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Technology Unit of Work

The great car race

Technology and Design Learning Area The Great Car

Integrated with Literacy, Science,
Date: 2011
Duration: 1.5
Theme: The design brief
Class size: 24
Explores the technology and science behind cars. Children will be encouraged to think about
the choices they make in the transport they use in their lives.
NTCF links:
DPC 2.1 Investigate
DPC 3.1 Investigate
DPC 2.4 Evaluate and Impact
DPC 3.3 Systems
L/S 2 Listening and Speaking.
W 2.1 Texts and Contexts
Lesson sequence


Show Finke Desert Race images.
Finke Desert Race images and
Discuss team colours and designs
2011 Hi light Video (again)
Read through design brief explain design brief and 4. Show MTC show how
identify the challenge, discuss expectations and
mousetrap component works so
timeline over next few weeks. Children to take notes. children are careful with and dont
Brainstorm ideas - identify steps required to build
hurt themselves. Have children
MTC. Discuss how common objects can be used for identify MTC components
a variety of purposes. Identify key functional or
6. In groups of 4, according to
aesthetic features of various MTCs.
where students are sitting. Groups
Discuss and brainstorm S.A.F.E Safe, Aesthetic,
to take in turn to play charades
Function properly, Economics.
with class for different skills and
Brainstorm skills and techniques required to build
MTC. Ensure students understand they will get
support in each phase of DMA.
Use XOs to research MTC
Identify and describe the energy sources that make
the MTC work.
In workbooks children to identify and label the steps
to follow from design brief. Draw a timeline of how
this will be achieved.

Extension activity
More time to investigate how to make a mousetrap car.
Investigate what is a design brief
Able to find relevant information on the web. Adequate search words used.
Read workbooks to see understanding of design brief and that timeline is achievable.
Preparation for next lesson
Use Tuesdays library time for further research. Think of everyday materials that will roll.
Think about the colours/design you may add to your MTC. What tools might you use for your


Technology Unit of Work

The great car race

design plan?


Technology Unit of Work

The great car race

Design Brief
The Finke Desert Race is coming to town. We are going to explore the technology behind
cars by re-creating some of the processes involved by building our own cars to race. There
will be a presentation for winners of the race and they will receive sports privileges and a trip
to the playground. There will be an overall winner, and winners for distance travelled and for
fastest car.

You are to design and build a car. This car is to be powered by a mousetrap. It needs to be
decorated in a way that reflects you and your team members. It must work.

1. You are to work in teams of four, each member must contribute in some way to
designing, making, modifying or racing the mousetrap car.
2. Mousetraps and materials to build your mousetrap car will be supplied. As a team you
must decide on your preferred materials to use. You can bring in everyday items you
find at home to use.
3. You must practice safety precautions at all times.
4. The finished design (colour/pattern) of the car must reflect yourself and your team.
Think if this will impact performance.
5. You can ask for help, however you will be researching the information yourselves.
6. You must produce a design or plan before you start building your mousetrap car.
7. You will need to keep a journal to assist you in your final presentation to the class and
for the school assembly.

Time plan
Race day is in five weeks. You will be allocated time for research for your design. You will
also have one lesson to draw up your plans, one lesson to build your car and one lesson to test
and modify your car if necessary.

You will be assessed as a group and individually on your contribution, the completed design
of your car and if it completed and operational on race day.
You will be assessed individually on your journal, workbooks and your final presentations.


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