) _____noeds to be changed. (8) I haven't heard yet. (C) He advised me not to buy. (C) Yes, he _ 7 3 Al) Bi) ct) 6 Al} Bf) ¢(] ‘Are you going to - Have you seen my 2 tonight? ait by plane. ()thave today. its 5 (©) No, she is the new . (©) No, he last week. (©) Peter will - aww nhantrivietcom uae 67 Sn ‘Trong ede edu hoi duye dat ra d Part 2, céu tra loi Ia chon khing due tr loi hang Yes/No, mie di li dang caw hdi duge bat dau tuomg ty nhu dang edt hoi Do a6 hay chi ¥ ling nghe céu hai cd than, Yes/No. Dang eéu hei Iva chon 6 hinh thie“... or Do you prefer the red one or the blue one? <9 Ill go for the first one. aa Did you call her or she called you? & She did it actuall Would you like to send them out today or —| Dang hii la chon the red one hay the blue {-—* + Dién dat the red one bing each noi kha 1a the first one. © La edu hoi lua chon chi thé ham dong la a >» Dé chon chi thé hinh dng la she. f-© Noi 2 edu hoan toan khie nhau dé hoi. C6 do you want me to do it tomorrow? & The earlier is better. ‘gi dung phai chon today hay tomorrow. >» Cit tr Toi: thay d6i ta today thanh earlier. AEG eter eis ~ how goto sh actualy thy sand out phn Pht 68 ic STEPTOE wwnw.nhantrivietcom —+ Nghe ede cau hai va chon ra edu tra lot duing. »- [A/B) 2. [A/B) 3. [AL EEE] ttn interview sp xp ping ir prterable tic ho hie sé andy Wve nh dé be elected de chon ‘candidate gin boo mu fully dy di be booked de dt mc wwe nhantrivi com, uso 69 “+ Nghe cafe edu di va chon ra edu tra loi ding, -—— 4 [AB] 6. [A/B] 6. [A/B) FEBEERE 00 fav ci ence gut, cl bs gy a 19 depart Hh ich wihout Hin 6 departure hi kink wrside basing 70 waste? TOEIC waweenhantrivietcom, (+ Nahe edie edu hoi va chon ra edu tra loi dung, 7 (are) & [A/B] L 9 [A/B) EEE sowrtown vane xin sinh ph oy youre minh coleague dng nh lk up dn pote dich how dr ti wow uae 71 0 © Nghe nhang cau duéi day va dién vao ché tréng, 1. Would you like or _ 2. Doyou want to yourself or 2 3. Would it better to advertise or, ? 4. Would you like to or ? 5. Have youalready ? 6. Doyouwantto 2 ‘Are you _ home? Would you like an appointment _ HEEIBID econ cit te i sst ch nad cach a rit di in rbd atvetinegung cdo go shop i mua sin make copies soc i in exorbitant ie Ani ch A wh xe 4. Are we having the concert indoors or outdoors? 5. Do we have enough paper or should} buy some more? 72 e1G STEP TOR Laing nghe va chon ctu tr loi dking cho timg edu hoi, sau khi nghe lai in 2, hay din vao chd tréng, 1a Bil ec 4. Arewe or planning to__ the orders? (A) He is the - (B) ordered the items (C) We already hired 2 al) Bil cli 5 Do you want to announce it today or oo 2 (A) They yesterday. (B)ithinkit’stoo (C)L will tell them _ 3 Al) Bl) 6 on (A) There are in that office. (B) Yes, the appointment has been (C)I'm going wnww.nhantrivietcom A) Bll c ‘Would you care for ora table Al ®) (©)! have to___ my kitchen window. Atl Bf) et) Did you the London office or should | do that myself? (A) Yes, | did, but _ (8)Yes,it'sa - ()ilostmy all Would you like to ‘should | have her call you back? (A)Tellher!____ tomorrow. Br _ until this afternoon. (C)Ican if you want. uno 73 Unit 10. Bai d6i thoai trong cong ty Unit 11. Bai 46i thoai khi mua sim Unit 12. Bai d6i thoai trong nha hang Unit 13, Bai 486i thoai trong ngan hang ‘Trong ee bai doi thoai cia Part 9, dang cfu hoi vé chi dé o6 tn sudt xudt ign eao nha 1a ede bai 464 thoai lién quan tdi van phong, usc tinh khodng 40% ~ 50% méi dé thi TOEIC hang thang. Hay xem bai 461 thoai thuimg gap dui day, Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation. | Rodger, the new receptionist) Ms. Maria Corte2, i waiting for you in the lobby. | ‘= hin vién tiép tan moti dang doi nguéi dan Ong 6 tién sinh, 1 @ Could you take her over tothe conference room? I meet you both ther in about 10 minutes. ‘= Nguoi dan ong nho dua eb Maria Cortes dn phong hot ngbi a | ! | | |W Okay, Pl do that. Is she starting her job today? \ Hoi xem ligu ob Maria Cortez co bat dau cong vige tit hom nay chua, ‘M: Yes, but @ shell be trained by Lisa for a week to understand how things are done here first. te “= Khong bat din edng viec ngay ma phai hoe nghiép vu trong mot