Ksheehanform 9 Module 1

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9: Learning Guide
Module Name: Understanding the SAMR Model
Course Name: ASW Tech Tools for Teaching and Learning
Learning Goals/Outcomes

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
Explain the four levels of the SAMR Model
List examples of technology integration at teach of the levels.
Integrate lessons/activities into your classroom and relate them to the
SAMR Model. Reflect on the impact.

Learning Resources

Required Resources
SAMR Model - Ruben Puentedura YouTube Video

SAMR in 120 Seconds

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us0w823KY0g - t=27

Using SAMR to Teach Above the Line


Additional Resources
SAMR Model Shared Project idea
Ruben Puenteduras Weblog
SAMR Model Apps in Education

Learning Activities

Activities for This Lesson
Create a presentation or document explaining the SAMR Model, including
lesson/activity examples at each of the levels.
Bookmark resources using a social bookmarking site.
Modify one lesson, relating it to the SAMR Model, and teach it in your
Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,

Created by Kris Sheehan, March 2014

classroom. Write a reflection.

SAMR online quiz.

Discussion Questions Select one
What are the benefits of using technology in the classroom?
What are the difficulties or problems you might encounter as you try to use
technology to enhance student learning?
Focusing on the age of the students you work with, is it important that they
are using technology in their learning? Why or why not?


Check your understanding
Can you think of new ways to use technology to enhance student learning,
relating it to the SAMR Model?
Can you match technology activities to the different levels of the SAMR
Can you list benefits and challenges of using technology in the classroom?

Lesson Evaluation: Graded Assessments

Presentation/document with explanation/activities related to the SAMR
Shared bookmarks
Blog Reflection

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,

Created by Kris Sheehan, March 2014

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