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2009 North Dakota FFA Convention

Dairy Food Contest


Work individually to answer the following multiple choice questions. Mark your answers on your
Grademaster answer card #25420. Make dark marks with a number 2 pencil, erase changes
1. Off-flavor of milk that may be described as tasteless and the flavor of normal milk is lacking.
A) high acid
B) rancid
C) oxidized
D) flat/watery
E) salt
2. Flavor detected in milk by consumption of strong feeds or weeds or milk from cows in late
stages of lactation.
A) feed
B) salty
C) bitter
D) rancid
E) metallic
3. Off-flavors are imparted to milk when cows eat obnoxious weeds. Flavor can be recognized
by distinctive odor and taste suggested by its name.
A) rancid
B) garlic/onion C) foreign
D) flat/watery
E) bitter
4. Serious off-flavor to milk caused by fly spray, paint, kerosene or creosote. Substances enter
milk as direct contaminants or in vapor form.
A) rancid
B) foreign
C) feed
D) malty
E) salty
5. Off-flavor is quite pungent in advanced stages and is recognized by its papery or cardboard
sensation initially and a tallow odor in more advanced stages.
A) malty
B) foreign
C) salty
D) feed
E) oxidized
6. This flavor resembles the flavor of stale fat and has a soapy taste and a goaty, unclean odor
as a result of breaking down of fats in milk.
A) salty
B) garlic/onion C) feed
D) rancid
E) flat/watery
7. This off-flavor is seldom found except in pasteurized milk that has been stored too long or
stored at a slightly high refrigerator temperature.
A) foreign
B) unclean
C) high acid
D) feed
E) flat/watery
8. This off-flavor is a result of bacterial growth (commonly Streptococcus lactis) and will have
detectable ________flavor long before it may be classified sour.
A) high acid
B) malty
C) feed
D) rancid
E) foreign
9. Milk not properly cooled may encounter this off flavor and is caused by improperly cleaned
milking machines or equipment.
A) malty
B) foreign
C) feed
D) rancid
E) salty
10. Removing offending feeds from cows four hours before milking, can reduce the risk of
getting this off-flavor milk.
A) bitter
B) acid
C) feed
D) malty
E) unclean
11. A CMT test appearance with a strong gel formation that tends to adhere to paddle and forms
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a distinct central peak would have a Leukocyte count/ml of___________.

A) below 200,000
B) 150,000-500,000
C) 800,000-5,000,000
D) over 5,000,000
12. When performing a CMT tests watch for color changes and gel formation. Milk from a
normal quarter does which of the following?
A) gelatinous mass clinging together in a strong reaction
B) flows freely
C) gel is fragile and forms small clumps in a moderate reaction
D) has no pattern, simply is a randomly run test
13. Dairy product resulting from the addition of a creaming mixture (dressing) that contains not
less than 4 percent milk fat and not more than 80 percent moisture?
A) sorbet
B) sherbet
C) yogurt
D) sour cream E) cottage cheese
14. New Dairy Facts figures (2008 Edition), verify the leading state with 1,813,000 dairy cows
A) Wisconsin
B) New York
C) California
D) Idaho
E) Pennsylvania
15. Dairy Rations for lactating cows should be calculated based on:
A) Body Size
B) Milk Production
C) Stage of lactation
D) All of these
16. Which of the following would be classified as a Hard Cheese?
A) Brick
B) Montery Jack C) Cheddar
D) Brie
E) Mozzarella
17. __________is a dairy product resulting from the culturing of a mixture of milk and cream
products, with lactic acid producing bacteria. It contains not less than 3.25 percent milk fat and
8.25 percent solids-not-fat.
A) ice cream
B) yogurt
C) cottage cheese D) gelato
E) sorbet
18. Of the 14 cheese varieties, which has a tangy peppery flavor, is crumbly and pasty, has a
white interior with veins of mold that are marbled or streaked?
A) muenster
B) edam/gouda C) swiss
D) blue
E) brie
19. Of the listed below products, which contains no dairy ingredients?
A) gelato
B) sherbet
C) custard
D) sorbet
E) yogurt
20. As it comes from a cow, the solids portion of milk contains approximately 3.7 percent fat and
____ percent solids-not-fat.
A) 3%
B) 6%
C) 9%
D) 12%
E) 15%
21. Milk contains 87 % water and the rest is solids and fats. Which of the following is not
included as a milk solid?
A) Protein
B) Water
C) Carbohydrate D) MilkFat
E) Minerals
22. The part of the mammary gland where milk is produced is called:
A) Capillary
B) Teat Cistern C) Chine
D) Alveolus
E) Quarter
23. The heritability of the traits for milk production is:
A) 15%
B) 25%
C) 55%
D) 100%
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E) Not Measured