tudn, 1: Who is waiting forthe man? ee a Ca: A now employee a i Dea ag a Wo I 3 02 : What does the man ask tho secretary to do? i oh ioe ai i i i aaa) “CA: Take the visitarto the cont m ‘eae, tog bi 6 tg, ee te ArTakod } conference roo (A capo. Pa 8 5 oe i ig nla oe Q3 : What does the man say about Lisa? Mima a, CA: She will help the new employee with the work. © ‘hid fe Linen bi Mag np 2 nde oa — © ei roooptinst hin ip i abby hin ang, dn inh tke to dur — edo contaronce hy ight star te fb bli dae congo 76 wcstep TOE © Nghe bai déi thoai nhiéu lén réi dién vao chd tréng, attend than die quartey meeting csc hop hing be pushed back du dil business tp chun di cng ee staff nln ven go on vacation di nghi php expect mode branch wn phing chi nhink = branch ofc) ea | (2) Chu y eau hoi 06 eae dap an duve dién dat trong 1-2 ta, ‘Nhimg nguéi moi bit dau hoe s@ gap kho khan khi phai doe edu hdi va ede oau tra Joi duge trinh bay ‘rén gidy truce, sau d6 méi nghe bai d6i thogi. Nhung doi véi trudng hyp cia hinh thite ctu tra 1oi dupe dién dat trong 1-2 ti thi tot nhat nén xem trade cau tra loi réi mdi nghe bai d6i thoai. ‘rong truomg hop dap an lua chon dupe thé hién duit dang cau thi eae ban edn luyén tap nghe toan bp bai 261 thoat dé tim ra duge dap sn. Qua tham khio, nhing edu hoi e6 dap an dupe dién dat bling 1-2 tie dda sb déu o6 dg eho thap do d6 ede ban hay tap trung tra lot nhuing eau nhu vay. vawnnhantrivietcom uno 77 ‘Trude tien ling nghe bai déi thoai. Kiém tra dap én. 1. The first speaker is probably [an office manager / a receptionist]. 2. The man wants to [get a job / hire someone]. Xac dinh ndi dung. W: 0 Welcome to Giobal Tech Inc. How can | help you? Mi: Pm here to meet with Sophia White for © a job interview. \W: Oh I see. Wait a moment, please. © |") call up to Ms. White's office. Could you please let ‘me have your name? Craig Powel. have a1 o'clock appointment, PEEEIDR ortce manager tring ping receponst hn vgn 18 an hr cic dn jb etervow phn icing vie call up 0 i dién appointment cule hen ESETZD Phan tich noi dung. (4. Newoi noi di tin o6 thé Ia [trudng phong/tigp tan), | Dang hat ng nh ea git nth nt, do vy ph ng ng ky twang 6 sy a ng | | | ghigp. Co ga ip dn khach va dy vao t Inc. tao thé dod eb Ay la truimg phong hay te | tan, 2. Nguei dan ong mudn {tim viee/tuyén nguoi). © Nghe ky 10i n6i ctia nguiit dan Ong dé suy ra diéu Ong ta edn la gi. Muc dich chi tiét sé dupe lam | ~ rehdng ni dang su ctu ni tn here 1o mest wih v ann ee ) 78 BiG ste? TOE. worn nhantrivietcom Le EXD Truc tien ling nghe bai di thoai. EGP Kiem tra dap an. 3, Wonathan / Lisa] will be transferred to Taipei office. 4, They will prepare a [birthday party / farewell party]. aap Xac dinh noi dung. Mit heard that © Jonathan is transferring to Taipel office in a month. ‘M2: Really? | haven't heard about it yet. Who did you hear it from? ‘iit; Lisa told me that she had overheard the manager saying something about it. 2: Well. | think we should have © a farewell party for him. HIRI) transient chown son prepare chub aewel pay if chiatay ia month irony md thug overeat ‘inh ge dase manager vag png GND Phan tich noi dung. ( “8 (Jonathan/Lisa] sé duge chuyén dén vin phong & Dai Bae, © Nhibu traing hop o0 thé dodn ra edu tri Ji ti eu thogt ea nga Uh nit trong bat dé thoat | Do vay trong phin 3, chu y king nghe dé khong blo edu thoat dau tién, Trong bai dé thoat 06 4 cap true tiép dén vige Jonathan chuyén di, edn Lisa la ngudi nghe duoe tin d6. | 4. Ho se chudn bj [tige sinh nhst /tige chit ay). © "oan bai déi thoai néi vé vige chuyén cong tée ca Jonathan va trong ngi dung ehinh e6 noi dén Duta tige chia tay nén 6 thé thm eau tr lot mot edeh dé dang, unto 79 ns department head ‘radng bd phan extend the deadiine gia han_ administrative assistant try ly hanh chinh place an order dat hang: hire anew employee that shin vidn mei om the job experience edkinh ‘educational background (rind) van ha apply for ajob opening leave the company roi cing ty » downsize training session khda dio tao get a promotion sive a speech phat bigw take over the job. callin siok si dign xin nghi binh f° 1. Me. Pamell willbe back trom his vacation before the staff meeting on Friday. 