Textbook Stations and Reflection

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Textbook Stations and Reflection

Name:__________________________ Section: _______

Look around the room at the various textbook units and explore each unit to answer
the following questions. Dont just pull information from one unit make sure
youre traveling around the room to check out all of the units!
1. What caused World War II?

2. How did World War II start?

3. What were the two sides of World War II?

a. What happened with USSR (Russia) and Germany causing Russia to

change sides?

4. Who were the leaders/presidents of the following countries during WWII:

a. United States:
b. Great Britain:
c. France:
d. USSR (Russia):
e. Germany:
f. Italy:
g. Japan:
5. List three of the most significant battles of World War II (in Europe and Asia)?

a. What was D-Day and why was it significant?

6. Why didnt the United States originally get involved in World War II?

7. What major event caused the United States to join the Allied Powers?
8. During the war, what was happening back in the United States?

9. What was the Holocaust?

a. What was Hitlers goal for the Holocaust?

b. How many people died in the Holocaust?

10.How did the war end in Europe?

11.How did the war end in Asia?

12.Do you think the use of the atomic bombs in Japan was necessary? Explain.

13.How did the end of the war set up tensions with USSR (Russia) for The Cold

14.Which textbook unit did you like the most? Why?

15.How did your textbook unit turn out?

a. What did you like about this project?

b. What would you like to change for next time?

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