24. The Primary Milk carbohydrate is:

A) Leucine
B) Sucrose
C) Arginine

D) Lactose

E) Calcium

25. The primary Protein in Milk is:

A) Casein
B) Tryptophan C) Lysine

D) Agrinine


26. A dairy farmer who delivers Grade Aor bottling quality milk to the processing plant is
known as the__________.
A) handler
B) producer
C) order taker D) consumer
E) processor
27. Term for a designated trading area within which the handling of milk is regulated by the
Federal order is called the ____________.
A) milk zone
B) milk pool
C) marketing area
D) handler pool area
E) both A and B
28. Multiple Component Pricing (MCP) is where prices are based on ______________ of the
A) butterfat content
B) nonfat solids (or protein)
C) water and butterfat content
D) A & B
29. Legal action may be instituted through the _____ Department in the Federal courts to
enforce a Federal order.
A) Agriculture
B) Commerce C) Justice
D) Education
30. A milk marketing agreement is entered into by milk __________ and the Secretary of
Agriculture and is authorized by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937.
A) processors B) handlers
C) dealers
D) consumers
31. If the (Federal) order contains a market-wide pool, the law provides that at least ________ of
the producers selling milk in the marketing area must approve the final order before it may be
A) one-third
B) one-half
C) two-thirds
D) three-fourths E) 100%
32. The Secretary of Agriculture may terminate a marketing order when it is favored by a
majority of the dairy farmers who deliver more than _____ of the milk to the market.
A) 25%
B) 50%
C) 66%
D) 75%
E) 90%
33. The only persons regulated by an order (Federal) are the__________.
A) marketing cooperative
B) milk producer
C) milk handler
D) milk consumer
34. Which country imported the greatest amount of dairy products from the U.S. in 2008.
A) Japan
B) Dominican Republic
C) Canada
D) Mexico
E) Hong Kong
35. Ice cream consumption surveys reveal the top flavor in U.S. households was what flavor?
A) Strawberry B) vanilla
C) chocolate
D) neapolitan E) nut/carmel
36. Historically, U.S. milk product supply is utilized by which dairy product? (Hint: According
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to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service.

A) butter
B) frozen dairy products
C) cheese
D) fluid milk
E) evaporated and condensed milk
37. ____________ consists of a mixture of milk and cream containing not less than 10.5
percent milk fat, but less than 18 percent milk fat.
A) cultured milk
B) sour cream C) heavy cream
D) half-and-half
E) yogurt
38. Year Federal milk marketing orders were reformed and component pricing introduced?
A) 1937 B) 1964
C) 1993
D) 1995
E) 2000
39. Whole milk with a milk fat test of 3.0 to 4.99% and 8.6# (lb) per gallon equals how many
pounds per quart?
A) 2.1575#
B) 2.15#
C) 2.1375#
D) 2.1275#
E) 2.0925#
40. The 2008 average annual milk production per cow on U. S. farms was reported at_____#.
A) 16,871
B) 17,763
C) 18,162
D) 20,396
E) 19,479
41. The state with the most pounds of milk per cow in 2008 was___________.
A) Wisconsin
B) California
C) Arizona
D) Ohio
E) Washington
42. The number of milk cows in the U.S. was______ for 2008.
A.) 20,548,000 B) 8,158,000
C) 3,567,000
D) 9,315,000
43. To make one pound of butter it would require approximately _____ of whole milk
A) 21.8#
B) 11.0#
C) 9.8#
D) 7.4#
E) 7.3#
44. A classified price plan provides different classes and prices for milk of different uses. Milk
used in fluid products is placed in:
A) Class A
B) Class AA
C) Class I
D) Class II
45. Which the following milk marketing areas had the most dairy producers in 2008
A) Northeast
B) Southeast
C) Southwest
D) Upper Midwest
46. The ________ program financially compensates dairy producers when domestic milk prices
fall below a specified level.
47. What is the justification of government involvement in the marketing of milk?
A) price and Income support for Dairy farmers
B) reduce price and income flexibility
C) improve market power of farmers
D) all of the above
48. Milk from cows being treated with antibiotics should be withheld from the supply because:
A) antibiotics curdle the milk
B) people are sensitive to antibiotics
C) they create high bacteria counts
D) they prevent proper cooling
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49. On the average dairy farmers receive what percent of the money from fluid milk sales sold in
A) 55%
B) 35%
C) 85%
D) 10%
50. About ________ percent of US milk production is used in fluid milk products.
A) 90%
B) 75%
C) 44%
D) 23%

