SX: No. This Not Design - Proposal

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No. This is not design. Design isnt that simple. It isnt that easy.

Design is the breath taken at a moment of discovery. Design is little scars on fingers. Design is big
opinions spilling out in more than just words. Design is the words too. Its the research of hours and that 5th cup of coee. Its shame and adulation, but only behind the
scenes. Its a job, and its the thing you couldnt stop doing even if they fired you.

tongue n cheek

class breaks expectations

designer not machine

we demand attention- kanye

contrast between clean and dirty

abstract non representational

poster is designed but not just design? -.-





oh muh goodness


invitations for professionals



one pager

loooooonnnnnnggggg john

layered, textural but also indicators to keep the viewer scrolling

meet your makers voice

this wouldn't just be pat . . .

some could be gifs/slow/long/yeah

images would be shot, crumbled, and scanned back in, speaking to the analog style of the class while also adding texture.

these would act as anchor points to bring you down the page to the work

raccoon = trash panda = kidwell

all of the teachers - everybody leaves us - wah wah :(

symbolic of our class

you better work bitch

window chalk

hand type

ashton shechter

to death with a smile

design systems frank norton


black on black on black

this would act as a take away

eames cards - build it with our faces


each has our face, name, website, and one piece of work

back of the card would be the logo

the sides painted

We hope you expected something dierent. We hope youre a little bit shocked to see us. Were sarcastic, opinionated, loud people and we dont want you to leave
thinking anything dierent. This is our art. This is our Design. This is our water and air. Dont you think you can separate us. Dont you think its easy.


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