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BOOK No. 198 PRICE 10 CENTS ARM WOOLS FOR THE LONG WATCH ON LAND, ON THE SEA, IN THE AIR Wherever they are ing Men and warm clothing to keep them saie from chilling winds, your patriotism and loy- alty than by knitting... cargoes of sturdy garments .+-from eheery warm wools like these! S-118 Page 14 +2+ Copyright 1943, The Spool Cotton Company pees Printed in U.S.A. $1 22d m0 pomuyzn0 Serr ssTT 86 vow 9jouwae =peq se infus] awes Sunseour ayoutare [HM 7 SH Be BT SOT SSST AFSL ASST urvwar aarp pun nox jt ds0a9 aiipa suoxy ye 29p 01 Sui 2 SUN O SOUPS soMIpS SUN SHIN F soup sow ‘801 J91p0 44989 J0 spua s70q Ye 38 | Buyseassnp ‘Kuo s)s 40 996 ys4] 949 390 3OH SBOP SEP SIP GSES ISLE ASK REG OG OG Oh CS} CEH CE See swoi z Fuusolfoy 2p Jo Sumumog 2p 7 10 purg SOL 86 5G SSE SSE juju oq 2p Yo prig sepoyUY adeys OL, AT AE AL GATT ATI Ife vy soanseaus aooid (pus (or 1 d ‘wor 1 4) ¥8 sneunpeis uy aZom pur sopoU C “ON oF sBLEGD SS STL SSZZI ASOT SOIT AE FOT SE OOT AEE SIS ES Huggy 30 20) d *% 950 Surg POA SE 9EL FKL AHL BSOIT HTT SOL HOOT 81596 4Ajps00] vo 3se9 soqp2eu € “ON HAAN ** NOWE SS1r SST as saad ¢ HOU at KE 280) su] S8ODE msg sg ae ‘+ ay mE ase 2 803 Y0U Jo Siurom¥oq 2p 18 Yo pug = SEIT ASOT D6 TOG SSO MBTe SEL —TSTZ wl AST byrases a3oqp [HUM 2pey Se auNES POA *** LNOWT (spurg ui SHE SEK ONCE BEE ANTE BFOF msec Byer Supupensos 4 BEIT S801 986 986 986 S878 RL 9g a a a ONDDOI HOI SINAWAANS WAL ze 41S, Kl sug GUL “NO S10 SIRGET—ZhIAS syjeq zI—OF PAIS qOI—FE AMIS “SIRYG —ZE MIS 1) G2LSYOM SNILLINY JUV3H G3’ SHOIMGYHO ‘SIVRELYN §UT=S “ONT OF 09 GE Sozys * > - Hey oopasos ye MO ozs Sue Uy S100) uy 2eps S400 soy Ssa]oAooys oyLEE-07-Cseg ‘ Help ward the wintry weather off some lad in uniform EARTWARMERS FOR YOUR HERO Helmet No. §-120 MATERIALS: CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, 8 balls (7 oz. balls) Clark's O.N.T. Bone Sock Needles, 1 set No. 5 Clark's O.N.T. Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 5. Using the pair of needles cast on 74 sts. Work ia garter st (k each row) for 7 inches. Next cow: K across 19 sts, insest a marker in work, bind off the next 36 sts lovsely for aeck opening, k remainder of row. Turn and work over last set of 19 sts for 1 inch, ending at neck edge. Break yarn, Attach yara to other set of 19 sts and work 1 inch, ending at neck edge. ‘Cast on 36 sts for back of neck, then work across Ist set of 19 sts (74 sts on needle). Work straight for 7 inckes. Bind off. Using 3 couble-pointed needles, and starting at marker, pick up 96 sts around neck edge. Work around in ribbing of k 2, p 2, for 6 inches, ending with p 2 dicectly sbove marker. Work across next 11 sts (ending with p 1), bind off the next 20 sts loosely for face opening, then work around to where sts were bound off (76 sts) Note—To make helmet WITHOUT ear slits and (flops, see last paragraph, To make helmet with ear slits and flaps. Next cow: Turn, With 1 needle work im ribbing across next 20 sts. Slip remaining sts onto 2 other ncedles. Cast ox 22 sts (onto 1st needle) for ear flap. Turn and work back and forth over these 32 sts as follows: Ist row: K 13, work in ribbing ever remaining sts. 2nd row: Work in ribbing to last 13 sts, p 13. Repeat these 2 rows 4 more times. Next row: Bind off the 12 sts of ear flap and finish row. Work 1 more row on remaining 20 sts. Break yarn, Attach yarn where sts were divided for cat sliz and work back and forth over the next 36 sts in ribbing for 13 rows, Break yarn. Attach yarn to the remaining 20 sts and work to correspond with Ist c~ tion (making ear fap as before, bat do not break yarn) Next row: Work in sibbing across the 76 sts on needles, cast on 20 sis for top of face opening, then work around in ribbing as before until piece measures 4 inches from top of face opening, To Shape Top: Ist and 2nd ends: K around. 