2. It doesn't look like we have made much progress for last quarter. 8. 'm calling about the opening in your company. 4.1 have an appointment with one of my olients this afternoon, ‘5, When should we send those phones out to the customers? ‘6. Does my computer need to be authorized before | use it? 7. think we should ask some employees to work overtime, 8. Have you reviewed the résumés for the position of branch manager at our office? 9. We won the Neutron advertising account, 10. Ihave a meeting with my client at 2 P.M. Thursday. 80 xG sTEP TOKIO vunw.nhantsivietcom: || Caw hb dio ta nding Me agin ng 9) 1. What does the woman want? (A) A supervisor's phone number (8) Where supplies are located (C) Promotion approval (0) The location of the warehouse 2. Where is the department head? (a) At home (8) In her office (C) In the supply room (D) Inthe print shop 3. What does the man suggest the woman do? (A) Make a purchase order (8) Speak with Emiko (C) Buy anew phone (0) Geta receipt 4, What are the speakers discussing? (A) A printing error {B) A staff meeting (C) A new program (0) A travel itinerary 5. What does the woman ask the man todo? (A) Cancel a flight (8) Attend a seminar (C) Proofread the seminar schedule (0) Calla publisher wun nhantrvietcom 6 7 ‘What does the woman offer to do? (A) Revise a schedule (8) Write a note (C) Review a document (0) Extend a deadline Who is the woman most likely talking to? (A) Her supplier (8) Her co-worker (©) Her neighbor (©) Her customer What does the man say about the software installation? (A) There is a technical problem with it. (8) Ithas to be completed by tomorrow. (©) Itwill be discussed at a conference. (0) He wants it done on his computer. What does the woman suggest the man do? (A) Meet Richard (8) Got permission (C) Talk to her supervisor (0) Apply for a job ust Bt Skits (oheco ey WA area EEC eeu a ‘Trong ede bat di thoai cia Part 3, n6i dung Iudn xu hign trong dé thi méi théng la bat 464 thogi bien quan dén mua sim. Hay xem x6t ede bai déi thoai thurimg gip va ede tir ving e6 lién quan dén mua sém. CC eaeacw) com {Questions 1 through 3 refer to the folowing conversation " Q1: Where are the speakers most likely? LA: Ina department store 8 +: What is the man concemed about? «A: Color What does the woman ask the man to do? Come with her ra [EERIE wouta ke todo mir ~ belterestein ih quan tm dark color mv ever here hans Ka folow di hoo partment store hn bic ia 82 iG ster TORS aww nhantrivietcom © Nghe bai d6i thoai nhiéu lén ri din vio ché trong. BEDE ie tht a ot rete db i ea rece hin nk rot chin arcs if me nny ihe ncenvenanc i i rain i i él di vnwwinhantrivietcom um 83 Lie CUED Truc tien lang nghe bai doi thoai, Kiém tra dap an. 1. The newspaper is [on the printer / in the employee lounge]. 2. Sophia suggests the man [go to the electronics store / access the Internet]. ESGED xac dinh noi dung. Se eer the office yesterday. | want to look at an ad in the paper again. | | W:® 1 saw it on the table in the employee lounge this morning. What is the ad about? | ‘Mi [need a fridge. The new electronics store advertised 30% off in every item. | ‘W: Well, © | think you should search on the Internet first. | can show you a website where you con get tuch better del HEBER eapave in pae di peter manor i i wd ming co omloyee lune ping neki dink co hn singe anki tex hin in avs ging co tn tam mi hing sewed tin in dat sei sain SEZ phan tich noi dung. | 1. Te bao é [tren may in trong phong nghi eiia nhan vien). | © Chui y nghe thong tin vé vj tr cia to béo. Nguoi din ong nde dén bi printer nhung a6 ka bay. Chui ¥ én Tot ca eb gi 6 nhiée dén phing nghi danh cho nhan vien, | | 2 Sophia dé nghi nguoi dan ong [di dén ciia hang din ti/tim kiém tren mang]. © Cin chit ¥ nghe ky céu néi cia Sophia vi ngudi din éng dé nhiie dén cia hing dign ti, tuy nhién e6 gai da ndi la you should search on the Internet. Bap sn da thay thé te search bing ti Ikhic 66 nghia tuong tur la access. 84 ic stEP ToeIC EQEED> tric tien lang nghe bai déi thoai. Kiém tra dap an. 3. The first speaker is looking for [some seafood / some meat}. 