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Dispution of political Borders

By: Seyun P.1

Thailand VS Cambodia
The dispution between Thailand and Cambodia
went on for about 12 centuries for the
ownership of an ancient temple located near
the boundaries of these two countries. This
temple is called Preah Vihear.

Status: Resolved

S.Korea VS N.Korea
The dispution between S.Korea and N.Korea
began since 1953. The area has been occupied
with armed soldiers those who are on guard 24
hours. The border divides the land mass into 2
parts with North Korea having the northern part
and South Korea having the southern part.

Status: Ongoing

U.S. VS Marshall Islands

The dispution between U.S. and Marshall
Islands about ownership of the Wake Island.
Marshall Islands said the Wake Island has
been theirs for centuries but U.S. says since
their militaries occupied and has been
protecting it from others it is theirs. They ended
the dipspute by U.S. gaining the residual
administration of the Wake Island.

Status: Resolved

China VS Taiwan
The dispution between China and Taiwan was
about Taiwans independence from China.
Taiwan was actually part of China and they
wanted a independence from China. So they
reformed themselves as ROC and gained
independence from China.

Status: Resolved

India VS Pakistan
The dispution between India and Pakistan, or
so called the Kashmir Conflict have resulted
many deaths among the Pakistani and the
Indians. Both of them labeled the Kashimir
region as their nothern city.

Status: Ongoing

S.Korea VS Japan
The dispution between S.Korea and Japan
about the Liancourt Rocks or so called Dokdo
has caused tensions between Korea and Japan
to almost reach its peak. Both countries are
clamining that they have labeled Dokdo as their
territory earlier than the others. Though the
S.Korea has won the claims the Japanese are
still not satisfied with the result.

Status: Ongoing

Russia VS Crimea
The dispution between Russia and Crimea was
upon the Crimean Peninsula. Though the name
already suggest it as part of Crimea, the Russia
brought the issue upon the UN and won the
case of absorbing the Crimean Peninsula into
their territory

Status: Resolved

Britain VS Argentina
The dispution between Britain and Argentina is
about the Antarctic region. The area getting
dispute on is between 25 degrees West and 53
degrees South. Both countries have finally
agreed on signing Arctic Treaty but the situation
is still not yet settled.

Status: Ongoing

Nigeria VS Cameroon
The dispution between Nigeria and Cameroon
was about an are called Bakassi which is
located underneath Cameroon but was claimed
by Nigeria. Cameroon brought the case to ICJ
and won the claim from the Nigeria.

Status: Resolved

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