3rd tnd: # S11 st, k-1, p.88.0.,k 10, k 2 fog, k 2. Repeat from * around (8 sts). 4th and 5th rads: K aroun. 6th md: * SI (st, k 1, psso, 8k 2 tog, k 2, Re- peat from * around, Continue decreasing 12 sts in this manner on every 31d end until 24 sts remain, Break yaro, leaving an $-inch end, Thread end of yarn into 2 sewing needle and run through remaining sts, Draw tight and fasten securely on wrong side, Work 2 rows (of sc around ear flaps To Make Helmet Without Ear Slits and Flaps. . . Work back and forth over the remaining 76 sis in ribbing for 12 rows. Cast on 20 sts for top of face ‘opening, then work around in ribbing as before until piece measurcs 4 inches from top of face opening. Now follow directions for “To Shape Tep.” Wristlet No. S-116 MATERIALS: CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, 3 ballis (1 03. balls). Clark's O.N.T. Bone Sock Needles, | set No. 3. Cast on 48 sts loosely on 1 needle, Divide sts on 3 needles and join, being careful not to twist sts. Work around in ribbing of k 2, p 2, for 214 inches, ending with k 1, Turn, Next row: K 3, work in ribbing across next 44 sts, k 1. Turn. Following row: K 1, work in ribbing across next 46 sts, k 1. Tum, Repeat the last 2 rows 5 more times (thumb open- ing), Join and continue working arvund in ribbing as before until piece measures 10 inches in all, Bind off loosely ia ribbing. Chest Protector No. S-! MATERIALS: CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, G balls (1 02. bls). Clath’s O.N.T. Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 5. Clark's O.N.T. Bone Sock Needles, 1 sct No. 3. GAUGE: 544 sts make With No. 5 needles, cast oa 78 sts loosely. Work in garter st (Ke each row) for t inch, Keeping fist and last 7 sts in garter st, work remainder of sts in stoxk- inette st (ke 1 cow, p 1 row), until piece measures 8 inches in all. Next row: Work over first 17 sts, bind off loosely for neck edge the next 44 sts and finish row Following row: Cast on 44 sts (loosely) to replace those bound off on previous row. Wer. smi, as befose, until piece measures 15 inches in all, thea work all sts in garter st for 1 inch. Bind off loosely With sight side facing, using 3 double-p needles, pick up 96 sts around neck edge (32 sts on each needle), Work around in ribbing of k 2, p 2, for 6 inches. Bind off loosely in ribbing. Press through damp cloth with hot iron wke 1 inch, Selected-tor-service pullover with round or turtle meck. for the best dress fighting the U.S. Army, Navy and Marines fen in the World COMFORTING CHILL CHA ERS No. S«108 0 mareriats: CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED (1 2. ba For Round Neck Sweater: Size 36—20 balls Size 38 21 balls, Size 40—22 balls. Size 42—23 balls. Size 44—24 balls. Size 46—25 bills, For Turtle Neck Sweater: Size 36—21 bulls. Size 38-2 balls. Size 40—23 balls. Size 42—24 balls. Size 44—25 balls. Size 46—26 balls. Clerk's O.N.T. Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 3 and 1 pair No. 5 MEASUREMENTS FOR BLOCKING: Sires 36 38 4024446 Chest 36” 38” 40” 42” «447 46” Length from top of shoulder 25%," 2514” 26” 26” Tength from underarm ‘0 lower edge 17%" 17YQ" 1714" 17YA"" 171A" 1714" Length of sleeve sear opr 3a" 2ail! aat” anh gat GAUGE: 514 sis make | inci; 7 Sixes 3638402 FRONT... With No. 3 necdles, cast on 120 sts 124 sts 132 sts 136 sts 14 sts 148 sts Work in ribbing of k 2, p 2, for 314 inches. Dec evenly actoss next row 22sts 20st 22sts_20sts 22 sts 20 sts Change to No. 5 needles and work over remaining 98 sts 104 sts 110 sts L16 sts 122 sts 128 sts in stockinette s¢ (I 1 sow, p L row) for LA inches To Shape Acmholes: Bind off at beginning of next 2rows Sats Fst Gats Gsts 7sts 7 sts Dec 1 stat end of each row, until there remain 8Osts St sts 88sts 92 sts 96 sts 96 sts 2644" 2644” rows make L inch. ‘Work straight until piece measures, from Ist row of armhole shaping, eG ak ORY om ‘Work straight until piece measures from Ist row of armiile shaping 8” 8’ 8A" BA" 9” ” To shape shoulder, Bind off at armhole edge every other row twice L3sts Lists 15sts 16sts 17 sts 17 ss Attach yarn and work opposite side bo correspond, BACK ,. . Work as for Front, omitting aeck shaping, until armboles measure same as Front armholes To shape shoulders, bind off at beginning of next 4 tows 13st Ltsts 159ts 16sts 17 sts 17 Bind off loosely the remaining 28 sts for back of neck TURTLE NECK COLLAR . ... Sew up right shoul- der. With right side facing, using No. 3 needles, pick up 104 sts around neck opening. Work in ribbing of k 2, p 2, for 6 inches, Bind off loose ing. ROUND NECK NECKBAND . . . Follow dire tions as for Turtle Neck Collar, but work ‘or only 1 inch, Biad off loosely in ribbing, SLEEVES . .. With No. 3 needles, cast on 5G sts 56 sts GOsts G0 sty G4 sts 64 sts Work in ribbing of & 2, p 2, for 4 inches, Change to No. 5 needles and work in stockinetie increasing 1 stat both ends of 1 row every inch, until there are 84 sts 84.sts 88st S8sts 92 sts 92 sts Work straight until piece measures 22 inches in al. To shape neck, work across frst B2sts 34sts 36st 38st 40st 40 sts Bind off next 16 sts for front of neck and finish wow. ‘Work over the last set of 3 only, binding off 2 sts at neck edge every other row, until there remain sts 28 sts 3U sts 3Zsts 34sis 34 st e ‘To shape top, bind off 2 sis at beginning oF each row until 24 sts eemain, Bind off loosely. Taliuctionson page 1). Sow lat coal ined ribbing, Sew underarm and sleeve seams aud sew sleeves in place, Your yarn and knitting needles are your sceret weapons! “FRIENDS INDE 0. S-100 MATERIALS: CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED (1 « Size 38—20 balls, Size 4021 balls. ED”’.. TO A DOUGHBOY! Clark's O.N.T. Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. ¥ and 1 pair No. 5 MEASUREMENTS FOR BLOCKING: 3 38” Length from top of shoulder 25” 2st" Tengtl fcom underarm to lower edge 1c” 16” 6" 16” Length of sleeve, underarm seam, 2s¥j" 26” 2” 2" a" ap" GAUGE: 514 sts make | inch; 7 rows make 1 inch - 40 44 0. 3 needles, cast 10H sts L1Osts 116sts_122st8 Work in ribbing of k 1, p 1 for 4 inches. Change to No. 5 scedles and wosk in stockinette st (K 1 row, pt row) for 12 inch To Shape Armholes: Bind off at beginning of next 2 rows Sats Sets Gets Tats Dec L st at ond oF each cow, until there remain SSH 92st 96st 100t6 Work straight, until piece measures in all 24" 25" 25" ast” To dhape shoulders, bind off at beginning of next 4 rows Tests 8sts Baty Bsts Bind off at beginalng of following 4 rows i Tats 7st 8st Bind off loosely for back of neck the remainin, BACK NECKBAND ... With No. 3 needles pick up 33 sts across back of neck. Work in ribbing of 1 PL, for 7 rows. Bind of loosely in ti FRONT... Work exactly for Back, until armiole shaping is completed and there remain ow needle BSS 92st _9Gsts 100st8 With right side toward you, kx $Bsts 45 sto 47 sts 49 sts Bind off 2 sts (to stact neck shaping); ke across re- maining sts. Tarn and work over the Inst sct of