4, The second speaker will help the first speaker locate an item / pay for the cashier). SSEED Xéc dinh noi dung. [ Ws Exeuse me. Which aisio is trozen shrimp in? | 12 lieve that its in aisle 6 oF 7, the frozen food section. |__\Wei: Wal just looked in the frozen food section but | didn't see it. i | 1W2: Oh, it must be in the seafood section then. That would be the first aisle by the meat corner. have to buy some chicken. So, “Ii show you if you follow me. BREEN we 15 ion roan dng Lok evn tn ection nxn stood his most comer gia hing tit totow di say, the su EGEEED Phan tich noi dung. ( 8. Nguoi ni ht hit dang tim [ede mon hi sn hil, | > Nai ni thi nhat a hot Which aisle is frozen shrimp in? nén e6 thé dodn ng dang tim cée mén hai san, Thong qua vige ngudi néi thé hai dé e§p dén chicken of thé biét meat la thie guts tht hai dang tim. 4, Nguoi noi thir hai sé (gidp ngudi thit nha tim hang héa /tinh tién). © Trong edu thoa! cia ngudt néi thie hat da o6 edu trd loi. Cum ti I show you eta ngudt néi thit ‘hai duge dién dat lat thanh help ~ locate (giip tim vi tr). aww nhantrivietcom vat 85: ‘Hoe cic tt vung eu ban lien quan dé discount coupon phia giam gid lone third off hha gid. mot phan ba ‘malfunction true trie electronics store quay hang dign ti aisle 6 sian $6 purchase mua © payment option «good deal this than | elu the jacket in installments td gip ‘yan bet hang cach thie thanh ton ‘i ai chide do khoe n 1. You can get a full refund if you have a receipt. 2. We are offering 35% off all laptops. 8, Excuse me. Can | exchange this computer for another one? 4, The display looks groat! '5. You always fool warm with this coat in cold weather. 6, Do you have the briefease in different colors? 7. Almost all ofthe items willbe here on Monday. 8. Could you tell me where I ean find canned food? 9, Excuse me. Can you tell me which aisle spaghett is in? 10. What time does your store close tonight? 86 BIG stEP TORIC vowenhantrivietcom 4. Who most likely is the woman? (A) A newspaper reporter (8) A detivery person (©) A cashier (0) A restaurant waitress, What did the man learn about? (A) Where he can find a bed (8) When a sale will begin {C) Whether he can use coupons (0) What products are available What visit? (A) He will pay for tax. (6) He will pay by check. (C) He will use a credit card. (0) He will buy grocery items. inferred about the man’s next Who most likely is the woman? (A) An automobile dealer (8) A truck manufacturer (C) A car mechanic (0) A van driver What does the woman offer to do? (A) Give a discount (8) Show various vehicles {C) Take a test drive (0) Accept a purchase aww nhantrivietcom 7. —> [Gln ib id tea ndng Me ngbn ng ERD Why does the man say he is not interested? (A) He likes a different model. {B) He wants a bigger car. (C) He is concemed about gas. {D) He cannot afford the price. What is the man selling? (A) Newspapers, (8) A motorcycle (C) Accident insurance (0) Gas. What does the woman want to do? (A) Check the size (B) Visit the man (C) Avoid an accident (0) Change the color What does the man plan to do? (A) Work in his yard (8) Go to his office (C) Prepare his schedule (0) Have dinner Use 87 Bai d6i thoai trong nha hang cet Dang bat déi thoai e¢ lién quan ti mén an hay nha hing hiu nhu déu xudt hin trong 4é thi TOEIC mii thing. Hay cha ¥ luyen tap ede méu dé thoai thuomg gap va nung tt vung e6 lén quan dé eude hen an ‘uéng cing nhur vige trinh bay ¥ kin vé nba hang va mon an, S Wild love to, but 3 I've promised my daughter that i 90 shopping with her tonight. ‘Noi ring dit muda nbung khong thé di cing vi da e% eude hen voi con gal, 1 : What are the speakers discussing? ‘GA: Arestaurant 2: whats the man concerned about? Ce es L.A: How much a price is eee i A: How much a price i (a i ig ne { : Q3:: What does the woman plan to do in the evening? ~ ‘a: Go out with her daughter restaurant ny open mi, Khai trig reconty wn diy expensive ir oi tam gi promize hs go shopping ti ma sim pe gi ed plan to do de din igi go ot ira nga 88 sia TEP TOEIC www bie) @ Nghe bai doi thoai nhiéu ln r6i dién vao ché tring. BEBE croose ct Fe ocommend si ie cet Bp waing pected it gourmet nn, ch amg cata ihn BD dlotous than gon soup 1p get acy ng en wat to (anh) (@)Phal nghe dé hét bi 8 xem xet chon eau tr ot ph hep. ‘Trung os ee ee ni ri quyét dinh eau tré Jot, Vi du trong tritmg hop nay ngudi dan Ong n6t a ‘ge to the pizza place this evening, Care to join me?”