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St Augustine’s Primary School Bulletin: 26th April 2010

• Phase leader time has been rearranged for this half term as follows:
28th April pm Lorraine Lucey
30th April pm Julia Monk
11th May pm David Roca Mas
11 May pm Lorraine Lucey
13th May am Kate Christou
20th May am Julia Monk
25th May pm David Roca Mas
27th May am Kate Christou

• PARKING AT TEACHERS’ CENTRE: You are now unable to park at the Redbridge Teachers’
Centre car park. Your car will be CLAMPED and there is an £80 release charge. The kitchen at
the Teachers’ Centre will now be open until 4th June 2010.
• CURRICULUM NEWSLETTER: Curriculum Newsletters need to be sent home by Friday 30th
April. Please remember to send to Kirsty before they are sent out.
• INFANT CAR PARKING: Please do not park on the grassed area outside Nursery as this is being
used as an assembly point for fire drills.
• PAT TESTING – Please leave all electrical items out for testing. Electrical equipment that has not
been tested cannot be used.
• This week Mrs Brannan, Display Co-ordinator, will be based in the Infant Department. Please fill in
a request in the book Junior Office if you need help preparing displays, putting up displays etc.
• Overtime Claim Sheets: The next cut off date for completed claim forms is 9th May

Monday 26th

Mr Harris, student, to observe in 2a

Ms Lecointe in Reception all day

Mr Jan Choeanec (Guitar Teacher) in school

9.15 – 10.15am RB to visit Martley Drive Park

10.30am KS1 Headteacher Assembly

11 – 12noon RA to visit Martley Drive Park

1 – 3pm Music Therapy with Tara Stuckley in old Infant Staffroom

pm 5a and 5b to visit Gants Hill Library

3.00pm KS2 Headteacher Assembly

3.30pm Spanish Classes – Mrs Neale

3.30pm Senior Management Meeting in SMT Room

To discuss Report format and any other issues

Tuesday 27th

Mr Harris, student, to observe in 6a

Ms Lecointe in Year 2 all day

Non Uniform Day for 5b and 1b – Winners of 20p collection

7.30am PAT Testing – please leave all electrical items out for testing

Federico Pieroni, Guitar teacher in school

8.30am Mrs Doyle to attend Headteacher Meeting at TC

am Liz Case, Nurse, to work with 5a. Seyi Kayode, Secondary School Health Promotion Nurse,
will be shadowing Liz all day

10.30am KS1 Hymn Practice

pm Mrs Kirwan away

pm Liz Case, Nurse, to work with Year 1

pm 6a & 6b to visit Gants Hill Library – Ilford Recorder in attendance

1.30pm Liz Case to work with Year 1. Seyi Kayode, Secondary School Health
Promotion Nurse, will be shadowing Liz all day

2 – 4pm EYFS Moderation – Mrs Pearce (Mrs Jarvis to cover) and Mrs Anthony (Mrs
Long in RB all day) to attend.

3pm KS2 Assistant Headteacher Assembly

3.30pm Netball – Year 5 & 6

Wednesday 28th

Mrs Anthony away - Mrs Long to cover RB all day

Educational Psychologist in school all day

Mr Harris, student, to observe in 5b

7.30am PAT Testing – please leave all electrical items out for testing

Redbridge Mini Games – All day – All of year 6 and Year 6 teachers to attend and some
pupils from Year 4. Miss Heath to also attend (Mrs Jarvis to cover)
Mrs Neale, Mrs Hayes, Mrs R Cooper and Mrs Fagan to all attend

Ms Lecointe in Year 2 all day

am Mrs Ranjan to attend SEN Panel Meeting

am Mrs Kirwan to cover Mrs Lucey (Phase Leader time)

9.00 – 3.45pm Mrs Sullivan (Violin Teacher) in school.

1.00 – 3.30pm Cello Teacher in Youth Hall.

pm Mrs Kirwan to cover Miss Leppard (NQT time)

2.45pm KS2 Hymn Practice

3.20pm Choir – Junior Hall

3:30 – 4:30 Instrumental Ensemble KS2 Hall

Thursday 29th

Alice Sheeba, student, carrying out observations in 6b

Ms Lecointe in Year 2 all day

Am Mrs Gallagher to cover Nursery

11.45 – 12.15 Mrs Gallagher to cover Miss Heath – Drawing Therapy

Am Mrs Jarvis to cover Mrs McGarry all day

Am Mrs Brogan to attend Admin Forum at TC

9am Mrs Brady to attend PSA meeting at Prince Regent Hotel

9.30am Davenant SENCO to visit Year 6 pupil and SENCO

10.30am KS1 Deputy Headteacher Assembly

pm School council to feedback to classes

pm Mrs Gallagher Triad Groups

3.30pm Spanish Classes – Mrs Neale

3.30pm Phase Leader Meeting

Friday 30th

Mrs Echeverry, Midday Assistant, last day

Alice Sheeba, student, carrying out observations in 6b

Ms Lecointe in Reception all day

Mrs Monk to attend RE Co-ordinators Meeting at BRES

(Mrs Jarvis to cover 2a all day)

Am Mrs Gallagher to cover RB am

8.00am Budget Ratification Meeting

9.15am Golden Book Assembly

11.15am Mr Tim Eaton (Woodwind Teacher) in school

Pm Mrs Anthony in Rb

Pm Mrs Gallagher own PPA time

3.30 – 4.30pm Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Football Training – KS2 Playground

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