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Our Purpose Engineering for a better world Philipp's Technical Consultants Corporation aims to provide superior engineering soltions, thereby advancing the Ives of people in different communities globally and to achieve adequate return on investment for is shareholders inthe form of continued growth and sustained protaily. Our Vision To be a leading multi-discipline engineering service company in the Philippines with international presence PTC's vision is to become the premier engineering solution provider in the Philippines, to render excellent service to our clients, to ensure the advancement of our staf, to dversfy to various engineering disciplines, and to make our mark in the international market. Our Core Values In the performance of our responsibilities, we shall be guided by our firmly held values. INTEGRITY To execute jets and dlver our senices wih utrst honesty, ceatbity and transparency tobe commited to gocc corporate governance EXCELLENCE To. tings right he fst ine, te tne, seg high standards and constanty stitng for exolonce. COMMITMENT To sive for prompt delivery of qulty resus; tobe dedicated in providing coninucus support to cents unl project completion. (OVATIVENESS To encourage ceaity and ingen in ur systems, products and services articpatng our Cierts' needs and dolverngcutpt beyond expectations. INTRAPRENEURSHIP To treat ou sat as business partners for them to develop sense of cwmership of what hey do ard ofthe Company. TEAMWORK Toa wth unty purpose; to value each mesrber othe tam and tak pide ln each other's achiovemonts CERTIFICATE Communications : Infrastructure PICC communications infrastructure and facies assure our staf's responsiveness and product. Communication with one another, induding motile and onsite wororce, is trough a nelwork of computes that allows forthe constant sharing f knowedge and resources, Through broadband Ineret access, ou staf stay comimuously connected to ur cents an to te world Our Quality Policy “Total commitment to our lent by maintaining a core of highly qualifed professional engineers and support staff, continuously improving our quality management system and value-added technical services, all combined in a rigorous effort to create and maintain a satisfied Cient.” PTC adopts imernationaly accepted Quaty NanagementSysiers (QMS) and has been (SO 9001:2000 certfed since December 2002. Our Company's intemationalceication forts QMS ensures that work complies wih the standards of technical excellence and client satistacton, including mecharisms that guarantee continuous improvements of cur competency in ergreering design and senices Our People ‘Gur pilosophy isto provide the complement of management and staf that meets the sil and experience required ofeach project. Our project teas have the entre Compary's poo! of expertise and resources at their disposal. We take care in understanding the needs of our cents, proving design sclutons that meet their ‘objectives and placing project delivery at the forefront of engagements, (ver the years, the company as focused en exhancing the ably to deliver pejets threugh constant traning of staff nd investment in engesring design and projet ‘management sysiems We ensure the cotiualimpoverent ofthe competence ef our peopl, ratizting them towards excelent performance ard éluery cf qual cueputs and providing a revardng hore forthe carers ry (0 a , a ie Los OF THE LEADING Waa |g lS TSS Cameo MU Tae Sa EL dh TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF COMMITTED EXCELLENT Bsa ee sk Philipp’s Technical Consultants Corporation (PTCC) commenced operations in 1954 as an engineering division of F F Cruz & Co., Inc., one of the country’s largest construction companies. It was incorporated on January 19, 1981 as an independent engineering consulting firm. With highly qualified technical support and staff trained to provide an extensive range of services : detailed engineering, master planning, site investigations and surveys, and construction and asset management. Employs latest engineering design and project management tools, and information technology systems for efficient and on-schedule delivery of projects . Recognized by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) with certification for Quality Management System. Many projects completed were for the Philippine government and funded by international donor agencies namely World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Japan Bank for International Cooperation, partnered with leading global engineering consultancy firms. Roads & Highways Accs principal strencth is Highway Paming and Ercncering, We undertake wok tll stages. of highway projects, fom feasibly studies to consideration of ahernatve rues trcugh des. developmen, to detaed design and construction supervision + Inundertaking this work, PTCC s pro-active in embracing current concept, technology and Imajerils ard commited to working closely wih her merebers o integrated teams charges with the debvery of ighray projets + Proven to deliver efectve solutions to out Cients, our approach sto consistently practice ‘our value engineering cult -- balance of ually, perirmance and functeralty, thus, minimising