. Néu nguoi phy mi dap lat “td love to” thi hhanh dong eta eb dy s@ la cing di dén eva hang pizza, Nhung néu nguéi phy net néi ring “I'd love bout Ie promised my daughter that I'd go shopping with her tonight.” thi hanh dng ella 06 dy ‘khong phai la di dén ctia hang pizza ma 1a di mua sim cing con gai. Néu chi nghe mét phin eude €6i ‘thoai ma bé sét phan noi dung quan trong khée dng vai tro quyét dinh dén noi dung cia eude dé tho th his rc thé trl voy va eho et tr os va 89 EXD Trusc tien king nghe bai déi thoai. CEP Kiem tra dap an. 1. The speakers are mainly talking about (health problems / a place to eat]. 2. The man will probably have [fish / meat! for his lunch today. EGGEED xac dinh noi dung. Mz Jessica, © have you been to that new indian restaurant agross the street? W: Sure, | have. They serve excellent dishes. | love the food there. You should try fish dish if you plan to go. | \M: Sounds great. Actually my doctor suggested that I have fish instead of meat. W: ® Why don't you go there for lunch special today? 'm sure you'll like it, EERE rainy ci, noath ste he place di isn che) An D8 eros th stot bn hi ng swe phe {han cn cd sogest hit toad of thay cho ch pecan bi dink ho i at EVITA Phan tich noi dung. 41. Hai ngudi dang noi chuygn vé [vin dé stic khée /dia diém an wong]. ‘© Dang hii vé chi dé Abi thoai, Chi d8 cia cupe di thogi duge trinh bay trong cau tho du ten, [Newot dain ong mé dd céu chuyén vé nha hang An Do, Vige néi vé he st 6 gia eude d6t thos rnhim dnb lee busing thi sinh. 2. Nguoi dan ong c6 thé sé duing [ed /thit} cho trwa nay. | Nguoi dan ong bét dau 46 cap dén bac sf va nét rang minh cdn phai an ed va nguoi phu nur dé | nighi ding mot bia trua die bigt, do d6 co thé suy ra ngudi din Ong s@ An ca trong bia trus. u - 90 Bc ster TOEe voww.nhantrivietcom ESETED trwic tien lang nghe bai doi thoai. QD Kiem tra dap an. 3. The first speaker is most likely [a waiter / a customer]. 4, The first speaker wants to [order food / get the check]. ESRD Xac dinh noi dung. W: Excuse me. © Do you know where the waiter is? © Pd like to order another glass of wine. IM: The same wine, ma’am? I'll see if | can find him for you. |W: Pve been waiting for more than 15 minutes. And «I'd like to order some bread, too. | MéPll have him come to this table as soon as I find him. HEI water win ie pho ester ih hing odor omc got te check i hia dow anther Rh wine rr ave i come gah dn a8 so0n a ge Bi Phan tich noi dung. 3. Ngudi noi tht nhat eo thé la [nhan vien phye vu ban /khach). € Dang hoi nghé nghigp cia nguii noi thit nhét. Ding nhdm Lin vii ngh8 nghigp eda nguii kia [Neuoi noi that mht da hdi "Do you know whore the waitor is?” nen e6 thé dodn dupe nguii tht ait a khéch t6i nha hang. 4, Neuoi noi thet nhat muén [goi mén dn /léy héa don]. © Nguoi noi thet nhat musn banh mi va rugu nén of thé dosin la van chua ket thie bia an, Clu néi ahd di lay hia don la Khong e6, Luu ¥ trong nha hang, héa dom tinh tién due go la check. \wwew:nhantrvietcom uae 91 at ban true sx ich hai sd thie wong rméa kha vi | hap nda diebigthtmnay | ‘than phan ‘thge dan | mon ehinh Dep trang dm thye by di ding | anh mye rages hia. dam | go min in gquén an tw phacva | 1. As you see, the restaurant is very busy today. 2. Pil have the New York steak with steamed vegetables. 8. What do you recommend for alight lunch? 4, You can enjoy exotic local food here. ‘5. We'll have the table ready for you as soon as possible. 6. Thore’s going to be about a ten-minute wait for a table in non-smoking section. 7. That comes with your choice of soup or salad. ‘8. What's in your vegetable soup? 9. Could we got a pitchor of wator? | 10. How would you like your steak? 