ste conly, decreasing 1 st at neck edge every 3rd row 15 mes, has) Size 42—22 balls, Size 4423 balls Work over remaining 28 sts 30st 32sts 34st until armhole measures same as back armhole “To shape shoulder, bind off at armhole edge every other ow twice Tats Sets Ste Sats Bind off at armhole edge twice, Zsts 7 ts RONT NECKBAND .. . . With right side facin using No. 3 needles, pick up from left shoulder to center froot SBsts G0sts 6Osts G2sts Insert a marker on the ncedle, then pick up the same number of sts from center front to right shoulder Bats 9sts ‘There are on needie Li6sts 120st6 20st 124 sts y across to marker, ending Pt, 1 alters swith p 1. Slip marker, then p 1, 1 alternately to end of row. 2nd row: (Right Side) K 1, p 1 alternately across to 2 sts befire marker, then sl 1, k 1, p38. slip marker, p» 2 tog. and continue to work k 1, p 1 alternately {0 end of rom. 3rd rows Works in ribbing as established, slipping the marker, Continue in this manner, decreasing 1 st Lelore and 1 st after the marker on every other row until there are 7 rows of ribbing in all. Bind off loosely in ribbing, decreasing as before. SLEEVES ... With No. 5 needics, east on Shsts 54st 56st Work in ribbing of 1, p 1, fo No, 5 needles and work in stockinette st. incceasing 1 st at both ends after the tst inch and every 6th row thereafter, uot there are Sdsts Ststs O2sts Ost ‘Work straight, until picce measures in all 22” 22” aay" 224” ‘To shape top, bind off 4 sts at beginning of each row, until 20 sts femain. Bind of. Block pieces to measurements given (see Blocking, structions on page 15). Sew underarm, shoulder and sleeve seams S-111 Page |4 Even thongh he’ away, you ean brighten the rner of the world where he is, with warm mittens, wrap-up muiflers, or an ear-covering watch eap. OUR COMFOR' Mittens No. 8-115 Sizes Small, Medium and Large MATERIALS: CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, balls (1 oz. balls). Clark's O.N.T. Bono Sock Needles, | set INo. GAUGI Sizes Small M indy make 1 ich, 54 sts make 1 inch; 7 jum Large Cast on loosely on one needle = 36 sts 38 sts 40 sts Divide sis on 5 needles and join, being careful not to twist sis, Work around in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for : va | ‘Work in siockinetic st (k cach rad) Tor 5 ends. Start shaping for thumb gore as follows: Ist end: P 1, inc 1 se in nest st, k 1, inc ] st in next st, p 1, k remainder of md. 2nd and 3rd ends: P 1, k 5, p 2, k semaindes of rads 4th end: P 1, inc in nest st, I 3, inc in next st p 1, k remainder of end. $th and 6ch ends: P 1, k 7, p 2, k remainder of tnd. 7th end: P 1, inc in next st, in next si, p 1, k remainder of rod. Contiaue Sts in thumb gore every 3rd md until there are (between the 2 p-ribs) Mists 13st 15 ats Next end: P 1, slip the thumb sts onto a safety pin to be worked later; cast on 5 sts, k remainder of rnd There are on needles BB sts 40sts_42sts Discontinue p-ribs and work around in storkinette st for Zh" 9” aM" Dec 5 evenly around on next rad and every 4th rd thereafter until there remain LBsts 15sts 17 sts Next end: K 2 tog. around. Breale yarn, leaving an S:inch end. Threac this end into a sewing needle and run through remaining ss, Draw tight and darn in end on wrong side to reinforce tip, THUMB .... Pick up the sts from safety pin aud 3 sts fon the 5 castion sts, Work straight for about 2 inches (¥4 inch fom tip of Thunb). Shape tip as follows: . k 2, Repeat feom * around. 2nd andi K around. 3rd en k 1. Rep from * acousd. 