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1. D
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. E
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. E
14. C
15. D
16. C
17. B
18. D
19. D
20. C
21. B
22. D
23. B
24. D
25. A



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2009 North Dakota FFA Convention

Dairy Foods CDE
Work individually to answer these multiple choice questions. Mark your answers on the
Grademaster answer card #23040. Make dark marks and erase completely to change.
Using the following data, solve problems 1 and 2:
Your dairy herd of 100 Jersey cows produced 50,000# of 5.4% butterfat milk with 3.5% protein on
March 28th. Butterfat differential bonus was set .12 cents/cwt/tenth of a percent over 3.5%; while
protein differential bonus was set at .11 cents/cwt/tenth of a percent over 3.2%.
1. What is the butterfat bonus paid for the 50,000# daily shipment?
A) $165
B) $1045
C) $1140
D) $1750
E) $3240
2. The protein differential bonus paid for the 50,000# daily shipment was $__________.
A) $114
B) $165
C) $270
D) $279
E) $1140
For problems 3 and 4, use the following data:
ABC Dairy had a shipment of 100,000# of milk from the 80 cow Brown Swiss herd in Central
Dakota. The 55,000# of milk was utilized in Class #1 and paid $14.10/cwt (100#) while 30,000# of
milk was utilized in Class II and paid $12.50/cwt (100#). The balance was utilized in Class III and
paid $11.42/cwt (100#) with no additional bonuses paid for the shipment. (round answer to nearest
whole cent)
3. What was the blend price for 100# milk shipped?
A) $13.22
B) $12.8
C) $12.67
D) $12.50

E) $11.42

4. The gross amount of the milk check paid to ABC Dairy with no deductions was $_______.
A) $12,500
B) $12,670
C) $12,830
D) $13,220
E) $14,100
Information for problems 5 and 6:
The local Farmers Milk Cooperative has an unlimited supply of 0% milk fat (nonfat milk) and three tons
(6000#) of 36% milk fat heavy cream to process. The cooperative plans to make 20% light cream for a
special military contract in Iraq.
5. How many pounds of 0% milkfat will be needed to complete this order?
A) 1080 lb
B) 2000 lb
C) 3000 lb
D) 3600 lb
E) 4800 lb
6. How many total pounds of 20% light cream will be in this special order?
A) 4440 lb
B) 4800 lb
C) 5300 lb
D) 6,000 lb
E) 10,800 lb

For problems 7 and 8 use the following data:

Sunshine Milk Cooperative recently accepted a special order for four tons (8,000#) of 30% milk fat light
whipping cream. To make the order the plant manager has two products available to blend the order
including 2% milk fat (reduced fat milk) and 36% milk fat (heavy cream).
7. How many pounds of 2% reduced fat milk will be used in this order?
A) 240#
B) 659#
C) 1263#
D) 1412#
E) 6589#
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8. Total pounds of 36% milk fat (heavy cream) needed to make this order?
A) 3400#
B) 5894#
C) 6588#
D) 8000#
E) 14,120#
Data for problems 9 and 10 includes the following:
NBK Dairy has 200 cows that produced 300,000# of 3.8% butterfat milk with a protein of 3.1%. Nicks
Hauling Company charges .25 cents/100# milk shipped to the local milk plant and pays a differential bonus
on any milk over 3.5% butterfat and 3.2% protein. The most recent differential bonus was $.15 for each
1/10th percent of butterfat and $.09 for each 1/10th percent of protein.
9. What was the shipping charge paid for hauling the milk to the local milk plant for all 300,000#?
A) $300
B) $750
C) $1350
D) $2700
E) $7500
10. What is the total differential bonus paid for the 300,000# milk combined? (butterfat and protein)
A) $1080
B) $1350
C) $1620
D) $2700
E) $2850

