Design of Sewer System - Civil Engineers PK

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e605 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK o Civil Engineers PK Search Everything Related to Chl Engineering ricer | arsentip | ascciienineina | design | wseSnctraténn | Textron | cvresire TOEFL Tes | NTS GAT reparation | Presentations | ToralSot Practical nto | os | Sotwares Interiew Questions | Civ Engineering Project Tes | Cal Engineering Top Universes Fes Design of Sewer System DESIGN OF SEWER SYSTEM INTRODUCTION ‘Sewer system pays a vital rol the economic development of county. Sewers are must forte dranage of waste water In order fo have an effective sewage system the sewers shouldbe peopel designed ang more care should be taken In fing the vert levels otherwise whole design may gel wrong. Sewers are designed forthe drainage of waste water coming ftom houses, industries, sets, uot eto protect the environment and people from serious dlseases, as more than 80 dseases spread from sewage. So fora good Wving, te sewers should be propety designed and the sewage shouldbe teated propery beter alscharging lint the ve ‘Some of the important and relovant terms for sewer system are discussed below. Sewage NisLigda Wastor We Wit proce a eso aes Sewer Its the pipe or conduit fr carrying sewage. Ils generally closed an flow takes place unde gray (Atmospheric Pressure), Sewerage ‘Sewerage i the system of cotecbon of wastewater and conveying it toa pln offal alsposal wth or without treatment Sources of waste water Following are the pncpal sources of wast water oo + Domestic + dust + Storm water tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny 170 e605 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK Domestic 1s the waste water from houses, ofices, ether bulsings, hotels and instutlons Industrial Its the quid wast rom the instil places ftom ther diferent industil processes Ike dying, paper mating, tanneries, chemical ndusties, ote, Storm Water it incudes surface runt generated from ralnfall andthe street wash, Types of Sewer Systems Fotiowing are the types of sewerage Separate System Iti the system in which storm waters carted separate instal waste wate. This systom i proferred when om domestic and + There san immediate need for eotecton of sanitary sewage but not for storm water + When sanitary sewage needs treatment but the stm water does not Combined System =, Its the type of eystem in wi sewer cartes both the sartary and storm water, o bs Combined systom is favored when “Combined sewage can be deposed of without treatment — + Both sanitary and stm water need treatment + Streets are narrow and wo separate sewers cannot be lid tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny as2015 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK Types of Sewers RHADSCreEeaEs ng sn Se] neve tn Su House Sewer Lateral Lateral uta Sewer MainTrunk Sewer ‘Sub Main Sewer Sub Main Sewer Sanitary Sewers Iteamies santary sewage. waste water fom municipality including Domestic and Industral wastewaters, Storm Sewer I cies storm sewage including Surface Runoff and Steet Wash tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny e605 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK Combined Sewer Ieaties domes indus and stom sewage, House Sewer Its the sewer conveying sewage fom plumbing system of bling to commarvmunicipal ewer. Lateral sewer ‘This sewer cates discharge from wo or mote house sewers. Sub-Main Sewer “This sewer caries discharge from two or more laterals Main/ Trunk Sewer Itrecoves dscharge trom two or more sub-mains. Outfall Sewer It receives dscharge from all collecting system and conveys ito the point of ral cisposl tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny e605 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK [Roots Separred.oins Iarine Sewer Sewage flow Its fow derived trom te sanitary and instal sewage taste raw wale om these inusties and houses, soit means thas ret relation wit the amount of water consumed Generally 80 to 90% ofthe water consumption fe laken at sewage of