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STARSTaTaRaIEELEY 22 ‘Student [Special Eaucation Services naleate the special education and rolated eorvices, supplementary alds and services, based upon peer-reviewed research tothe extent practical, that wil be provided in order for this individual: 4) to advance propriety toward attaining the annual goee; 2) to be involved and progress Inthe goneral curriculum; 2) to be educated and participate with other individuals with dlsabllties and nondisabled individuals; 4) to participate in extracurievlarand other nonacadomle activites; and §) by age 14, to pursue the course of study and Bosthigh school autcomes (living learning & working), Sects ‘Specialy Designed Instruction: 180 minutes por Day In genera educetion seting:_0._ In special education setting: 180. Begin date: 017202016 Provider: Special Education Teacher \walrecelve specially designed instuctin nthe area of behavior inthe genera education seting wa practice, modeling, 1:1 ar group instruction, {Tis insbucton wa aso Include PLATO asses Inthe core areas (English, Stence, History. and Math) atthe 9 race evel ‘Specialized Transportation: 20 minutes pet Day in date: 0Y202016 Provider; Schoo! Bus Drver ohston Corrmunity Schoo! Dist vl provide transportation o an fiom te Dart bus stp vin the Johnston Dist, Rein TONS aR ORE ‘Accommodation ‘Tim and frequency provided voughout he schoo! day as needed Bogin date: 013172014 Provider, Special Education Teacher ehavor- wil have access to @ special education casercom as neodad for breaks hroughou! her schoo! Gey. She vill need to acecee @Broak when acted by ve casstoom (eater, or hen seifdracied, She wi need {oretun io class afer teacher rected beak once ee has euccoesfl proecceed Uwough he behavior incident ‘Accommodation Time and troqueney provided: thvoughou the school éav as needed Begin date: 0131/2014 Providor. Special Edualon Teschot ‘A Behavier Intervention Plan i in place fr Camryn (00 attaches pla). : lowed te gota smallorcassroam when agreed upon withthe teacher. [itmave access fo malualy agreed upon bresks wien requested, [receive preferential seating 2 lation aay ro distractions in cesses. “Accommodtion “Time and frequency provided: throughout the school day as needed. Begin dater,01/312014 Provider: Speval Education Teacher Benavor Supports Wl patoipaten a classroom rewars management system wither special education teacher to encourage and assist wih her postive behavioral chaces. ‘wil ean toms matched to tbe function ofher bahawor accorang ta her daly point sheat monitoring sheet, “Accommodation Timo and froquoncy provided: 2s detnes Bogin date: 112072014 Provider: Special Education Teaches ‘Cesstoom and districtwide assessments may be taken in asm alternate setting to alleviate erty. ‘Accommodation ‘Time and frequency provide: din he day Begin date; 112072014 Provider, Special Eavcton Teacher vill earn a 10 minute break atte each Gass actvytask she completes. The teacher wil define fr her at the sat ofthe actly wal she needs to have done to eazh er 10 minute break, This wi occur afer each actly ‘ay log.

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