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1. C - $1,140
2. B - $165
3. A - $13.22
4. D - $13,220
5. E 4,800 #
6. E 10,800 #
7. D 1,412 #
8. C 6,588 #
9. B - $750
10. A - $1,080

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2009 North Dakota FFA Convention

Dairy Foods Contest

[50 points]
High Water Inc, owners of New River Crest Dairy, produces Grade A milk from 554 head comprised
of two breeds, 531 Holstein (150 registered) and 23 Jersey (20 registered) cows. Their bulk tank
average daily milk yield is 74 pounds (Holstein) and 54 pounds (Jersey) per cow. They have a
daughter who plans to return to the dairy after college and currently has ownership of the Jersey
cowherd and some heifers. The family has a long-standing reputation of purebred genetics and
place a high priority on milk quality. Their creamery, High River Dike Creamery is a cooperative that
offers incentives for quality and production. The familys goal is to keep components above 3.3%
protein and fat at least 3.9%, maintain a reputation for good cows and make fiscally sound business
decisions during times of low milk prices. Their current milk components and quality tests are:
$ Milk protein - 3.37%
$ Milk fat - 4.01%
$ Other solids - 5.68%
$ Somatic Cell Count - 330,000
To complete this exercise you will need the following information.
Parameters for Determining Milk Value
The processor uses the following Class III prices to set procurement policy that determines the pay
price and any premiums:
1. Protein differential (3.04% base) = $2.20/cwt per 0.1% protein
2. Butterfat differential (3.5% base) = $1.16/cwt per 0.1% milk fat
3. Other solids (OS) premium (5.65% base) = - $0.03/cwt per 0.1% OS
4. Somatic cell count base = 350,000 cells per mil.
5. For any premium - bacteria plate count must average less than 25,000 for the entire month
Given the information above, calculate the adjustments made to the price paid per cwt for milk.
Milk Components:
1. Protein (PRO):
a) 0.137
b) 0.049
c) 0.037
d) 0.073
2. Butterfat (BF):
a) 0.095
b) 0.990
c) 0.059
d) 0.590

(3.37-3.04) x (0.02200.1) = +0.0494

(4.01-3.50) x (0.0116 0.1) = +0.0592

3. Other Solids (OS):

a) 0.0010
b) 0.0009
(5.68 5.65) x (-0.0003 0.01) = - 0.009
c) 0.0008
d) 0.0007

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Milk Quality
Determine the premium adjustment (if any) based on the following Somatic Cell Count criteria.

Somatic Cell Count
(SCC) Base

Adjustment Rate ($/cwt)

per 1,000 cells

0 - 350,000


350,001 - 450,000


450,001 - 750,000


750,000 - OVER


4. What is the SCC premium adjustment?

a) 0.050
(350 330 [1,000]) x 0.0025 = +0.05
b) 0.005
c) 0.055
d) 0.105
The control plate was determined clear, so analyze the dairys SPC using the diagram of the
plates below and calculate the number of bacteria/ml. (The lab procedure for the
bacteria plates used below is from a 1/1000 ml dilution.)

__18__ colonies

__10__ colonies

__14,000____ net colonies

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5. What is the Standard Plate Count (SPC)?

a) 2.8 x 103
b) 1.4 x 104
((18+10)2=14)x1000=14,000; in scientific notation 1.4 x 104
c) 2.8 x 10
d) 1.4 x 103
Standard Plate Count (SPC)

Premium Rate $/cwt

0 - 5,000


5,001 - 10,000


10,001 - 25,000 (base)

0.00 (base)

25,001 - 50,000


50,001 - OVER


6. What is the bacteria premium or discount using the above table?

a) +0.20
b) +0.10
c) +0.00
(14,000 = [10,001 to 25,000 SPC range] = $0.00 adjustment
d) -0.10
e) -0.20
Milk Volume
This processor offers the following volume premium to help maintain a constant supply to market. Use
the following table to answer Questions 7 and 8.

