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What am I allowed to say to students?

Overwriting/Deleting Text Unexpectedly:

If the text a student is typing in the online short-paper component is overwriting and deleting the text that
appears on the screen, the Examiner/Proctor can tell the student, Try pressing the Insert key on
your keyboard to stop that from happening. The Examiner/Proctor may point to the Insert key
if needed but must not touch the students keyboard. The Examiner/Proctor should only address the
individual student who is experiencing the problem. An announcement about the Insert key should not
be made to an entire group of students during testing as it may cause confusion for students who are not
experiencing the overwrite/deleting issue.
Locating the Prompt, Checklist for Writers, or Shortcut Keys:
If a student asks how to retrieve the prompt, the Checklist for Writers, or the shortcut keys, the
Examiner/Proctor may tell the student, The prompt [Checklist for Writers or shortcut keys] is
located on a tab in the Exhibit window. Look at the TestNav toolbar at the top of the
screen, and click on the Exhibit icon that looks like two sheets of paper.
TestNav Tools and Writing Tools:
If a student asks a question about the TestNav tools at the top of the TestNav screen, the Examiner/Proctor
should tell the student, Refer to the help icon [life preserver] on the toolbar for help with a
tool. However, if a student asks a question about the writing tools located directly above the writing
response area, a Help menu for these tools is not available. In this situation, the Examiner/Proctor may
use the table shown on page 8 of the Spring and Summer 2016 Writing Examiners Manual.
If a student needs assistance navigating the online test, the Examiner/Proctor may
directions to the student, such as:
To move to the next question click Next.
To go back to previous question click Previous.
To go back to a question from the Section Review screen click on the
questions number.
To go back to the short-paper from the Section Review screen click on the
Short-Paper link.
To submit your test click the Submit the test button. (this is the one
most of you had a question about)
Examiners/Proctors must not use the students mouse or keyboard to navigate any
portion of
the test for the student. This includes but is not limited to: moving between
moving from the Review screen to questions marked Answered, Unanswered, or
Flagged for
Review; exiting or submitting the test.
Examiners/Proctors must not prompt the student to go back to any specific
Examiners/Proctors must not prompt the student to go back to any

specific questions such as any marked Answered, Unanswered, or Flagged for

If an Examiner/Proctor notices the student left questions unanswered or flagged for
review, the Examiner/Proctor may only tell the student to Read the screen
Questions about test items. If a student asks a question during the test about a
test item, the
student should be told, Read it carefully and choose the best answer. Help
must not be
given on specific test items. Examples of prohibited help include but are not limited
pronouncing words, rewording the question, providing hints and clues, giving
giving verbal indications or non-verbal cues about the correctness of a students
While the prompt may be read to any student, test questions or portions of the
question may
not be read to students unless specified by their IEPs, 504 Plans, or LEP Student
Participation Plans. If, after testing is complete, a student asks to discuss a question,
Examiner, Proctor, or teacher should remind the student that the test questions
cannot be
Questions about the prompt. If the student asks a question during the shortpaper
component that refers to what the student should write about or asks the examiner
to explain
the prompt, say only, Read the topic carefully and write a short paper about
it. Help
with how to write a paper or with the mechanics of writing, such as how to spell a
must not be given.
Questions about TestNav Tools. If a student needs assistance with a TestNav
tool, the
student may be told, Refer to the help icon [life preserver] on the toolbar
for help with a
Questions about submitting the test. If the student has unfinished MC items,
the examiner may only tell the student to Read the screen carefully. For the
prompt, if the screen reads You have 1 unfinished item, the student may told that
This screen shows that you have not typed a paper into TestNav. Do you
want to return and type a paper or submit your test without writing a
paper? If they want to go back, SAY Click on the return to the test button and
click on Short Paper.

Three Choices:
*(1) Return to test- the student should click this button only if they want to go back and review their
answers or to finish the test.
*(2) Exit the test the student should click this button only if they are being moved to another
computer, or alternate test room and still need to complete the test. This will give you the exited status
in PEMS.
*(3) Submit the test- the student clicks this button to submit his/her test for scoring.

Please be sure to read your examiners manual and familiarize yourself with
the information in it. It is an expectation that all examiners read the manual
for information and instructions, not just the directions that will be read to
the students. Pgs. 28-30 (Multiple choice) Pgs. 37-39 (Prompt)

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