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Speech about Indonesia is resources-rich area

In this lovely occasion May Allah SWT bless us and always give its mercies. And I would
like to deliver my speech which titled Indonesia is resources-rich area.
Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,

Indonesia is an absolutely rich in source and human. So we must say thanks a lot to the God
who made us here. But we also must keep both of these resources being maximized and
respect all which is contained in.
The environment is the thing that is very important for mankind and should be
taken care well. Our country is very rich. Since the ancient times, Indonesian
forest has become the worlds lungs and is the foundation of the existing
ecological balance in the world. When developed countries produce the fumes
because of their industry, our country clean the pollution up with the green
forests that exist in many areas.

The effects of the environmental damage are:

1. Global warming: as we know we already felt it all over the world as well as in our
country, Indonesia.
2. Air temperature is increasing.
3. Sea level is rising, and will submerge small islands and lands around the coast.
4. Climate change and extreme weather which can be seen in many places around the
world also in Indonesia.
Indonesia has a lot of natural resources such as;
a. Mineral resources; Nikel, Iron (feron), Baoucit, etc
b. Energy resources such as; coal, wood/timber, gas, geothermal energy, solar
energy, nuclear energy, and energy what now the most popular is fossil energy
or oil energy.
Because we dont have long time to explan one by one of all, so we take the famous enegy
resources is fossil energy.
Oil & gas industries in Indonesia is led by foreign company such as; Chevron, ExxonMobile,
PetroChina, etc.
All of the problem wait us, as a new generation of leader of our country Indonesia.
Not imposible while we effort and hardwork to make Indonesia become superpower country
level upper than America and Russia.

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