Grade A Volume Premium Program



60,001 - 90,000


600,001 - 630,000


90,001 - 120,000


630,001 - 660,000


120,001 - 150,000


660,001 - 690,000


150,001 - 180,000


690,001 - 720,000


180,001 - 210,000


720,001 - 750,000


210,001 - 240,000


750,001 - 780,000


240,001 - 270,000


780,001 - 810,000


270,001 - 300,000


810,001 - 840,000


300,001 - 330,000


840,001 - 870,000


330,001 - 360,000


870,001 - 900,000


360,001 - 390,000


900,001 - 930,000


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90,001 - 420,000


930,001 - 960,000


420,001 - 450,000


960,001 - 990,000


450,001 - 480,000


990,001 - 1,020,000


480,001 - 510,000


1,020,001 - 1,050,000


510,001 - 540,000


1,050,001 - 1,080,000


540,000 - 570,000


1,080,001 - 1,110,000


570,001 - 600,000


1,110,001 - OVER


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2009 North Dakota FFA Convention

Dairy Foods Contest

[50 points]
High Water Inc, owners of New River Crest Dairy, produces Grade A milk from 554 head comprised of
two breeds, 531 Holstein (150 registered) and 23 Jersey (20 registered) cows. Their bulk tank
average daily milk yield is 74 pounds (Holstein) and 54 pounds (Jersey) per cow. They have a
daughter who plans to return to the dairy after college and currently has ownership of the Jersey
cowherd and some heifers. The family has a long-standing reputation of purebred genetics and place
a high priority on milk quality. Their creamery, High River Dike Creamery is a cooperative that offers
incentives for quality and production. The familys goal is to keep components above 3.3% protein and
fat at least 3.9%, maintain a reputation for good cows and make fiscally sound business decisions
during times of low milk prices. Their current milk components and quality tests are:
$ Milk fat - 4.01%
$ Other solids - 5.68%
$ Somatic Cell Count - 330,000
To complete this exercise you will need the following information.
Parameters for Determining Milk Value
The processor uses the following Class III prices to set procurement policy that determines the pay
price and any premiums:
1. Protein differential (3.04% base) = 2.20/cwt per 0.1% protein
2. Butterfat differential (3.5% base) = 1.16/cwt per 0.1% milk fat
3. Other solids (OS) premium (5.65% base) = - 0.03/cwt per 0.1% OS
4. Somatic cell count base = 350,000 cells per mil.
5. For any premium -bacteria plate count must average less than 25,000 for the entire month
Given the information above, calculate the adjustments made to the price paid per cwt for milk.
Milk Components:
1. Protein (PRO):
a) 0.137
b) 0.049
c) 0.037
d) 0.073
2. Butterfat (BF):
a) 0.095
b) 0.990
c) 0.059
d) 0.590
3. Other Solids (OS):
a) - 0.0010
b) - 0.0009
c) - 0.0008
d) - 0.0007

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Milk Quality
Determine the premium adjustment (if any) based on the following Somatic Cell Count criteria.

Somatic Cell Count
(SCC) Base

Adjustment Rate ($/cwt)

per 1,000 cells

0 - 350,000


350,001 - 450,000


450,001 - 750,000


750,000 - OVER


4. What is the SCC premium adjustment?

a) 0.050
b) 0.005
c) 0.055
d) 0.105
5. The control plate was determined clear, so analyze the dairys SPC using the diagram of the
plates below and calculate the number of bacteria/ml. (The lab procedure for the
bacteria plates used below is from a 1/1000 ml dilution.)

