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Analysis of Recursive


Quick Sort Algorithm

QuickSort(A, left, right) {
if (right > left) then {
pivot = Partition(A, left, right);
QuickSort(A, left, pivot-1);
QuickSort(A, pivot+1, right);

Partition Algorithm

Partition(a[ ], left, right ) {

int i, j;
int Pivot = (left+right) / 2;
Swap(A[Pivot], A[right]);
i = left; j = right - 1;
Pivot = right;
while ( i < j ) {
while( a[ i ] <= a[Pivot]) i++;
while( a[ j ] >= a[Pivot]) j- -;
if ( i < j ) SWAP(a[i], a[ j ]);
Swap(A[ i ], A[Pivot])
return i

Analysis of Quick Sort

For analysis assume a random pivot (no
median-of-three partitioning) and no cutoff for
small files.
T(0) = T(1) = 1
T(n) = Running time of two recursive calls
+ linear time spent in partition and constant
time per pivot selection.
T(n) = T(i) + T(n i 1) + cn
Where i = |S1| is the number of elements in

Worst-Case Analysis of Quick Sort

The pivot is the smallest element all the
time. Then
i = 0 and if we ignore T(0) = 1, which is
insignificant, the recurrence is
T(n) = T(n 1) + cn, n > 1
We telescope this equation thus
T(n 1) = T(n 2) + c(n 1)
T(n 2) = T(n 3) + c(n 2)

T(2) = T(1) + c(2)

Adding up all these equations yields

T (n) = T (1) + c i = O( n 2 )
i =2

Best-Case Analysis of Quick

In the best case, the pivot is in the middle.
To simplify math, we assume that
Two subfiles are each exactly half the size of the
original, although this gives
Slight overestimate, but this is acceptable because
we are only interested in a Bih-Oh answer.

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn.

The same recurrance yields by Merge Sort
T(n) = cnlgn + n = O(nlg n)

Master Theorem
The solution to the equation
T(n) = aT(n/b) + (nk), where a >= 1
and b >1 is


O(nlogb a)

if a > bk
if a = bk
if a < bk

Solve the following recursion for the

Strassens Matrix Multiplication
T(n) = 8T(n/2) + O(n2)

Strassens Matrix Multiplication

Solve the following recurrence using
Master Theorem
T(n) = 8T(n/2) + O(n2)
a = 8, b = 2,
a > bk, 8 > 22

lg2 8

T(n) = O(n ) = O(n )

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