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The Roman Military

How to protect your Empire 101

1. Recruit your men

All property-owning Roman citizens between

the ages of 17 and 46 could be eligible for

In the selection process, all candidates were

lined up according to height.

All would swear an oath of loyalty. The oath

was said in full by one candidate and the

other would repeat: Idem in me meaning
the same for me.

2. Have your army divided

The army has:
30 legions with 4,000-6,000 soldiers

in each legion
Within each Legion:
10 Cohorts
Each Cohort had 6 troops of 80
legionnaires called centuries
Each century was led by a

3. Keep the men in line

Each cohort:
Basti- in front, rookies, not yet proven in battle
Principes- main strength, full armor, sword, and

Trarii- veterans, proven in battle
Centurions were the men who kept discipline
Carried a wooden staff, mutiny would result in 60

blows with the staff, 1 for each Centurion.

3. Choose your weapon

Cassis- Helmet
Lorica Segmentata-

Gladius- short sword
Pilium- throwing spear
Scutum- shield

5. Create formations
The Tortoise: Legionaries would hold their

shields over their heads, except for the front

who held them in front. Created a shell-like

The Wedge: Legionaries formed up in a

triangle, the front tip being one man pointed

toward the enemy

The Orbis: A circular formation, allows for

effective defense even if the army is split up

6. Punishment
Late for duty/dirty armor made a fool of by having

to stand outside the headquarters all day

Sleeping on guard/deserting flogging or taken

down in rank (Death in a time of war)

Whole cohort disobedient camp outside the main

fort, do extra duties

The most serious discharge with disgrace (running

away from battle, losing an eagle standard

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