4th end: K 2 tog, around. Finish same as tip of Mitten, Press through damp cloth with hoe inn +106 FRO THE-COLD Watch Cap No. 8-121 MATERIALS: CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, 1 balls (7 Clark's O.N.T. Bone Sock Necdles, | set No. 3. Cast on 132 sts loosely. Divide sts on 3 needles, join, being careful not to twist sts, and work around in cibbing of k 1, p 1, for U1 inches, Ast end: SLI st as if tok, ket 2. Repeat from # around (120 SLL, 1, ps To Shape Crows P58.0,K 16, k 2 toy, sts). 2nd end: K around. 3ed enc k 14, k 2 tog. k 2. Re, around. Continue decreasing, 12 sts in every 2nd end until 24 sts remain. Break ya an Scinch end. Thread end of yarn into 2 sewing needle and run through remaining sts. Deaw tight and fasten securely on wrong side. Cap Mufiler No. S-L MATERIALS. CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, 9 balls (7 os. balls). Clark's O.N.T. Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 5. FRONT , .. Cast of 48 sts, Work in sibbing of k 1, PA, for 6 inches, then, cuntinuing in ribbing, dec 1 st xt the heginaing of each cow (by knitting together the 2nd and 3rd sts) until 26 sts remain, Bind off BACK... Cast 01 48 sts, Work in garter st (k each row) for 40 inches, then work in nbbing of k 1, p 1, for 6 inches. Finish same as Front. Sew top and side Muifiler No. S-117 MATERIALS: CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, 9 balls (1 ot, balls) Clark's O.N.T. Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 6. Cast on 52 sts. Work in garter st (k each row) for 34 inches. Bind off 5 ‘You couldn't send him anything he'd like more than a cozy crew-meck swe: rm-as-toast gloves, mitts or cap .. all hand-knit TO YOUR FAVORITE FLYING CADET 0. 8-109 maTeRrALs: CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, (/ o=. hulls). Size 38—19 balls Size 40—20 balls, Size 4221 balls. Size 44—22 balls. Clari’s O.N.T. Knitting Pins, 1 puir No. 3 and 1 pair No. 5. MEASUREMENTS FOR BLOCKING: es 3 Chest 38” 40"~—«42”——A” ‘Length from top of shoulder 25" as” 251" 2544" Length from underarm (o lower edge 161s" 1614" 1644" 1644" Length of sleeve sean 24" 24% 2A" 2414” GAUGE: 514 sis make | inch; 7 rows make 1 inch. Sizes 3B BACK... With No. 3 avedles, cast on 104 sts 110 sts 116 sts_122 ste ‘Work in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for 6 inches. Change t No. 5 needles and work in stockinette st (k 1 row, pL row) for 10/5 inches. To Shape Arboles: Bind off > sts at beginning of next 2 cows. Dec | st at end of each row until there seman 8Bsts_94sts 100 ‘Work siraight until piece measures in all (en 2 prow) 25” 2544! Next row: Kait sis 25sts 26 sts Slip these last ste onto a stitch holder for right shoul- der and k (for neck) next d4sts 46sts 50ste 52sts Slip onto second stitch holder for left shoulder se maining 2zsis 2iss Isis 26sts ‘Work over neck sts only as follows: Next row: Purl 44sts 46sts S0sts Sats Continue in stockineite si, decreasing 1 st at both ends of each row, until there remai 32sts 34st 38sts 40sts Bind of loosely. This completes back neck facing, For front neck ficing, with No, 5 needles, cast on Loosely 52st 34sty 38sts 4005 ‘Work in stodanette st, increasing 1 st at both ends of each cow, until there are 4st 46sts 50sts_52sts On next row, continue actos sts of left shoulder. Thete ate on needle 66 sts 70sts_75sts_ 78sts Following row: Purl G6 sts 70sts 75sts 78sts Then continue across sts of right shoulder. There edie 8Bsts 94 sts 100sts_ 104 sts, Work straight for 7%" 7%47"_—8” 8" Inc { st at end of each row, until there are 94 sts 100 sts 106 sts_ 112 sts Cast on 5 sts at end of next 2 rows, Thete are on cede 1OFsts 110 sts 116 sts 122s This completes armhole shaping. Work remainder