____ colonies

____ colonies

_____ net colonies

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5. What is the Standard Plate Count (SPC)?

a) 2.8 x 103
b) 1.4 x 104
c) 2.8 x 104
d) 1.4 x 103
Standard Plate Count (SPC)

Premium Rate $/cwt

0 - 5,000


5,001 - 10,000


10,001 - 25,000 (base)

0.00 (base)

25,001 - 50,000


50,001 - OVER


6. What is the bacteria premium or discount using the above table?

a) +0.20
b) +0.10
c) +0.00
d) -0.10
e) -0.20
Milk Volume
This processor offers the following volume premium to help maintain a constant supply to
market. Use the following table to answer Questions 7 and 8.

Grade A Volume Premium Program



60,001 - 90,000


600,001 - 630,000


90,001 - 120,000


630,001 - 660,000


120,001 - 150,000


660,001 - 690,000


150,001 - 180,000


690,001 - 720,000


180,001 - 210,000


720,001 - 750,000


210,001 - 240,000


750,001 - 780,000


240,001 - 270,000


780,001 - 810,000


270,001 - 300,000


810,001 - 840,000


300,001 - 330,000


840,001 - 870,000


330,001 - 360,000


870,001 - 900,000


360,001 - 390,000


900,001 - 930,000


90,001 - 420,000


930,001 - 960,000


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420,001 - 450,000


960,001 - 990,000


450,001 - 480,000


990,001 - 1,020,000


480,001 - 510,000


1,020,001 - 1,050,000


510,001 - 540,000


1,050,001 - 1,080,000


540,000 - 570,000


1,080,001 - 1,110,000


570,001 - 600,000


1,110,001 - OVER


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7. What is the estimated monthly volume of milk produced?

(Hint: calculate average days per month for the year)
a) 39,294 cwt
b) 40,536 cwt
c) 11,402 cwt
d) 12,323 cwt
8. What is the price adjustment for attaining the monthly milk volumes?
a) 0.87
b) 0.02
c) 1.08
d) 1.05
Milk Value
The following are used to price Grade A milk by the states Milk Marketing Board for this
Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV

$11.23 @ 3.5% BF test

$10.36 @ 3.5% BF test
$10.44 @ 3.5% BF test
$ 9.64 @ 3.5% BF test

The processors utilization of Grade A milk is:

Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV


Determine the adjusted Class prices for this farms production for last month.
Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV


lbs =
lbs =
lbs =
lbs =

lbs x
lbs x
lbs x
lbs x
Blend Price (per lb):
Blend Price (per cwt):

/cwt =
/cwt =
/cwt =
/cwt =

9. What is the blend price per cwt of all milk shipped?

$ 9.98
10. From the blend price calculated in #9, what is the estimated farm gate price for
this patrons milk with incentives for this month? (Hint: Farm gate = Blend price plus
adjusted base incentives)

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2009 North Dakota FFA Convention

Dairy Food Contest


Work individually to answer the following multiple choice questions. Mark your answers
on your Grademaster answer card #25420. Make dark marks with a number 2 pencil,
erase changes completely.
1. Off-flavor of milk that may be described as tasteless and the flavor of normal milk is
A) high acid
B) rancid
C) oxidized
D) flat/watery
E) salt
2. Flavor detected in milk by consumption of strong feeds or weeds or milk from cows
in late stages of lactation.
A) feed
B) salty
C) bitter
D) rancid
E) metallic
3. Off-flavor imparted to milk when cows eat leeks or other obnoxious weeds. Flavor
can be recognized by distinctive odor and taste suggested by its name.
A) rancid
B) garlic/onion C) foreign
D) flat/watery
E) bitter
4. Serious off-flavor to milk caused by fly spray, paint, kerosene or creosote.
Substances enter milk as direct contaminants or in vapor form.
A) rancid
B) foreign
C) feed
D) malty
E) salty
5. Off-flavor is quite pungent in advanced stages and is recognized by its papery or
cardboard sensation initially and a tallow odor in more advanced stages.
A) malty
B) foreign
C) salty
D) feed
E) oxidized
6. This flavor resembles the flavor of stale fat and has a soapy taste and a goaty,
unclean odor as a result of breaking down of fats in milk.
A) salty
B) garlic/onion C) feed
D) rancid
E) flat/watery
7. This off-flavor is seldom found except in pasteurized milk that has been stored too
long or stored at a slightly high refrigerator temperature.
A) foreign
B) unclean
C) high acid
D) feed
E) flat/watery
8. This off-flavor is a result of bacterial growth (commonly Streptococcus lactis) and
will have detectable ________flavor long before it may be classified sour.
A) high acid
B) malty
C) feed
D) rancid
E) foreign
9. Milk not properly cooled may encounter this off flavor and is caused by improperly
cleaned milking machines or equipment.
A) malty
B) foreign
C) feed
D) rancid
E) salty

