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A Cell Is Like A

By: Morgan S.

Cell Wall:School Walls

A cell wall provides protection for the cell like a school
wall does for us.

Cell Membrane:Resource Officers

A cell membrane controls what comes in and out of the
cell and the school cops do the same for us at school.

The cytoplasm is where chemical reactions take place like
classrooms are where we learn stuff, kind of like
chemical reactions.

The nucleus contain information and control cell activities.
Teachers also contain information and teach us.

Ribosomes:School Kitchen
Ribosomes are where proteins are made and the kitchen
is where our proteins are made.

The mitochondria takes food and breaks it down like
janitors take trash and break it down.

Chloroplast:Lunch Ladies
The chloroplast produces food for the cell like the lunch
ladies produce food for the students.

Vacuole:Vending Machines
The vacuoles holds food and water like the vending
machines hold snacks and drinks for us.

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