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Assessment of Bituminous Pavement Surface Condition for

Satish Pandey, Gagandeep Singh, J.B.Sengupta
Scientist, Pavement Engineering Area
Sr. Principle Scientist, Pavement Engg. Area
With the tightening maintenance budget, ageing assets and increasing traffic
volumes and community expectations, with ever increasing road levels due to
successive bituminous overlays to improve riding quality, it is becoming crucial for
the road authorities to understand and explore bituminous pavement recycling with
scientific approach to maximize benefits to the community.
Indian Road Congress publication Recommended Practice for Recycling of
Bituminous Pavement IRC:120-2015 brings out the guidelines for assessment of
pavement condition in terms of riding quality, structural adequacy and quantum of
surface distress to take well informed decision about the pavement recycling.
This paper discuss the methodology for assessment of bituminous pavement
condition as suggested in IRC:120-2015 in light of the recent investigation carried
out by CRRI of various Delhi PWD roads to find out their suitability for recycling.
Various pavement maintenance techniques along with recycling option are also
discussed to find out environmentally and economically better option for pavement
repair or rehabilitation.
Key words: Bituminous






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