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Dear Parent/Guardian

In the afternoon prior to our last FUEL of the term on Sunday March 20th we would like to
show the film The Passion of the Christ. We are aware that the film has an 18 certificate so
we are offering the opportunity to those young people who are 15 and over to watch the film
with us, as long as they have the permission of their parents.
The Passion of the Christ depicts the final twelve hours in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, on
the day of his crucifixion in Jerusalem. The film is rated 18 and for good reason as the
flagellation and crucifixion scenes are pretty graphic.
But in saying this, as someone who watches a lot of films, the film is truly immense and the
scenes of torture do not sensationalise anything but bring us to the very edge of our senses
in showing what Jesus endured on our behalf. I think it is worth everyone at some point in
their life seeing this film as it brings a powerful and impacting visual dimension to the
account that the Gospels so articulately gave us.
If you are willing to let your son or daughter come to this film, as long as they are 15 or over,
would you sign this letter and get it back to me. Or indeed drop me an email saying that you
are happy for them to attend the screening.
Every blessing

Mike Palin, Director the267project

t: 07789 815516

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________________

On Sunday 20th March our FUEL venue is High Street Methodist Church, Harpenden.

the267project, c/o High Street Methodist Church, Harpenden, AL5 2RU

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