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10. By taking cows off offending feeds four hours before milking, such as silage,
alfalfa hay, green grass and turnips, a farmer can reduce the risk of getting this offflavor milk.
A) bitter
B) acid
C) feed
D) malty
E) unclean
11. A CMT test appearance with a strong gel formation that tends to adhere to paddle
and forms a distinct central peak would have a Leukocyte count/ml of___________.
A) below 200,000
B) 150,000-500,000
C) 800,000-5,000,000
D) over 5,000,000
12. When performing a CMT tests watch for color changes and gel formation. Milk
from a normal quarter does which of the following?
A) gelatinous mass clinging together in a strong reaction
B) flows freely
C) gel is fragile and forms small clumps in a moderate reaction
D) has no pattern, simply is a randomly run test
13. Dairy product resulting from the addition of a creaming mixture (dressing) that
contains not less than 4 percent milk fat and not more than 80 percent moisture?
A) sorbet
B) sherbet
C) yogurt
D) sour cream E) cottage cheese
14. New Dairy Facts figures (2008 Edition), verify the leading state with 1,813,000
dairy cows is____.
A) Wisconsin
B) New York
C) California
D) Idaho
E) Pennsylvania
15. Dairy Rations for lactating cows should be calculated based on:
A) Body Size
B) Milk Production
C) Stage of lactation
D) All of these
16. Which of the following would be classified as a Hard Cheese?
A) Brick
B) Montery Jack C) Cheddar
D) Brie
E) Mozzarella
17. __________is a dairy product resulting from the culturing of a mixture of milk and
cream products, with lactic acid producing bacteria. It contains not less than 3.25
percent milk fat and 8.25 percent solids-not-fat.
A) ice cream
B) yogurt
C) cottage cheese D) gelato
E) sorbet
18. Of the 14 cheese varieties, which has a tangy peppery flavor, is crumbly and
pasty, has a white interior with veins of mold that are marbled or streaked?
A) muenster
B) edam/gouda C) swiss
D) blue
E) brie
19. Of the listed below products, which contains no dairy ingredients?
A) gelato
B) sherbet
C) custard
D) sorbet
E) yogurt
20. As it comes from a cow, the solids portion of milk contains approximately 3.7
percent fat and ____ percent solids-not-fat.
A) 3%
B) 6%
C) 9%
D) 12%
E) 15%

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21. Milk contains 87 % water and the rest is solids and fats. Which of the following is
not included as a milk solid?
A) Protein
B) Water
C) Carbohydrate D) MilkFat
E) Minerals
22. The part of the mammary gland where milk is produced is called:
A) Capillary
B) Teat Cistern C) Chine
D) Alveolus
E) Quarter
23. The heritability of the traits for milk production is:
A) 15%
B) 25%
C) 55%
D) 100%

E) Not Measured

24. The Primary Milk carbohydrate is:

A) Leucine
B) Sucrose
C) Arginine

D) Lactose

E) Calcium

25. The primary Protein in Milk is:

A) Casein
B) Tryptophan C) Lysine

D) Agrinine


26. A dairy farmer who delivers Grade Aor bottling quality milk to the processing
plant is known as the__________.
A) handler
B) producer
C) order taker D) consumer
E) processor
27. Term for a designated trading area within which the handling of milk is regulated
by the Federal order is called the ____________.
A) milk zone
B) milk pool
C) marketing area
D) handler pool area
E) both A and B
28. Multiple Component Pricing (MCP) is where prices are based on
______________ of the milk.
A) butterfat content
B) nonfat solids (or protein)
C) water and butterfat content
D) A & B
29. Legal action may be instituted through the _____ Department in the Federal
courts to enforce a Federal order.
A) Agriculture
B) Commerce C) Justice
D) Education
30. A milk marketing agreement is entered into by milk __________ and the
Secretary of Agriculture and is authorized by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act
of 1937.
A) processors B) handlers
C) dealers
D) consumers
31. If the (Federal) order contains a market-wide pool, the law provides that at least
________ of the producers selling milk in the marketing area must approve the final
order before it may be issued.
A) one-third
B) one-half
C) two-thirds
D) three-fourths E) 100%