of Front to correspond with Back. Bind off loosely in ribbing, SLEEVES . . . With righe side facing and No. 5 needles, pick up along armhole edge : BBs 88st8 92 sts 92008 Work in stockinette st for YY aK” Dec 1 st at both ends of next row and every 6th 10W thereafter until there remain S2sts S2sts S6sts 56 sts ‘Work straight until sleeve measures in alll ay" ay” DOU -2aik” Change to No, 3 needles and work in ribbing of k pi, for inches. Bind off loosely in ribbing Block to measurements given (see Blocking Instruc- tions on page 15). Sew underarm and sleeve seams in one continuous seam, Turn under front and back facings and whip loosely in place. Reinforce ends of crew neck with tape, if desired. $-106 Page I4 S-115 Page 14 S-115 Page 15 Scart No. $-11 Hinatrated ow page 2 MATERIALS: CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, § bells (2 2, bls) Clask's ONT. Kaitiing Pies, 1 pais No.3. GAUGE: 6 sts make 1 inch; 8 sows rake 1 inch Cast on 60 sts hesely, tat and 2nd rows: K 2, p 2 altecnatsly acess. 3rd rows K'1,'8 p 2, 2, Repeat from frou, eoding wilh k 1. th rowe P 1, 2, p 2. Repeat from * across, end: ing with p 1, Sch and 6h rowst P 2, Ie 2 altecnately across, 7th row: Sime as dth eons. Seh rows Same ae 54d 10 Repeat these 8 rows until pices mens- ures 40 inches, ending with an odd sow of pattern, Bind off Loosely in pattern, Press wilh hot icon dhrough wet doch, FRINGE . Cor exo stzands of yan, leach 6incies Long. Double these strands forming a loop. With roche hook draw Joop trough a siteh at ene end oF scarf, thea diaw the four ends through leop and pull tight. Make fringe in every other stizeh along both short ends of sear, Trim Fringe evenly. Plain Socks Ne 2 Mdustrated om page 9 Sizes 10, 11 and 12 MATERIAI CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITING WORSTED, 6 halls (1 03. balls) for cach size, Clark's ON. Bone Sock Needles, 1 set No.5. GAUGE: 51 sts make 1 inch; 7 ends 2 Cast on 50 sis loosely, for all sizes, Divide st on 3 needles ead join, heing careful aot to twist sts. Work around tightly in siding of ke 1, p 1 for 4 inches, decreasing x last cad of clb- bing © dvi dost 8 ste ‘Work around in stockinette #€ (k exch rnd) for rear ate Next rad: °K 1, k2 tog. karound to within last 5 sts of end. Then sl 1, k 1, PS45.0, kt 1. Work 1 inch sieaight. Re- peat from * once more, There aze now fon needles 0sts 4258844 ats Worle ateuight until piece momuien, in all 1034" "114 ‘With spare acedle, k from first needle = Oats 10st IL Slip feom 3ed needle onto other ene of spare nevdle (for heel) Qaty 10s Law Divide between 2nd and ard needles Ce int) e217 fata ot ee Erba tee iio Se Soe it side facing, s! 1 st, Ri tog., kt, um. St, psp 2g, We noite Me cid Bee rae Retake han tie Lets 12a 13 ete With 2nd needle, k across the step ot, With 31d neu pick up along ther side of feel bits 12s 13 oes With same needle, k across half of the feel te. Slip the remuining heel sts conto the fast needle, These ate now on fch heel aeedle iS 18ets 190 Dec for Tasty as follows: Tat end: K tounge 2nd td: On Best reed to 3 sts from end thea Ie2 top. kL. On dnd needle. «across. On Sed needle 1,1, Kea, pacing Repeat these’ 2 ance thre remain 40's Work striate vail pies measures (io back of bl) JH scot oe 2 inches Jess than desised length ‘when completed, To Shape Toe: tt md: K to within lest 3 45.00 Ist needle, ke 2 togy ket On 2nd acedle, let, alt, K 1, Diss. Kcserons to last 3 ss From ead of needle, fe 200g, k 1. On dae! celle, k ty ab 4, paso, k to’ end of needle: 2nd tnd Kacoud, Repeat there 2 mds aliemnately, until there remain 12s Tee 16 ate Bigive