92 ts SIEM ToEK sewvunhrtsiviet com 1 Who most likely is the man? (A) A cashier (8) A waiter ()Achet (0) A customer Why doesn't the woman want appetizers? (A) She wants to save time. (B) She doesn't see anything she likes. {C) She wants to read the menu further. {D) She wants to pay now What does the woman want to know? (A) Where she can get a table (8) When the restaurant closes (C) Whether a drink is included (0) Who will serve the food What was not mentioned in the menu? (A) Lobster (8) King crab (©) Steak (©) Shrimp What was the woman's final order? (A) Lobster and clams (8) Crab and shrimp (C) Lobster and shrimp (0) Pasta and clams nhantiivietcom Why did the woman change her order? (A) Itwas no longer on the menu. (8) She is allergic to clams. (C) The restaurant is out of clams, (0) That was too expensive. What are the speakers discussing? (A) Favorite restaurants in town () Important business mergers (C) Cliont meetings {D) Where the woman eats How does the man sound? (A) Surprised (8) Excited (C) Confused (0) Depressed What does the woman plan to do tomorrow? (A) Eat at home (8) Meet clients, (©) Sign a contract (0) Start a vacation at 2 93, Bai d6i thoai trong ngan hang aes Dang déi thoat nay lién quan t6i nghiep vu ngan hing va han nb ludn xust hign trong ede ky thi TOEIC hang thang. Hay ném ving hinh thie cing nu dang tr vung o@ lien quan dén nghigp vu ngén hang. Corian aE) xm Questions 1 through 3 eer tothe folowing conversation. | Yes. think te oer tellers wil be asked o do his work. : 7 ‘Noi ring vi khong thé sp xép cong vige nen nhung nhén vién Khe phai lam cong vige ia anh fy. {It might be a busy day today, Just let me know © if you tyansactions. = NN6 ring néu edn gtdp a th hay eho anh ay bet. Q1: Who most likely are the speakers? go eg) + Bank clerks ee et en a b AY = G (02: What problom does Ben have? a : His computer isn’t functioning, (7 ib ga i Treo field | terminal dose work propery 8 n8v 10 my Tienes oe ee 03 : What does the man tol the woman? Phai King nghe nhiing noi dung chi dln Tien quan dén nung si kign dién ra vio maa he, Ling nghe ede edu tric edu thuimg gp nh Please Could you .../Why don't you ... . Chi tiét quan trong la please call back at 02-54-3528 va trong dp dn duve thay bang a different number. © Léing nghe thoi didm vé viee khat truomg & mot dia diém mét chit khong phai & not hién tai | | 2. Cita hang mai sé Khai truong vao [maa he/mia thu). | | ‘Summer la thoi diém t6 che event chit khéng pha la thei diém khai truong ea hang méi, 104 eva sreP ToxIc wwnwanhantriviet com ho ‘Truée tién lang nghe bai néi. (ELD Kiém tra dap an. 3. This announcement is being made [at the theater / at the sports facility]. 4. In section A and B, people are allowed to use [fireworks / whistles]. EXEED Xéc dinh noi dung. ‘Attention please! Beer sales are not allowed inside © the stadium. And you may not bring canned oF bottled beer into © the stadium, either. Our uniformed guards will Inspect your package at the entrance. ‘0 Whistles and other noisemakers may only be used by persons seated in section A and B. PEEEIIN beer sates vig bun in Bis be allowed to do due cho php (lim i nde one stadium sn win dng canned oor ‘ia om tote beer bia chi untormed mc dng hue guard whinvién bow inspect kiém mu package si hing nrc sing d0 whic noismakar hing hp rn hank stn Phan tich ni dung. 3. Thong bio nay dang duge phat [tai nha hat tai khu thé thao). > Thing tin vé dia diém thing bo duoe pht duve cung edp 6 phan dau nén edn nghe ky 2 edu du tién, Trong 2 edu nay of nhde én viée cdim mang bia vao sin vin déng. 4. Okhu A va B, moi ngudi duge phép ding [phéo hoa/cdi). © Da xdc dinh dia diém JA khu A va B nén kha nding bist duge dip an ti phn nay la rit cao, ‘Trong phan cudi cia bai da thé hign 19 la cdi va nhiing thi phét ra dm thanh (whistles and noisemakers) chi duge sti dung 2 khu A va B. wewwanhantrivietcom oe a 105 hiro ee ea hee cere ‘Attention, please! Chui j! Chuiy! be delayed by hoa | ‘make final selections _quyét dinh lua chon’ | inthe sporting goods section ékhubin | cudi cing ‘thé thao keep in mind si abi “voice mail thir thos aftor the tone sau tiéng bip “call me back goilaicho ti press1 ‘in phim customer service representative nhan vién dich Iwant to let you know. Toi mudn cho ban bist.” ve tthdich hang | Vm calling on behalf of ~ Toi go! dén thay mat feet free todo ~ ccd thodl ma * cho... i (lam gi) oueu eee ee 1. Now, | would like to suggest some great deals to you for tonight's dinner. 