construction, operation and maintenance cess. Rosario-Pugo-Baguio Road Rehabilitation, La Union and Benguet Provinces, Philippines Detied Engeeing ard onstruction Sper vin ofthe 327.248 ack Shed nde by 8 Allacapan-Aritao Road Rehabi Central Luzon, Philippines PEC proved Osta Engneeng anf saci Superson induing assistance in he iddirg proces ardidevduaien assesametfer the BI -fundedMlcapan Ata Red ehaitatin Re eee os Sayre Highway, Central Mindanao, Philippines PICC provided Dtale Eninerng and Construction Superssionindudr asicince in bidding process ‘and bid evan assessment (othe ADB nde 115 hen Sayre Hig. Road Rehabilitation, ‘Camarines Province, Philippines Revewot Osa Eject Design and Consrcion Superson aang. Mano Rac Renmin Projet (bo-Dae-Spocat Sec, Fj 1: CPV ore Dparnert ot Pb ns gh Ri EXPRESSWAY PROJECT ‘SIANILA CAVITE TOLL EXPRESSWAY PROIECT SICTER)” Preliminary Study Report for R1 Expressway Extension Manila - Cavite Toll Expressway Project (MCTEP), Segment 4, Cavite, Philippines toe re thn try (3) schemes rd he cresperding costing othe Ge bth ura ingen ard postconstucion Pee ee a ae Bridges Innovation, cost-efciency, constrctatity ard mainsinabity re essential Key features of our design phitosophy, and we have a proven track record and edersive experience of wotkrg helically wth Cents and Contractors. PTCC had worked with both the public and private sectors, rowing planing, detaed design, constuction supervision, retrot and rehabilitation for bxidges and other chil engineering structures of lies and types. We have expertise in: + Bridges and viaducts * Bridge widening and sirengening schemes + Preparation f tender designs for contractors + Technical advice on constuction and erection * Proof consultancy and independent checking * Inspection and assessment * Repair and reconstruction Detsied Enginerng Design of Sampaguita Vest Rap fr the Bases Comesatin Develapment shorty Bitbit Bridge, Bulacan, Philippines Resting on SO iets. he it Erie and acess oad te Anat Hyrelecic Pantin Nerzageray, Bulan was desired fo te axonal Power orpraon Manila Skyway, Metro Manila, Philippines FICC provided bese desen fan eevee Siclre veda string tom te exstrg ania Skyy (show) at Buena and ene atthe Bantoak To Placa at he Nach Luzon Bpressuay De eee en ae eee eee Bridges EDSA-Shaw Flyover, Metro Nanila, Philippines The EDSAShaw Fete” 7DOmnleng ideal eves, tn oars subavucre bilge cnet 28n span Seances girs end Conteunie stl oe grr arma mS pars Crossing he Bg Cry, the bridge has. length of aut 20% on pire of SOs anc GA high The bridge mas contacted enpoing the balenced canteve pine are siteneous casting on pes. aga Bie he ‘altride in te Prine, Badiwan Bridge, Baguio, Philippines Badan bidet SDOm neg ard incorprates pan cunatresofeslite 2 190met radius Maritime & Seaports Our capabiity and expertise inthe Seaports and Marine Sector are recogrize by the rong cont base of mar port aerators, project promotes, estore are contacts. Fundy we hive trogen nara, joes, oeigs tod ely thse bsgs ed ati veg sage he pet Fon inal conception trong pari. evaton, rte dag atl plenenaon, Pier 15 Ramps, South Harbor, Manila, Philippines Structural Design of Pier 15 Raps fo Asan Terminal Port of Iloilo, lloilo, Phil Sructral Design of Passenger Ferry Terminal Builting Peace os Maritime & Seaports Seawall between Piers 3 & 5, ng Seawall fer sian Terminal, la Port of Cagayan de Oro City, Cagayan de Oro, Philippines Sie Development Planing of Pesserge Terria Cnpes an Oetied Ergjreting Design ef Pesengs Terminal Biking fo he Pippine Porte Ahoy Re ee en ae ee Airports PIcc has extensive experience on landside and airside facilities — from temials, pavement, runways, taxivays to linking oad and bridge infrastructure. In the lst five years, PTCC has been invelved in three ‘nernationala:port projets inthe Pifpgnes, bot for detaled engineering, design and corsrucion supervision. Diosdado Macapagal International Airport Clark, Pampanga, Philippines Te DiosdadoNecapagiernaina ior (OMA) santpted be a premier gateway ofthe Pines inthe ne decade. PIC proved Delaled Engineering and Design apemerttin for Phase Two: Tosey 0-02 and Apron ACPS 3-06 nprovener Pied. Subic Bay International Airport, Subic, Philippines Dead Eginesig Design and CorsruconSoperisien fhe Meena of Area Paves ot Subic Bay nteraonl Apert Re eee os Me eee tos Davao International Airport, Davao, Philippines “Tre pret unde by ADB, is «major cehaliston work or the Davao llerrational Airport to handle he 6747 svat bare PIC protded detaied engrwering aed contuion supervision for lanéside ane slide ci works, lia wots and ste deelopert nal Airport nal Airport) Ninoy Aquino Internati (formerly Manila Intern: Metro Manila, Philippines Detale Enginesring Dsin &Conetructon Super vian of Al Feces fr Neoy Aino Interna Arprt (former Maa lternatera Aor fused by RDB) Power & Utilities PICC has provided engineering design and corsinuction supervision services for projets iwohing power and utlies specializing inthe is works component. We have worked with project developers and PC contractors for several foreign-sponsored projects. Our capability in the Power and Utilities Sector include: + Feesibity Study flue Engineering Detailed Enginsering Review of Design ‘oetruction