these ot togstber ot ind of ust asp doch with hor com Spiral Mustrated om page 9 Sizes Small, Medium and Large MATERIALS. CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, 6 balls /2 95, bails). Clas O.N.T. Bone Sock Neeelae, 1 set Nos GAUGE: § ands make 1 inch, Gant_on 8 sts Ioosely. Divide sts on 3 needles; join, being caseful aot to twist sts and work around in ribbing of k 2, 2, for 3 inches, Werle in pattern a Follows: at to di nds inl #8 4 Repeat from ® around. Sth to 8th nds inci K3, 4p kt, Repeat from around; ending with ke 1, 9th to 12th ends inci: Kod" p 4 k 4 Repeat Erom ® around ending with k 2 3th to 16¢h ends incl: K 1. * p 4k. Repeat from * around, ending 4ich k 3, 10th to 20th rade nels * Ps ka. Ree peat ftom around. 21st to ath rnds ine: P 3, * k 4, p 4, Repeat from # around, endiag With p 1. 25th to 28d, ends inc P 2," k 4, p 4 Repeat from * around, ending with p 2, 29th to 32ad rads ine: Pts? K 4, pd. epeat Fim * around, ending with p 3 Repeat these 52 rnds far pattern, has ring Lest every ub ac for pital Pesteon, ‘Work in pattersunst pices measures in all 19 inches for eral! siae, 20 inches for medi size, of 21 inti foe large size. Work Yo inch straight im swockinette st (k each ead). ‘To Shape Toe: Ist cad: K 6 k 2 tog. Repent feem * arpund (6 sts doe ceased). Wor 2 mds straight. th nd: Dec 6 sts evenly aroun, Work 2 sds straight. Cont nae thos, decect sing, G sts on every Sed end 3 more times, Work T and steaight on semuning 18 sts, Weave sts together; or bind off, fold and ew. Beanie No. 8-106 Mlusinated ov page 13 MATERIALS: CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, 3 ball (2 ex luli) (Clarks OWN. Bone Sock Novdle, 1 et Ne GAUGE: 5 ss make 1 inch sae 1 ire Gaston 108 sts on 3 nesdles (36 ats cn cach needle). Jorn, being care ant {0 fist sts, Work aroun In rbbiag of Fe iv pit, for 4 inches. Now work in Stockinette st (k each md) for 2 socks. ‘To Shape Crown: Int endh * S) 1 if tok by pation kt, 2 tomy EE Repeat fom around (96 ss sen )- ded snd 3rd mndet arouadh ith #811, by pase k 10, 2 tow ic: Repeat from’® arciund (ad 3 2) sivand 6th ends K nsound sie decreasing 12 ssi this man: pecon every ard rad, until 24 eh Teak yoru, Leeving an Bech, end Thread: acedle wis this end and pun igush Temaining sts Deaw ap tight td fasten secusely on wien side nds Plain Gloves No. 8-115 Mustrated on page 1 Sizes Small, Medium and Large MATERIAI CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, 4 balls (2 02. bali) Clgt’s CANT. Bore Sock Ns No. 5. Lset SY5 ete male 1 inch; 7 ends ke Tinh, Small Medium Large sections for Mittens on page 19 until shapiag for thumb gore Is completed ind there are on needles acs BBs d0sts a2 ate Discontinue puathe and work around in Sockinette st until glove, whe tied > r fon, coaches tothe ste on the 2 ate ett On for ting fn Cist on 2 sis Between pulm and dick of Bu sone Gi tad Tor gers ein ul wok sound 0 Yah putting safety pin on palm and back fromingeriip, or fo, of fad betwee exch finger, hating for 2a" 3 3t ‘nish same a a ekager ALsts A2sts 12, For tee 19S tee ts Hnctage’ "322 "30'S RING FINGER - Lite finger 95ty 9a 10 sts is Fee camber or ecieg the? sts caston for snide gee Cast a fag ain Ase herr nab ‘of thom the hack ef the band wth tit Ist on sho palm. K aound tt Of 5 FINGEI ae foreboger, Rie si of forcings, then Lemming to eel eee 0h WeSC take al thee sts off on a thretds 1b oe sworkee Tater. froenfingtipy or For FOREFINGER Divide the a for 5 forefingce of 3 scedles and ere 00.2 186 for inner side of Sgr, Join and ke THUMB. . . Follow aivctions for ick up the 3 and 2 sis on fon 2 st8 as before, join end work same as Forelinges, Finish same as Forefnget. around until foger. whea teed Ob huni of Site reaches 0 Minch frm Finger Bee 2h Meee goes mk EZ Marksman’s Gloves ee K around. 