2. Beginning next month, the company will be upgrading all computer systems. 8. Thank you for calling the Folk Music World. 4, Feel free to leave a message on my answering machine. ‘5. This is the express train for Lincount lake. 6. 1am sory o announce that tonights concert wil be postponed by one hour 7. If this call is urgent, please contact my secretary. ‘8. Ploase stay on the fine, 9. We need to reschedule our staff meeting. 10. Please call me when you check this message. 106 xs sreP roeIe eww nhantrivietcom 1. What is the purpose of the message? (A) To sella product (8) To ask for payment (©) To announce a service (0) To request a visit 2. When does the store close? (A) 8:00 P.M. (8) 9:00 P.M. (©) 10:00 P.M. () 11:00 P.M. 3. What does the speaker ask the listener to use to place an order? (8) Opening dato (©) Purchase requirements (0) Promotional code 4, What problem is mentioned? (A) Approval was denied for a request. (8) A product is not available. (©) The new supplier is not reliable. (0) The paper has low quality. 5. What is said about the new dealer? (A) His prices are lower. (8) He delivers orders within 10 days. {C) His specialty is tax machines. (D) He contacted the office a short while ago. wwiw.nhantrivietcom Why is John calling Cindy? (A) He wants to know if the fax machines are working. (8) The department wants to try out ‘a new product. (C) He wants some important information from her. (0) He wants her to make a decision about supplies. . Who is the speaker most probably addressing? (A) Salespersons (8) Tourists (C) Students (0) Office employees What is being offered? (A) Anew insurance plan (8) A retirement benefit {C) Anew service (0) A performance incentive When will the offer come into effect? (A) Today (8) Tomorrow (©) Next wok (0) Next month um 107 Dang bai noi gidi thiéu nguoi va gidi thiéu chuyén tham quan ae ‘rong Part 4, dang bai néi e@ noi dung gidt thigu ng va ehuyén tham quan thuimg xuyén xudt,hign trong dé thi hang théng. Céch trién khai ndi dung thuing da duge in djnh va e6 npi dung of dinh, do vay hay o6 gng hoe duing trong tam cing niu ni dung, hin thiée eda bai ni Cheson -8 refarto he louing announcers Q1: Where aro the listonors most ikely? ‘A: Ata historical site Q2: Why was the site rebuilt? Ga ntis ina special area Q3: What is scheduled to happen next? as The listeners will eat. ws ~ io eer ee a meh wh Trg a so weaken eit Bow st ay BEREIED eset 1d bo obum die yng lat sever i nique dic hi, Ae dio ity Fc ifr chin, qu ong cate ng im fort ho da ne bit an re 108 sicsrep ToC wor t) Nghe bai néi nhiéu lén réi din vao chd tring. EBEIENY = pease todo hin anh mtoauce gi sie quest speskar di id Khick mo speech bai dio cent en dy vances nh ir bi protection iho w technology cing ng? cosmetics industy nin my lin spectteay mit cil cu thé contain gmc newly mdi compound hep chi aboratory pking singh following a take notes hich welcome Foon npn assistant 1 microphone mcr \wwew.nhantrivietcom ust 109) 30 ‘Truc tien lang nghe bai ndi. ED Kiém tra dap an. 1. Sophia Lopez is [receiving the award / presenting the award]. 2. She has been working for the company for [15 years / 10 years]. Xéc dinh noi dung. © It’s my pleasure to introduce the award recipient, Sophia Lopez for this year's “Employee of the Year”. Many of you know, ® Ms. Sophia has been working for our company for more than fifteen years. After three year working in the office, she started working as one of the sales representatives. Remarkably, she has been the top seller in her department for more than ten years. Let's give a nice round of applause for Sophia Lopez. EERIE oie nic rset tng pase ni ink hah roe i hi aad tn vecent mi rmloye nde cgn sleet non in hing ama it 6h dinghy tp seler ni iene si te hit depart Png around ot pease tine EGGLD Phan tich noi dung. 4, Sophia Lopez [dang nhin gidi thudng /dang trao tang giai thudng]. © Noi dung cfu déu tién la introduce the award recipient, Sophia Lopez. Ngudi néi dang gici ‘thigu ngui doat gid la Sophia Lopez. 