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Because of Romek by: David Faber

2. It takes place in Germany during the holocaust during World War II
3. The Jewish family is hiding in their secret rooms that they have made inside of their house to hide
from the Nazis that are trying to take them to the concentration camps. Every Jew gets a card with a
description of who they are and what they do, but the color of the stamp on their card describes if
they are going to be force to do labor to help the Nazis or not. The three girls in the Faber family all
got pink cards, which means that they are going to be force to work. The family didn't want them to
be taken, because they were scared that they were going to kill them once they are done helping
then. The Faber family made secret hiding places inside their house, one was in the attic and one
was behind a picture frame inside of the kitchen wall. Whenever the family hear a noise outside or
inside, the would run to the hiding places quickly and move a sack of potatoes in front of the panel
the opened and closed the hiding place. The Nazis found two of the three girls and took them away
to either clear the bodies off the street from them slaughtering the Jews or to a concentration camps.
David Faber, the main character, and his older brother, Romek Faber both got caught and they took
them to a concentration camp where they made the young men dig holes all their life until they got
overworked and died. When they were moving to a different camp, because the one that they were
in before got too full of Jews. When there were leaving through the gates with lots of guards
watching their every move, Romek saw a gap between the guards and they both made a run for it,
they both made it out alive, but they had to split up because the guards were going to be looking for
a Twenty year old and a thirteen year old. David found a camp down the road, it was just a could
tents in a circle. He had found Russian Partisans. They set up camp near the German railroad
because everyday at 3:00 o'clock a train carrying medical supplies, guns, and ammo came by. David
helped them sabotage the rain everyday. One day they found out that they were camped there, so
the German burned down the forest which the camp was setup in. It killed all the Partisans, but
David was out of the forest when it happened so he survived. He started walking down the road, and
heard a wagon, he hopped into the back of the wagon and the driver didn't hear him, the wagon was
going back to the town which he lived in and which his entire family was hiding in. The wagon drove
right past Davids house and he jumped out. He went inside and found his family, but his dad was
dead in the corner. The Nazis found and beat him to death.
4. The most interesting fact that I learned from the book is that, when the Nazis transport the Jews,
they use trains. They are usually 100 or more train carts long, filled with Jewish family going to
concentration camps.
5. I would recommend it to anyone because it has a lot of information about the holocaust and what
the conditions were like to live in the concentrations camps. There is also a lot of action and good
detail about what the Faber family had to go through to survive the holocaust.

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