3rd end: ¢ K 2 to; - SLES 1, Repeat feo? anand, ath rode lutrated om page K 2 tog, around. Break yaze, leaving a @ asides Gina ends Thread tis nd lavoa sone Siesy Small, Median and Large tow tle tau tah sing MATERIALS: 3 ‘Bua hand lan in cnt aqpwiGk’s RED HEART KNITTING wipes dew soba a _ WORSTED, halle (v= fal MIDDLE FINGER... Fick up fie Clas O.N. Boe Sock Newule sts mnckes off for middle Argerind > Nor S S| Pullover No. S-LUS |. cowinued trom page 3 BACK NECKBAND .... With right side facing, using No. 3 needles, pick up across buck of neck Bhats 34st 34sts 38sts 3B sts 38st 38sts 38 ste in ribbing of k 2, p 2, for 6 rows. Bind off lonsely in ribbing RONT NECKBAND . .. With right side facing, using No. 3 needles, pick up from left shoulder to center front SOats S4sts Stats SBsts 58sts G2sts G2ats Gate Insert a macker on needle, pick up same number of sts from center front © right shoulder. There are on needle _100sts 108 sts 108sts 116 sts 12st 122 sts 127 sts 122 see Ist row: P 2, © 2, p 2, Repeat from ® across to marke, sip marker, p 2 # kc 2 p 2, Repeat from * * across remaining sts. 2ad row: (Right Side) Work in ribbing to 2 sts before marker, k 2 tog, slip marker, s] 1, kL S80, continue in ribbing to end of row, 3d row: Work in ribbing as craked, pling the at before and thew after the mater, Repeat the 2nd and 3rd sows once, then the 2nd cow once mote. Bind oi loosely in ribbing ARM BANDS... . Sew shoulder seams. With right side facing, using No. 3 needles, pick up along armhole edue WOZsts 105 sts 106 sts MOsts 14 sts 120sts 120ats 120 ses Work sare as Back Neckband. HGS GRETA GR (EGAN TT TE underarm seams. Had25 c.14 GAUGE: 5 ste make 1 inch 7 ands auuke finch Sizes Seoall Medium Large Tollow diecions For Mittens on page 10 unit shaping for thumb pote os Completed are there ace on needles ae Bate ADs 42 cs Discgetine pride and workaround on ockinte ug gone whe tid on teaches (0 the base of foreipwer cx fot tier 2 Fat ploye 09, and ith safety pins mack off fc fo ‘is of forefinger, k the sts Df foretinger, then take al other sts off ba a thread to be worked ater FOREPINGER . .. Follow disecions for foreingce of Pisin, Glove, Sp rerun tof td onto floss Attich yt, pick ap 2 ste on the 2 ais cat n toe facekager ast ‘work around until piece messuies Inch leis thar deed Tengen or for 2" aK Be Dec 4 ss evenly around on neat end and every once ra thereafter one tines. Net ends K 2 to. around. Flam ist'stme ss forefinger. THUMB .. . Follow duedions for shark of SM iten ART KNITTING NOW.. FOR VICTORY! General Information GAUGE, « Yeu mat sin eiiod Bieta tat Sate Si BLOG Unig rue 991 pin ia foavidaal bleaty eealiedan addy “oasis eli dein SEARURE MINTS FOR BLOCKING te tegiaing of Cer Ba toe nyoeh eatin Fie SEPM? Mia eet whet Er sons hae Sensi ap kre Hie tiie tk ea TRUNDERING . "Bene ang deg, fea Pure wiinganeen’ fatale Rees eee aes {ikea ene fei Pliner wel Sir "Sowele “ellown meauremens: op ttt Be digs es WHEN PURCHASING YARN . Ds Iitte complee gacmett Tp imporlbte to told Sight wares Ta tors dent eke. ANBREVIATIONS Se Sige Ciedme Panna... Baca So Sg seen eke Se. tbehtel Bhe roc apggalt x Kois Bnd "Eon P Pe tee One tun Over Bee se Tepito arent tar 1 speed, a addtkin to © orignal. Nove—Sonetine. teal cf an astra Bere bes phase the (kh Sep 9) ‘Pi Fl ait fab white i as fe BOOK No. 198 PRICE 10 CENTS RM WOOLS FOR THE LONG WATC

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