2. Sophia lam vige cho cong ty da duge [15 nam/10 nam). © Dang hai vé sé nim lam vige, Nhung con sé da duge trinh bay trong dap cn cho sin nén ein chit {¥ nghe kj. 10 nam 1a phan néi vé thank tich cia mi nhin vién kin doanh, Con dap an ding une thé hign trong edu Ms. Sophia has been working for our company for more than fifteen years, 110 aster ToxIc wowwnhantrivietcom EGGTED tric tien lang nghe bai noi. EGE® Kiém tra dap an. 8. The current owner of the property is [Philip Edward / the government]. 4, The tourists will have lunch [in a restaurant / in a hotel}. Xe dinh ngi dung. Hello everyone! My name is Peter Choi and I'll be leading the tour today. The castle in front of you was originally built 300 years ago by Philip Edward. In the 1970s, the government decided to buy this property from the owner to preserve this historical site. ©) So this castle was purchased by the government andl turned into this history museum. After visiting this castle, @ we will have lunch in a focal restaurant. BEERIEY corn ign i owner cs hw propery tis outst hk oad tho tur hing din chon dicate Ln dit ogialy Bondi peso hin Natal ste dsc ch s-puchase maz goverment chink phi um et thnk story museum sf bio ang ck oe! di phon EGED Phan tich noi dung. 3. Hien tai chi sé hitu toa nha la [Philip Edward /chinh phil, © Noi dung ed hai la vé chi si hdu toa nha. Ding nhdm véi originally buit 300 years ago by Philip Edward. Philip Edward von 1a chi t0a nha nhung qua cau So this castle was purchased by the government and turned into this history museum, 06 thé chinh phi chinh la chi sd: hou. 4. Cie du khach sé an trua (tai nha hang/tai khach san). © Dia diém an trua duge nét dén Ja nha hang qua edu we will have lunch in a local restaurant. wow nhanty fetcom unrs 111 guest speaker ign gia khich mot living history museum leading authority uyén Tinh da0 inthe field tren eaoh ding srg, step down bude xubng 4 ‘self-guided tou dodicated workers nbn vien min ean : - — reaper final stop ching ding keynote speaker ibm id chink Nilenc ane uene take overthe duty itn rich serve phue wy Moe eee 1. Without his dedication, we can't meet the deadline. ® 2, Now | must say many thanks to Mr. Brown. 4, 'm truly happy to introduce our new director. 4. You can get headphones at the information booth. 3. Dr. Newton is going to talk about how he conducted his research. 6. Sho is the top selling worker in that region. 7. She will receive a one-week holiday as a bonus. 8. This is the last stop on our tour. 9. On your fet, you will notice the building. 10. Before we finish our tour, lot's have a look inside this room. 112 aie srePToKIc ‘wow nhantrivietcom 1. Where is the tour taking place? (A) A botanical garden (®) A theme park (©) A manufacturing facility (0) A science museum ‘What will the senior technical managers do? (A) Host the lunch (8) Make a presentation on the history of the company (C) Interview the visitors (0) Inform the production process 3. When will the question and answer session be held? (A) During lunch (B) At the end of the tour (©) During the break (0) Before the tour begins 4, Whats the main program of today's show? (A) Tips on writing novels (6) Where to look for inspiration (C) Common problems faced while writing (0) An interview with a celebrity 5. What will Anjali Sardesai do today? (A) Present an award (8) introduce another speaker {C) Read from her book (0) Talk about her youth 6. Whyis the live audience mentioned? (A) They are personal friends of the novell (8) Thoy will ask questions. (©) They are all famous critics. (0) They are waiting to congratulate her. 7. Whois Amrita Rai? (A) A consuttant (8) A company director (©) Atop researcher (0) A project assistant 8. What problem is mentioned? (A) A position has to be filled. (8) A director has become ill. (C) Aresearch requirement has to be met. (0) A project was rejected. 9. What will most likely happen next? (A) A program will be detailed. (8) The speaker will announce an award. (©) A field visit will be planned. {D) Names will be suggested. uns 113

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