Slar Lesson

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Teachers: Mrs.

Teague & Miss Soriano

Subject Area: Spanish Language Arts/Reading
Grade Level: 1st
Date: November 17th, 2014
Objective/Purpose: Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of new vocabulary.
TEKS: 110.12. English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 1
(22) Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to:
(A) use phonological knowledge to match sounds to letters to construct known words;
(B) use letter-sound patterns to spell:
(C) spell high-frequency words from a commonly used list;
Introduction: Sit children down on the carpet. Read the story, Las manchas de los animals to
them & emphasis on highlighted words. When the story is over, ask a few questions, such as:
De qu era esta historia?
Cules animales vemos durante el cuento?
Unas palabras estaban marcados en amarillo, qu significa eso?
Background Knowledge/Instructional Delivery: Wait for childrens responses, and in groups,
send them to get the small whiteboards & markers before returning to their desks. Afterwards, go
over the vocabulary & explain that we will be breaking down the words into syllables & sounds
as we spell them togetherjust as they done with Mrs. Teague many times before. Make sure to
give an example before starting on the list.

Guided Practice/Checking for Understanding: Afterwards, have them take out their textbooks
& turn to pg. 49. Using, have the children follow along with the computer
voice as it reads each vocabulary term in a sentence to them. Once thats done, have the kids take
out their workbooks to pg. 152. Instruct them to read the sentences & circle the best term that
could go there. Make sure to do one together, so the kids understand the assignment, & when
everyones done, go over the answers back. Have one child read each sentence with the answer
they chose.
Independent Practice: After that, pass out their writing journals and have the kids make up their
own sentences using the vocabulary terms. Have them write one sentence for every termmake
sure the use the proper capitalization & punctuation as they write their sentences & model an
example sentence first!
Materials: white board, projector, textbook & workbook, storybook, writing journals, small
whiteboards, tissues, & markers

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