Supervision Rost yt ahi a - eee Ash Lagoon #4 Development Project (Phase 2), Pagbilao Power Station, Quezon, Philippines Detalee Engineering oe 16a, Aeh Lagann fer Nir Pippines Carpraen San Roque Multi-Purpose Dam, Pangasinan, Philippines Review of he Ces Citra Oocumerts tthe San Roque Mit-Purpose Pret, one afte egestydrolctiz, food cnr, ard iigaton reject in Ain itry. (Gees Wastingon Group Ineatona farmer Raytheon Ebsco Orerses, id) ICC designed the three bce ier sysern {ote Cho Five: rigaton Stem Re eee cs Subic - Clark Pipeline, Pampanga, Philippines (etal sin for Cranage Inproverent ard Erosion Cntr the Sui - Crk Feline onecby Clark Fpeline ane Dep Co, re substi Pate Carp) ADB Provincial Cities Water Supply Systems, Mindanao, Philippines 08 Prove ter Supply Sstens is comprised os (5) ‘ater Dats -Cebanetin hy Sartings, Faron, Deu, Banged and Apar, FICE proved the design f wes reservar, dstibuten newark ane sewerage ste. P Acc has been involved inthe metro and ral sectors undertaking assignments ranging from ‘easibity studies to detalecercineerng designs ign coorinaton fora design-and-buld sonra, Re ee ee a ae ee ee Community and Commercial / Industrial Sites. (One o ICC tay sons ito cncoptsar deer the str paring of conmuniy a conmecl rtietales iinewthourlan's son eae ean of inhouse and onal pers pro the loing + Infrastructure and Site Phaving + Urban Design + Masterplaning + Regeneration + Transport Planing * Economic and Financial Feasibility Cebu Boardvralk Mandaue City, Philippines The Cebu Boerdwalt wit esi the Mandeue Sos Recation int the atest premier bustessconmercal isto tur esr, ard ese desinaton of Metro Cebu amaser pla, anesc2ped, and wel-nanianed develope fonire the Nair Chanel. PTCis ecing te Detaled Eninecing Desi the wile deepen: Bonifacio Information Technology Park Metro Manila, Philippines Site Devpment ol hectare (Zane) Bone Wormaton Techno Fash (GPa) for re Bases Conversion Developer Aut Renee et a eee Design Outsourcing Corinuustunan roan an tech pogress big ont he inensng inten ol te conn de world Graton epered dors fe sae tins prkpte poets nee Rcd te equ sence arena cs ‘helping the “bigger fms” to remain competitive. PIC ofes design outsourcing whichis certainly a ratenal approach in tapping into our fentensve engineering resource and considerably ower cost. We have appeinted an Interatoral Directer with extensive UK ard international cnsuhing experience to direct land manage design outsourced works, We also guarantee to provide high quality and timely deliverables, attention to detall and customized service i response to specific needs of ou cen TCC has worked wih foreign consultants and contracting dens around the globe. from Europe to Usted States to Austra to Asia. Some ofthese constans incude Scat son, Matt MacDonald, Royal Haskoing,HighPoint Rend, TRL, South Bank Stems, Binge Berger, Louis Berger Group, US, The Wasngton Greup, Cardno Iernatona Py i, Stina Corporation, a, anc hina Ha Remote Design Center (PTCC-Manila) Real Time Collaboration (Using Virtual Private Network) \ Data File Transfer (By CD or Electronically) enue ae Ls Asset Management. Picchasbon involved inthe Asset Management Projets ofthe Department cf Puc Works and Highways (DPW) in the Phippines ~ from Data Nigraton to Scfware/systen testing, To ensure full understanding and utilization of the system used, the Team conducts comprehersve hards-on taining ots end uses. Road & Bridge Information Application (RBIA) ABI’ re fil sere of road and bridge intaton inthe Pipes. The ystemis a dabasecntiting ‘he ene imentry of DPV roa azets. PTC tak par inte Data Ngati, Soares Tesing leer Admins, nttton ae useizaton of Cen, he sare Pavement Management System. (PMS) Bridge Management System (BMS) FICC was recite reer aton cl the PMS and B¥S withthe Cereal Fepesitry of DVM, design ofthe veal procedures in the gabeing ‘anmantrng of cea and conc of hands-on ring to ed users othe sytem Re eee oan Cs ae Services we offer PTC is a multi-discipline engineering consultancy firm that works hand-in-hand with Client from the conceptualization of a project until final turn-over, Planning + master plans + werk plans + shot and long-range studies + econonic ad tchriclfeacbiy studies ‘covering cost projections | + aczezamen ol tenders + anayses of proposals and sehedat of acivites Engineering Design ste requirements + topographic, geclgicl and hydiclgil surveys + envronmertalinpact assessments + demographic analyses + detailed deseys to international standards employing latest information and design technology Construction Supenision + te managenent + cost engineering + schedulngiparring + project certs + cuaity control + materials handling * process design + implementation serves + cata rigraton + reporttempltes + use’ vaining + sofae support At PTCC Y We understand your cerry Aa es Pe UCL eo Cee ORG Berner res Philipp’s Technical Consultants Corp. Design Engineers * Master Planners * Construction Managers / We guarantee quality. IF Espafia Tower, 2203 Espafia Ave. cor. Josefina St, Sampaloc 1008, Manila, Philippines Tel. Nos. (632) 712-9225, 731-7808, 301-0817 to 19 + Fax No.: (632) 301-0806 email address: * visit cur website: www WA Re i) Eres

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