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To: Mr stevens, chancellor

From: Fiona Wilensky, student representative

Subject: Causes of stress amongst undergraduates and possible solutions.
Date: 18 June 015.
The purpose of this report is to offer a solution for causes of stress amongst
Collage students tend to worry a lot about their grades in final exams. They try
to study as much as they can and when finding out that they have not passed,
students get concerned about not being able to graduate and that often leads
to depression. A solution for this problem would be for every student to
organize their time in order to study enough to pass the exam and not to have
a mental breakdown, as well as having free time for relaxing or hanging out
with friends.
Bad habits
College students are likely to party every weekend. They sacrifice hours of
sleep in order to study or to have a social life. They may drink regularly which
causes their health to be in danger. This bad habits make student's attention in
class deteriorate. A solution to this would be for students to be aware of how
much alcohol they consume and not to party every weekend in order to have 89 hours of sleep like it should be.
College is a very difficult period in every person's life. Students tend to get so
stressed that they have to leave school. All in all, they should be aware of how
much time they spend parting every weekend in order to sleep well and they
should put studying first and leave social activities in the second place.

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