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Acevedo 1

Tatiana Acevedo
Mrs. Palmer
British Literature
September 16, 2015
The Hero
There was a young man whose name was Lucas Bradley that had just graduated from
high school. He had just recently turned eighteen and was ready to start his life on his own. He
lived with his father who would always criticize him ever since Lucass mother passed away.
Lucas wanted to join the marines and become a hero; for that was what he felt he was called to
do. His father would constantly tell him that he was not big enough or strong enough to be a
marine. Lucas thought otherwise and believed, a true hero isnt measured by the size of his
strength but by the strength of his heart.
In the fall of October twentieth, Lucas was packing his belongings for it was his time to
start boot camp. His father stood by the front door waiting for Lucas. His face was irritated and
his arms where crossed over his chest. As Lucas was exiting the house his father growled with
disgust and slammed the door shut. Lucas put his belongings in his car without looking back and
drove to the marine base. When he arrived Lucas was screamed at by a general to put all his
belongings in a box. The general took the box and had given Lucas sweatpants and a shirt and
told him to line up with the other men. Lucass heart was racing for he was not expecting to be
welcomed in such a manner. As he was lined up, the general who had taken his box of
belongings approached Lucas. The general scanned Lucas for a moment and said, Boy! You are
too weak to ever be a strong marine. Lucas replied, Sir! A true hero isnt measured by the size
of his strength but by the strength of his heart. The general laughed and walked away.

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After a couple months had gone by of training and the constant criticism by the general,
Lucass unit of fourteen was sent into combat for the first time. Lucas felt well prepared no
matter what the general had told him. His unit was sent into a forest where the marine base heard
that their enemy had been camping. When the unit had arrived they quickly went into hiding
within the bushes and trees to stay out of sight from the enemy. Lucas and his unit hid in the
brush for what felt like hours waiting to attack, but had only been minutes. As time was going by
a man in the unit was beginning to get anxious and wanted to attack. He kept moving around to
get a better look of what was going on. Little did he know that he was making enough noise for
the enemy to realize that they were being watched. The enemy quickly scrambled for their
weapons and scanned the area to find Lucas and his unit. Grenades were being thrown by the
enemy to sweep out the unit, but were thrown in the wrong areas. The enemy had a far larger
group of men then the small unit that Lucas was in. The unit quickly fled and called for the
helicopter to save them, for staying there to fight was suicide.
The helicopter was there in a minute and the men entered. When Lucas was about to enter
he looked back and saw that one of his men in the unit had gotten his leg stuck under a log of a
fallen tree. He quickly ran back and used the butt of his rifle to life the log. As soon as his leg
was free he ran towards the helicopter and got in. As Lucas was heading back he saw two men
from the opposing side head towards the helicopter with a grenade in one their hands. He quickly
signaled the pilot to take off without him. As the helicopter was taking off the enemy planted the
grenade and fled. Lucas ran to the grenade with so many emotions and thoughts flowing through
his mind. Lucas jumped on top of the grenade risking his life for the safety of his unit.
When the helicopter returned to base the men in the unit lowered their heads in sorrow
for Lucas. The general counted the men only seeing thirteen. The men explained what had

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happened and the general closed his eyes. A tear ran down his cheek and said out loud to the unit,
a true hero isnt measured by the size of his strength but by the strength of his heart. The men
all bowed their heads and stood quietly reflecting of the heroism and bravery of Lucas Bradley.
Lucas went through so much and never let anyone get to him. His father never believed
in him, mentally abusing Lucas saying he was never strong enough. A general continuously
saying Lucas would never be a strong marine. Both of them were wrong. Lucas proved to them
that, a True hero isnt measured by the size of his strength but by the strength of his heart.

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