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32. The Secretary of Agriculture may terminate a marketing order when it is favored
by a majority of the dairy farmers who deliver more than _____ of the milk to the
A) 25%
B) 50%
C) 66%
D) 75%
E) 90%
33. The only persons regulated by an order (Federal) are the__________.
A) marketing cooperative
B) milk producer
C) milk handler
D) milk consumer
34. In 2003 U.S. exported 52,101 metric tons of cheese. Our largest trading partner
was_____ with over 30% or 16,147 metric tons of cheese exported to this country.
A) Japan
B) Dominican Republic
C) Canada
D) Mexico
E) Hong Kong
35. During 2003 an ice cream consumption survey by flavors, revealed the top
flavor in U.S. households polled was what flavor? ( 33% of all consumption
A) strawberry B) vanilla C) chocolate D) neapolitan
e) nut/carmel
36. In 2008 U.S., milk product supply utilization showed 37.9% was utilized by
which milk product? (Hint: the largest utilized product according to the USDA,
National Agricultural Statistics Service.
A) butter
B) frozen dairy products
C) cheese
D) fluid milk
E) evaporated and condensed milk
37. ____________ consists of a mixture of milk and cream containing not less
than 10.5 percent milk fat, but less than 18 percent milk fat.
A) cultured milk
b) sour cream
c) heavy cream
d) half-and-half
e) yogurt
38. Year Federal milk marketing orders were reformed and component pricing
A) 1937 B) 1964
C) 1993
D) 1995
E) 2000
39. Whole milk with a milk fat test of 3.0 to 4.99% and 8.6# (lb) per gallon equals how
many pounds per quart?
A) 2.1575#
B) 2.15#
C) 2.1375#
D) 2.1275#
E) 2.0925#
40. The 2008 average milk production per cow on U. S. farms was reported
A) 16,871
B) 17,763
C) 18,162
D) 20,396
E) 19,479
41. The state with the most pounds of milk per cow with 23,260# average in 2008
A) Wisconsin
B) California
C) Arizona
D) Ohio
E) Washington

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42. The number of milk cows in the U.S. was______ for 2007.
A.) 20,548,000 B) 8,158,000
C) 3,567,000
D) 9,158,000
43. To make one pound of butter it would require approximately _____ of whole milk
A) 21.8#
B) 11.0#
C) 9.8#
D) 7.4#
E) 7.3#
44. A classified price plan provides different classes and prices for milk of different
uses. Milk used in fluid products is placed in:
A) Class A
B) Class AA
C) Class I
D) Class II
45. Which the following milk marketing areas had the most dairy producers in 2006
A) Northeast
B) Southeast
C) Southwest
D) Upper Midwest
46. The ________ program financially compensates dairy producers when domestic
milk prices fall below a specified level.
47. What is the justification of government involvement in the marketing of milk?
A) price and Income support for Dairy farmers
B) reduce price and income flexibility
C) improve market power of farmers
D) all of the above
48. Milk from cows being treated with antibiotics should be withheld from the supply
A) antibiotics curdle the milk
B) people are sensitive to antibiotics
C) they create high bacteria counts
D) they prevent proper cooling
49. On the average dairy farmers receive what percent of the money from fluid milk
sales sod in stores
A) 55%
B) 35%
C) 85%
D) 10%
50. About ________ percent of US milk production is used in fluid milk products.
A) 90%
B) 75%
C) 44%
D) 23%

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1. D
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. E
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. E
14. C
15. D
16. C
17. B
18. D
19. D
20. C
21. B
22. D
23. B
24. D
25. A



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