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PVC Piping

Brooke DePascale & Jake Figueiredo

Location in Distillation Tower

Found in the top layer, or gases, portion of the
Boiling Point: Less than 40oC

Cost for Manufacturing

In an average year, over 20 billion dollars are
spent manufacturing PVC piping

Cost for Consumers

Avg. Pipe prices at home improvement
centers are $0.40-$0.50 a linear foot for PEX
(flexible plastic tubing), $0.50-$2.00 a linear
foot for thin-walled rigid copper, according to

None of the companies that were contacted responded
so we can only speculate on how many pounds of PVC
they produce each year.
The consumption of PVC Resin between the U.S and
Canada (2007) weighed in at about 6,426 metric tons.

Transportation of Products
PVC piping is normally transported on roads
by trucks. PVC piping can be transported by
plane and train as well.

Benefits to Mankind
Low in cost, but highly rated in performance
Can be used for construction or recreation
Hundreds of creative uses for PVC piping
Products are long-lasting and durable

Benefits to Mankind
Used for plumbing
Provides a pathway between water sources,
and one's home
Withholds extreme pressure
Does not rust like metal piping

Benefits to Mankind
Used for small scale gas piping buried outside
of buildings
Transfers natural gas from transmission lines
and terminals to consumers
Provides heating to homes, and buildings

Benefits to Mankind
Can be used for entertainment
PVC boats
Ladder ball
PVC pipe bowling
Summer sprinklers

Benefits to Mankind
Used creatively
Flower pots
Desk organizers
Bird Feeder
Umbrella holders
Wire encasing

Process Involved in Manufacturing

Easily manufactured
Made from polyvinyl chloride (chains of vinyl chloride)
A molten mixture is cast around a mold, then cooked in an
The pipe is cooled, cut to various sizes, and coated with an
antibacterial chlorine solution
Pipes are left with a smooth connection, or molded to be
fitted, then sanded and blasted with pressurized water

Risks if it is Not Manufactured

More metal piping will have
to be used, which is more expensive,
less efficient, and has a shorter lifetime
Prevents fatal electrical accidents by
surrounding bundles of wiring
Provides countless outlets of creativity and

Disposal of Waste By-products

PVC piping is recycled, however, these products will enter
the waste system eventually.
Mechanical Recycling: Recovering materials from waste,
but maintaining the polymers molecular structure
Feedstock Recycling: Turns plastic piping into valuable
building blocks
Energy Recovery: Heat and power plants use waste
plastics to provide a beneficial source of heat


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