77 Theft, Drugs and Other Crimes

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rg Yocobuary Crgnsat Sit 1 Stealing, theft, burglary ete Match each crime with one ofthe situations: busglary magging thefe embezzlement shoplifing robbery 1, Lan believe it. Somebody stole my bike fom outside the library yesterday. 2, Did you hear that somebody broke into our hhovse when we were away on holiday and took our TV and vide 3. Two armed men attacked security guards as they were delivering money toa bank, 4. woman was caught leaving the store with four bottles of perfume in her bag. 5. The head of the accounts department had been transferring money to his own account systematically for several years 6.1 was walking down the steet when a guy knocked me down, grabbed my handbag, and san off wich it, Use dictionary to compete this ist of criminals: Crime Criminal theft burglary shoplifting ‘Thefts the general word for stealing. The plaral of thief is thiewes. Burgiars Break into people's homes, Pickpockets steal from your pockets or bags. In spoken English porch isan informal word for steal: “Somebody's pinched my bike,” 2 Steal or rob Use the correct form of steal or rob to complete ‘the sontences below: 1. Two men... .. a bank in central London. this morning. 2. Somebody imy bike from outside the school yesterday 3. Somebody's this drawer, 4. My car was last month. When I got back tothe car park, it wasnt there 5. We were last weekend i in Copenhagen. 10 the money that I left in 4/8/2046, 77 Theft, drugs, and other crimes _ 3. Crime collocations “Match the word onthe fe with thoge on the right I. the black a, £10 note Zaforged —_b. goods 3. olen marker 44 tax 4. limit S.the legal e. evasion Use each expression in one of thase sentences: 6, Somebody gave me .....+ in my change yesterday. 7. My brother’ lost his driving Kcence. He was the times over 1 50 he was lucky to get away with only a two-year b 8. The police say that if everybody refused to buy csese sess i would help to reduce the umber of burglaries 8. Tes quite easy o buy capes of new films on 10. The Government loses millions of pounds 3 year because of. Ta evasion i illegal. Tae avoidance is making arrangements which are legal 0 tha you pay less 4 Anti-social behaviour Match the words with the newspaper extracts speeding prostiuion sandaism hooliganism 1. nglish and Dutch football fans foughe a running battle in the centre of Paris today. 2. The local authority as plans to clean up the edlighe district nea the station. 3. The two teenagers were arrested after they smathed car windscreen and destroyed & public phone 4. Police said he had heen doing a least 6Smph in an area with » 30mph speed lim Vandals damage property by, for example, spraying graf, breaking windows ete. Gangs Of ootigans fight in publi, for example, football hooligans. Newspapers often use the sword thu for anyone who bebaves in a vilent tuay. A rin is large-scale publ disorder 5 Drugs Use these words to complet the tox possession soft hard dcriminalise —arons pushers Jn most western countries drugs are becoming & bigger and bigger social problem. Many young people see nothing wrong with (1) ‘drugs such as cannabis. Exper worry that if they experiment sith deugs a ll, (2) soon move them on ta (3) drugs. eis duite easy forthe police coarsest pushers, but i is much more difficult to catch the powerful drug (4) who control the trade Some people believe that ic would be better 0 6) the (6). of soft drugs and to concentrate police efforts on the highly organised gangs who control heroin and cocaine smugaling, 7 Contact with the police 6 Crime verbs Use the correct form of these verbs to complete the sentences: burgle smug snatch forge vandalise cembezzle 1 Jills very upset. A man just ered 10 her handbag as she came out of the bank. 2. The telephone box at the end of our erect i always being 3. Three houses in our street have been ‘sain the last month, 4. My boyfriend was home from work lastnight 5. Over a period of five years Me Martin _more than £15,000 from the company he worked for. 6. One of my colleagues was caught... - the boss's signature on a company cheque. con his way Contain verbs are used very often when talking about contact withthe police. Choose the correct st of ‘endings for these sentences: not to drive so fase in future, 10 be more careful in future. 1. He was accused Brn? of shoplifting. bof stealing money from his employers. that he'd srolen the money 3. He denied ea 4. He was let off stealing the money. 5. He was warned 4 that he was involved. being involved himsel, bur admired he knew who'd done it. with a fine. because it was his fist offence, When the police arrest someone, they don't always prosecute. Sometimes, particularly with young offenders, they let them off with « cation, They say that crime doesn’t pay. Do you agree? 101

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