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Kamran Feathers

Hackers and Cryptolocker Attacks

1. The article How Hackers Are Making the Worst-Case Security Scenario
Worse from is mainly about hackers finding new and more
dangerous ways of hacking computer systems. The rates of hacks were
rising and the hackers were responsible for CryptoLocker which means
they were blackmailing businesses and threatening to steal data. The
meaning behind these attacks was to release confidential data to the
public and resulted in the embarrassment of a business. The attacks
continue to worsen and because nothing can be done about them.
2. -Keywords used for second searching CryptoLocker attack
-Used Bing and Yahoo
- Google was the best because it gave me more organized search
results and higher quality web pages.
3. LA Hospital Servers Shut Down By Ransomware
T- February 16th, 2016
R- Relates to the topic of Cryptolocker attacks
A- John Biggs, He is more than qualified to write about this topic
because he has written articles for New York Times, InSync, USA
Weekend and more. Also is the CEO of Freeport mobile.
A- The article is accurate, comes from a trustworthy website and
author. But there is no evidence of it being tested.
P- It was written to inform readers of the hackers and what the motive
is. No bias is shown.
4. Keywords used: Cyber Security Cryptolocker Attack
-Used this database because I have used it in the past and has always
been helpful.

Kamran Feathers
Hackers and Cryptolocker Attacks

5. I preferred to use the Journal Articles instead of the websites because I

feel that the information is more trustworthy. Since I was only
searching for scholarly journals, the info was in a certain format that
seemed to be more professional. It was also a lot easier to find articles
on my topic then having to search on different search engines and
looking over different websites to determine if the article is credible.
Using the internet also takes a lot more time to find a reliable source
then just searching on the same database using many different
scholarly journals.
6. Using MLA

Works Cited
Bangs, Greg. "New Ransomware and Cyber extortion Schemes Hold Businesses
Hostage." ProQuest (2016): 1.
Biggs, John. Techcrunch. 17 February 2016. 28 February 2016.

Kamran Feathers
Hackers and Cryptolocker Attacks
Fork, Edward. "Cyber Security Challenges: Protecting Your Transportation
Management Center." Proquest (2015): 4.
Palmer, Danny. Zdnet. 26 February 2016. 28 February 2016.

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