waste wale lw. Variation in sewage flow Lice water supply, sevage flow varies from ime to ime, Since sewers must beable to accommodate Matimmum Rate of Flow, the arson inthe sewage flow must be stuted Generally Herman Formula suse to estimate the ratio of Maximum to Average Flow Peak Factor = M = @% = 14 (4) Qavg 44VP- >is popaon in ousans \WASA ahr Dson Coser nfo elatortip fr ewe eon rage Senage Flow ni meek Facer e200 40 2500-5000 a 5000 10000 3 4000-28000 a 25000 50009 2 0000 — 10000 23 10000 — 250000 218 25000050000 208 or) 20 Infiltration tis amount of water thal enters into the sewers trough poor joints, cracked pipes, walls and covers of manholes. tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny as2015 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK + tis nonexistent during dry weather but increases during rainy season. | Water and Sanitation Agency (ASA) Lanore uses te folling inition rates for the design of sever system, Sewer Diameter Initation 225 mm to 600 mm 5 % of Aug. Sewage Flow > 10% of Avg, Sewage Flow Design Period Sewer System Period of design is indefit, The syst is designed to take care forthe maximum development othe area, But wo lake design pia of 29 year for our sewer sytem Sewer Pumping Station + Design perioa is 104years + Rate of Flow are average daly, peak and minimum flow incueing infiraton PROJECT DESCRIPTION “The projects based on the design of Patally combined sewerage systom of @ community which is having approximatly 2 fat train because the diference inthe reduce levels fs very smal | have designed the sewage pumping sation along with the hydraulic statement and the required drawings plus some extra drawings. | am confdent that my design wll work successfully and there ill be na any problems. The Layout ofthe community is given as under. DESIGN CRITERIA Design Flow Frist of al calculate the average sewage flow onthe basis of water consumption and the population atthe end of the design period. Le atthe full development of he area. Then he design Now fr sanitary sewer and partly combined sewers can by calculated by using he fllowing formulae. + ForSantay Sewer Qsengg® Peak sewage ow + intration + Eocpataly combined somes (WASA Criteria) Quesn * 23Peak sewage Now + infration tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny e605 Design of Saver System - Ci Engrs PK Design Equation Manning's Equations used fr sewers owing under gravity Leaner i whece \V= Velocity of flow in mise R= Hydraulic mean depth (AP) = D/4 when pipe is lowing ful or hal ll = Slope ofthe sewer CCoetcent of roughness fr pipes Minimum (Self Cleansing) Velocity Sewage shoul ow a ol tines wih scent veloty to prevent he stteren fod matin the sewer. Sef learsng Veo isthe minimum locy tat ensues non setlement of suspended materin the sewer. ‘The following minimum velocities are genealy employed Sanitary sewer = 06 misee “Storm sewer = 1.0 mise + Parially combined sewer = 0.7 misee Maximum velocity ‘The maximum volts inthe sewer pipes should ol exceed more than 2.4 msec. Tis max velocity in the sewer should not exceed tile of 24 mise Its to avoid the excessive sever abrasion and also fo avid steep slopes. Minimum Sewer Size 225mm|s taken as the minimum sewer size. The reason being that, the choking does na ake place even with the bigger size parties, which are usvaly thrown info the sewer through manholes. Minimum Cover of Sewer ‘mistaken as the minimum cover over he sewers fo avoid damage fom ve loads coming onthe sewer. Spacing of Manhole (WASA, Criteria) For (Sewer Size) 225mm to 380mm spacing not moce than 100m For (Sewer Size) 460mm to 760mm spacing not more than 120m For (Sewer Size) greater than 760mm spacing not more than 180 Direction of Sewer Line ‘Sewer shoul low, as for as possible the Natural Slope. Design of Sewer Use the flowing relation o find the clameter of sewer tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny 70 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK Select the minimum velo value and use the Manning's formula a 1 persase ” Invert Level “The lomoat isto lvel any