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Adam Redhead

453 E-Tool Box

Tool 1 –We are Always Selling
 In a relationship, business or
otherwise, it is ME that the
person is listening to
 For someone to truly believe in
my concept, they must believe
in me first. i.e. investors, my
team, employees, and all
 This will require me to be a
confident, reliable, and
trustworthy individual who
truly believes that my concept
will work!
Tool 2 – Building Report
 From Adam Shavitz
 Since we are always selling ourselves, I can use this model to build a
relationship with anyone! For business or personal relationships
 This will enable me to build my network in an easier more solid way
 It will require me to focus on the conversation and stay attentive to
the person in which I am dealing with
Tool 3 – Getting Your Idea

 I may have the greatest product

in the world, but if no body is
willing to purchase, I don’t have
a business
 When starting or growing my
business, the Customer comes
first! Paying attention to their
needs is imperative to
sustainable business concept.
 I will need to treat the customer
as if they are my boss. I answer
directly to them.
Tool 4 – Work Smarter, Not Harder

 In the first two challenges, I

was more concerned with
our service and our team.
For the last concept, I made
it simple!
 Customers appreciate a
concept they can understand
and stand behind
 I put in less work and had
greater result from the third
challenge because I
simplified the model to
attend to the customers
Tool 5 – Have a Meaningful Purpose

 Hearing Nathan Nguyen

discuss why he had his
business, I realized that I
needed to incorporate a
purpose behind my concept.
 No matter what happens, with
a higher purpose behind my
concept, I will be able to
 Goes back to Tool 1: I can
always sell myself if I truly
believe in the purpose of my
Tool 6 – Keep it Simple
 Going back to working smarter and
not harder, Wurstkuche played an
important role in giving me this tool.
 Take something simple and tweak it.
It does not to be complicated to be
 Since I have incorporated this
attitude into my new concept, I
firmly believe my concept can be
 However, it will require me to stay
focused on not overcomplicating it
in the future. Small tweaks can offer
product differentiation and open
doors to new customers.
Tool 7 – Age Doesn’t Matter
 By seeing Nathan Nguyen on the news, I realized that age
doesn’t matter. It’s all about attitude!
 I can use this when I am nervous about an individual taking
me seriously because of my age and lack of experience
 But with knowledge of the industry and trust in myself, I can
focus on maintaining a positive attitude and get results
Tool 8 – Presentation Skills
 With feedback from multiple judges, I
gained many tools. Here’s 3:
 PowerPoints are great, but they’re looking at
 Financials are what they want to see
 And keep the viewers interested in the
 When selling my product on the street,
pitching investors, or motivating
employees, I can bring these tools to the
table to create the result I am aiming for
 It will require me to once again to stay
attentive to my viewer, understand their
needs, and pitch appropriately. Once
again, I’m selling myself
Tool 9 – The Competition is YOU(ME)

 I tend to compare myself and my results to others, but I can always

find someone faster, more intelligent, more successful, etc.
 In retrospect, I have experienced more growth in the past few years
than most people do in entire lifetime. Hence, I need to stop
comparing myself to others, and compare myself with myself.
 By always competing against myself, I can always strive to do better
Tool 10 – If Money is the Problem, I
Don’t Have a Problem
 There are always ways to get more
 Real problems involve health, family, or
global concerns.
 I tend to be a highly stressed individual by
nature, but with this approach, I can focus
on what truly matters in life. I can always
find more ways to get more money.
 This will definitely require me to
remember this tool when the utility bills
come in and medical bills begin piling up,
but it will be important for to remember
that I can get more money, I can’t get
more time

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