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Hero Essay


Use a graphic organizer to identify aspects f the Odyssey
define Odysseus as a hero.
Brainstorm or graph what makes the person you chose a
How do they compare?

Freewrite for 10 minutes about Odysseus and the person
you chose as a hero

Explore Your Topic

Break down your thoughts into parts.
Ex. Qualities of a Hero Questions
Brave, honest, strong
Doesnt brag

Is Odysseus a hero?

What makes (your selection) a hero?

Cares about others

Writing Your Thesis Statement

Look over your brainstorm, freewrite, and notes to form your
ideas into a statement that explains what your paper will be
Ex. Heroes have strength and courage. Some put the lives
of others ahead of their own. Heroes are honest and
humble. I believe these are the traits that make someone a
real hero.

Grab Your Readers Attention

Draw your reader in with your first sentence. Make a
statement or ask a question that makes them curious,
surprises them, or makes them agree with you.
I also want you to come up with an attention getting title.

Make an Outline
An outline can help you organize your paper.
Ask yourself: What do I want to include in my essay?
Ex. 1. List characteristics
2. I dont think Odysseus was a hero (his crew died, etc.)
3. (Your choice) is a hero. (helps others, etc.)
4. Conclusion: Helping others is more important than being recognized.

Dont just state the facts.
Show readers how each idea relates to the topic as a whole.
Give examples.

Dont just summarize!

You arent retelling the story.
You are showing me what you learned from the story.

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