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Literary Analysis Rough Draft

In the two stories The Most Dangerous Game Criticism and The most
Dangerous Game, they share the same event passing through them which is, the
Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution happened in 1917 when the people were
angry on how they were getting treated so they decided to stick up for what they wanted
because many of them were starving and they wanted to fight for their rights There are
characters that symbolize the western Democrat, and an Eastern Aristocrat. A
democrat is a person who wants to vote or have a say in what the government is
deciding. An Aristocrat is a member, peer or a noble of where they came from and who
they are representing for. In these stories they represent different things there are
characters that show and represent the actions of the people. In The most Dangerous
Game each of the characters have different meanings, Zaroff represents the old world
and Rainsford represents the new world. Both The Most Since the Dangerous Game
Criticism was written based on The most Dangerous Game they have the same idea
of revolution based on hope and time it was occurring in.
In the stories, Rainsford is one of the main characters in The Most Dangerous
Game He was a hardworking individual. Rainford represents the new world because he
comes from a place where you determine what class you're in not and not being born
into it. Rainford is a strong individual who has the belief to handle his problem and fight
for what he believes in.He does his best to pursue his goals. Also by Richard Connell,
his literary Criticism says, Rainsford, the youthful protagonist, is a masculine, elegant,
swashbuckling hero. This shows that he is going to try to do what he has to do to
overtake the antagonist , Zaroff. Not to mention Also in the The Most Dangerous
Game it states, Rainsford did not smile. "I am still a beast at bay," he said, in a low,
hoarse voice. "Get ready, General Zaroff. This shows that he is very confident in
himself and so are others, the general is excited because he knows that Rainsford has
what it takes to take on Zaroff anytime. Also these two quotes together show how what
such an astonishing , confident, and impression dedicate Rainsford has and put into this
battle to give it his all.
Also, not to mention, Zaroff is also one of the main characters but he is the
antagonist. He is after Rainsford and he has a bodyguard Ivan, who also hunts. Zaroff
has an unusual passion to hunt humans instead of animals. He thinks he has all control
and this is what Rainsford and Zaroff end up fighting over. In the The Most Dangerous
Game Criticism it states Zaroff is a displaced member of the old Russian aristocracy
who has adamantly refused to accept the changing world around him. Living in isolated
and sumptuous elegance on a private Caribbean island, enjoying the fruits of his
inherited and thus unearned wealth, he is the very antithesis of Rainsford in almost
every way. This tells us our background on Zaroff and how he is the complete opposite
of Rainfords. Zaroff represents the old world because Zaroff didnt work to be in the high
clas he is and he believes anyone under him is not important. He would hunt any
human below him. Yet they are both confident but the difference is that Rainsford took
time into this preperation and Zaroff thinks he can just win.In The Most Dangerous
Game it states Why should I not use my gift? If I wish to hunt, why should I not? I hunt

the scum of the earth: sailors from tramp ships--lassars, blacks, Chinese, whites,
mongrels--a thoroughbred horse or hound is worth more than a score of them." "But
where do you get them?The general's left eyelid fluttered down in a wink. "This island
is called Ship Trap," he answered. This shows that Zaroff's next target may be
Rainsford and this is when the dangerous game is gonna start.
Lastly these two stories relate to the russian revolution that occurred in 1917. In
The Most Dangerous Game relates because they have western Democrat, and an
Eastern Aristocrat as the main characters which were the main people during the
Russian Revolution. Also In the The Most Dangerous Game Criticism they go into the
deeper meaning of content. In The Most Dangerous Game Criticism It states The
young American hunter is tough, aggressive, and unafraid to kill, but there is never any
doubt that a moral compass guides him on his path. His personal morality--his soldierly
code of honor--is never breached This shows a these of hope. Hope is one of the main
themes in this because the people fighting for their rights hope to overthrow the others
and make a happier life for their family. In The Most Dangerous Game Following the
trail with the sureness of a bloodhound came General Zaroff. Nothing escaped those
searching black eyes, no crushed blade of grass, no bent twig, no mark, no matter how
faint, in the moss. So intent was the Cossack on his stalking that he was upon the thing
Rainsford had made before he saw it. This is one of his advantages and the hope the
characters feel about the tricks being played.
In conclusion, The Most Dangerous Game Criticism and The most Dangerous
Game, they share the same event passing through them which is, the Russian
Revolution. Although they both have strong beliefs on what should happen but
Rainsford believes he is right and that's why he decides to take on Zaroff In The most
Dangerous Game each of the characters have different meanings, Zaroff represents
subjection and Rainsford is a brave and strong individual Both Beast of England and
The most Dangerous Game have the same idea of revolution based on hope and time
it was occurring in.

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