cosssecton of seer pipes known a Iver Level a thal Cross-section 'SLRoad Level - Depth of Sewer— Thickness of Sewer Dia. of Sewer Crem of ie pe sseassaiens Warten ( \a-“ soe love ere EVEL OF PPE Joints in Sewers + Bell & Spigot Joint + Tongue &Gra0ve Joint Manholes ‘These are provided for + Cleaning + inspection and t + house connection + Change in Sewer airetion sien + Change in sewer diameter + Change in slope PRECAST MANHOLE OVER EXISTING SEWER DETAIL (One man hole to be provided for 2 plots SEWERAGE DESIGN DATA No of Plots = 281 No of partments = 2 No ofFiats =3 tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny e605 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK Design period = 20 years POPULATION FORECAST Prosont (2008) Design (2028) Personsiplot 7 0 Persons/apartment 400 600 Porsonsitat 200 400 POPULATION FORECASTING Present Population P ‘Design Population P ‘Annual Growth Rate ) 281% 7+400%3"200%3. 2) 28110960003 +4000 1% (For Pakistan, 2008 report) Design Population Pa 4) Pd= Pp x (142211100) a= a7e79(142.111007 = 6709 d= 5810 (From Table) Per capita water consumption = 360 + 4= 394 pod ers per capita per day) ‘Average Design flow = Pex water consumption x 0.8 1000, (80% goes to sewers as waste water 194 x 5810 x08) / 1000 avg = 1831.312 miday Peak factor = 4 (kom WASA table) ‘To-Check nfitation ratos Qu=AV ox x O.Tivsec~ (gg = 22884812 a vale in dhe cable if 2axG060 0.0423m'see 0.04232 x cs 0.7m/see ~ d~ 277.38mm (Less then 600mm so infiltration = 5% of average sewage flow will be used) tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny e605 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK DESIGN OF WET WELL max = 14742.1m9iday = 10.287 mimi Pumping capacity max = 10.257 m?imin Minimum eye Minimum Cyete ime must not be les than 5-minutes For smaller pumps t min = 15 min Volume =V= [Px inns Ettocve Volume = (10.237 x18) /4= 38.30 m? DIMENSIONS OF WET WELL. Length = 3.8m wth = 3.6m Height = 3m Volume = 36°3.6°3 = 38.88? Purp must run fora east 2 minutos (Check he ete time , shoul be grester than 2 minutes {= VKP-Omin) = 38.9 7 (10.297 - 0.6358) = 3.98~= S04 minutes is greater than 2 minutes .« OK) Cycle Time for Minimum and Average Flow cycle TNE «viP-a}sqvt0) For Omin = 38.39 (10.287 ~ 0.6358) + 38,3980.6358 = 64,391 min> 15min (OK) For Gavg = 36.39 /(10.287 1.271) + 38.88/1271 = 3448 min> 15min. (OK) tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny 1020 e605 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK SEWAGE|PUMPINGISTATION) Motor Room Ground Level Wet Well Ls Perforated Plateform * Shaft \ Gate valve| Minimum ‘Submergence = 1m desir locit suregereen 12 Oasle eon arc isthe suo ge) tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny as2015 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK WONGITUDINALPROFILE|OFISEWERS) Nita Goud Lee = Civ sid wr . on30b Fe | tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny 10 as2015 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK MANHOLE Ms-Mit 9-08 oo 4 cae MS Cement mortar -— plaster 150mm wuode. DROP MANHOLE tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny as2015 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK M15 DROPIMANHOLE! A Road Level cover Gi vilé Engpesisrn, Ground Level Concrete pipe, Concrete block or. Cast in place concrete 1.856m From M14 & 8 ToM16 SEWER JOINTS tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny ra ei os comer Borns) BELL & SPIcor Jobir (For Sewer size 220mm to 690mm } hae ute Dippod in coment Sirry (12) Coment’Sand Mortar (12) ComenvSané Mortar Rubber RING Jue Dipped in coment. Surry & Jute Dipped in coment /Sirry uber Ring (1:2) Cement Sane Mortar uber Ring (1:2) ComentSand Mortar Jute Dipped in cament Swurry SEWER BEDDINGS tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny 1520 e605 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK BRICK BALLAST BEDDING Natural Ground Surface Depth ot ener (Gimgeneraty, Inve Leet Ficus ont Clit Bo 0 in Tx Donianaiaaneey + Soom CRUSHED STONE BEDDING f » Natural Groune Surtece Depth of sewer (im general) Invert Level ‘Thickness of Si Dintanalaanaay’ Soonm COMMENTS + This designs based on para combined sewerage system thus economic. + i the necessary things ave taken om the WASA tabs an! Minimum velocty is taken a8 0.5 mi8ec which fs these cleansing velocity and velocity must not be more than 2 mise + Minimum dametor of sewer is akon as 225 mm and other diameters ae rounded othe localy avaiable in the market according to WASA standart, + Minimum rate of sewage Now s taken as 50% of average sewage ow. + Minimum clea cover of t-ms proved above the sewer in order to avoid rom impact of ve loading. tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny 1620 e605 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK + Flush tanks are provided where velo i lees than 0.6 miSee, RESULTS + Diameters are less then 600mm so inflaton rate Used Is 5% of average sewage Now, Bell & Spigot joins have Been used as the dlameters ae less then 600mm, + One Drop Manhole is coming at 15 as the vereal érop ks more than 0.6m. + in Sewers (M8-MB, MB-MI1, Mi0.Mt1, MI2-MT3, ME-M18, MZO.M21, M24-M21, Mat-M22, M25-M28), Veooty is ess than the self cleansing velocy So, Fh tanks willbe provided here, + Most ofthe iameters are of 225mm ensuring the economic side of he project. + Wet wal dimensions are 25x3.5x4.4 (ete time of 15 minutes is satistied ensuring the adaptabilty of small pumps so more economi RECOMMENDATIONS: Flush tanks shouldbe tushed once in 24 hours to avold sediment depostion. + Ifthe sewer isto be laid under the water able then crushed stone bedding should be used “+ Sewers shouldbe joined in a manhole keeping the ecowns atthe same level f, ¥ in = 9 16 thoughts on “DESIGN OF SEWER SYSTEM” on November 7, 2014 1642s Good Wore Sie lam working as Sub Engineer at a TMA. | got enough uidance from work good work Regards THANKS ary 26, 2015 at 20:39 ‘You said thatthe drainage designs equal tow times the maximum dscharge while when calculated leakage reported that rainage design is equal fo two times the rate of discharge . hope statement this point allowed tpiilenginsespk comiesign-f-sewer-systeny 10 e605 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK ol Ranoom Sissi on danuary 20,2016 at 07.24 s20 Very good materia itl be more beneficial Ifyou could have shown te calculation of uploades supporting excel le, =| on January 20,2016 a 16:38 sa NoPE on February 26, 2045 at 2:41 sis You said thatthe drainage design is qual to we mes the maximum discharge while when calculaed leakage reported that drainage design is equal fo two times the rate of escharge hope statement his point if alowed HH WOULD LIKE TO BLY PROGRAM FOR DESIGN SEWAGE NET WORK WITH PROFLE, ‘All softwares avaliable onthe site reuira membership, tp telengineerspk convmembership! con Mareh 31, 2046 at 07:33 sas ‘Wold ke to ingure more on how o overcome excess sewage in places where there Is already established sewerline yet there Is Increased poputaion tpiilenginse'spk comiesign-of-sewer-systemy 1820 e605 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK How much sewage you ae taking about 7 @ ostrewana ‘on Apel 15,2018 a 09:2 esis: WOULD LIKE TO BUY PROGRAM FOR DESIGN SEWAGE NET WORK WITH PROFILE 2 UBAIDAHIAD on Apel 15,2015 a 14:59 sa: Is akeady avalasle Foe ontne Sonia on Api 18,2015 a 10:23 sae: ‘Thanx alo, Ths article was a fesaver, | am doing something sma or my undergrad project 18 there information on ABR (Anasrob Safe Reactor sizing and formuas? ‘Trarx again 2 UBAIDAHMIAD cn Apel 18,2015 a 18:28 ac: your welcome @ Noman Kran on ay 4, 2016 at08.2¢ 524 Hell i your works very appreciable, sr can you pz tll me haw mary types of networking are therein sewerage syslem and what are their names. And also where does the peak facor ko 45,43 come from. Hope u would consider my question, Trank you! fl UBAIDAHMAD tpiiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny 1920 e605 Design of Saver System - Cul Engingers PK on May 6, 2015 a 1048 sa itp Yelongineerspk.convsesign-otsower-systomy tpiilenginsespk comiesign-of-sewer-systeny

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