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Zachary Davis

October 29, 2015

Environmental issues: Environmental issues are very large in my family, because my
father is an environmental attorney and has been ever since he went to college. It would
be interesting to learn more about the Environment considering I dont know much
about it (ironic) and last year I had environmental science and I would like to expand on
my knowledge of this topic.

Immigration: Like other topics, I would like to expand on my knowledge. It is

continuously a large topic in our country, especially with the current hot topics of political
debates and arguments.

Education: Not all people are offered equal education all over the world and that is a
huge violation of human rights and I believe that that should be one of the main things
children all over the world should have main access to over all else.

Natural Disasters:
Disasters include:

Wild Fires

Disasters that are more relative to Human Rights issues:

Sometimes Volcanoes and Wildfires.

Notes of those specific disasters:

Earthquakes are one of the most common, and most destructive natural
disasters that goes on in our daily lives. All over the world, there are rocks deep
down into the earth, that shake and crack and create fault lines. Those fault lines
are how earthquakes split apart part of the world as well as create such
destruction and havoc.
The majority of people affected by earthquakes in the largest amounts are
in the Eastern area of the world. China, India, Chile, and Indonesia are the top
four most affected countries. They have the most people continuously suffering,
and that have suffered over time.
Anything on the surface of the earth, near (even 100s of miles away) the
place where the earthquake begins will shake. They are so dangerous because
this shaking can be sudden, and extremely violent.
Magnitudes of earthquakes are measured using the Richter scale, the two
largest Earthquakes ever recorded, were 9.2 and 9.5 magnitude. They took place

in Alaska and Chile respectively. The Great Chilean Earthquake occurred in the
afternoon, and lasted approximately 10 minutes. The resulting tsunami affected
southern Chile, Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, eastern New Zealand, southeast
Australia and the Aleutian Islands.
Human Rights Issues: Some of the concerns involved in that are

United Nations Concerns with this topic:

UN News Center for earthquakes in Nepal: Article;
UN Disaster Relief:
UN always considered to be on the ground level of places where disasters
occurred to help with anything that people are suffering with. The UN gathers
many different NGOs to help out on the ground level. The NGOs include... From
UN Disaster relief. Linking MDGs and
Disaster Risk/Reduction.
Doc From the UN, relating to Disaster Risk and Reduction : International Labour
Organization ILO! Different view: Views from women on this topic of DRR
UN and US treaties for DRR
First Hand Voices: Japanese Earthquakes Darwins encounter Chilean Earthquake

Ferris, Elizabeth. "Natural Disasters, Conflict, and Human Rights: Tracing the
Connections." The Brookings Institution. N.p., 03 Mar. 2010. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
"The Effect of Earthquakes on Society." The Effect of Earthquakes on Society.
N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
"Human Rights and Root Causes." Wiley Online Library - Marks. N.p., n.d. Web.
06 Nov. 2015.
"Natural Disasters & Weather -- National Geographic." National Geographic.
N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.

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