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4th Period
Cantos I-III
Assignment A

How old is Dante?

Line 1 states that Dante is halfway through his
alloAed threescore years and ten, so he is 35
years old.

Where is he?
In lines 15-16, it is menHoned that Dante is at
the boAom of The Mount of Joy.

Why/How did he arrive there?

In lines 1-3, Dante realizes he has strayed from
the True Way into the Dark Woods of Error.

How did he feel?

Dante feels disappointed in himself for not
living the True Way. (Line 12)

Why is he wriHng this book?

Dante is wriHng this book to demonstrate
Gods grace. (Lines 8-9)

What three animals does Dante

Dante encounters a Leopard (line 33), a Lion
(line 44), and a She-Wolf (line 48).

How does Dante already know Virgil?

Dante already knows Virgil because he was a
poet. Virgil represents Dantes human reason.
(Lines 67-70)

What advice does Virgil give to Dante?

Virgil tells Dante that before he can achieve
success and make it past the beasts, he must
descend into Hell. (Lines 106-126)

What is the animal Virgil menHons? What

purpose will the coming of this animal fulll?
Virgil menHons that a Greyhound must come
to kill the She-Wolf, and that is the only way
the She-Wolf will return to hell. (Lines 95-103)

Why must Virgil entrust Dante to someone

else for the 3rd part of the journey?
He must do this because Virgil himself is not
worthy, since he acted against God. (Lines

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