February 2016

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The Caledonia Times

Newsletter of The Caledonia Residents Association

Representing Turner Drive, Grosvenor Way, Delph Drive, Winding Mill South, Winding Mill North, Morton Road, Caledonia and Mousehall Farm Road

March 2016

From the Chairman

Wow... February already. Where does the time goes? It only seems like five minutes since it was
Christmas we were looking forward to.
Despite the festive period, the Committee have been hard at work on your behalf. Weve settled (yet
another) parking dispute, addressed security across the estate in several areas although our bigger
event was a Speed Awareness Campaign at the end of January, which saw us using a borrowed radar
gun to monitor the speed of vehicles travelling along Caledonia. Some of you may have seen the
article in the Express & Star on Friday, 12 February. Unfortunately, it hasnt been published on the
newspapers website, so we cannot have a hyperlink to it, although the results of the day can be found
on our website. We have asked the police to write to all motorists who were travelling in excess of 40
mph, and especially to the motorist who was doing 52!
Weve lots more things planned for the coming year, including a comedy night with Marlene, the Black
Country Wench. More details to follow nearer the time. The estate is also in desparate need of a
litter pick details overleaf.
As always, if you have any issues you wish us to tackle, please let us know, either via the website, by
email or when you see one of the Committee around and about.

David Adams

PACT Meeting Update

Committee members attended the first PACT meeting with the police in early February and met the
new Sergeant for our area, Heather Slone. Although new to the team for our area, she has a wealth
of experience locally, should we need her assistance.
We were advised that there has been an increase in total crime across the Dudley area, with the only
decrease being in our neighbourhood. Good news for us, although we still need to be vigilant,
particularly after a couple of attempted theft of vehicles on the estate details emailed to residents on
15 February.
She advised that, amongst other things, her team will be prioritising on speeding, using a Pro-laser
device (slightly better than the one we used!).
Anybody can attempt the PACT meetings, with the next one for our area scheduled for Wednesday, 6
April at 7pm, at Lye Football Club,
Continued overleaf

Thorns Community College

For those residents who have a child who attends Thorns Community College, we
have been asked to bring to your attention a new support group for those
experiencing bullying. Parents Against Bullying At Thorns is a new group who
aim to address instances of bullying where the school have failed to act.
The group can be contacted via their website www.BullyingAtThorns.Weebly.com
or email on BullyingAtThorns@Gmail.com

As mentioned overleaf, the estate is in desperate
need of a litter pick.

To receive regular update on issues which

affect you, why not Like our Facebook page,
ensuring that important posts appear in your
Newsfeed whilst on the go.

We only need 2 hour of your time, with all

equipment AND refreshments provided.
Councillor Mo Hanif who is also the current
Deputy Mayor has kindly arranged for all rubbish
collected to be taken away, and will even come
out on the day and give us a hand.

Update from the Christmas Raffle

The proposed date for the next litter pick is

Saturday, 19 March from 1pm, meeting at the
Winding Mill South garages.
Children are particularly welcome and enjoyed
helping on the previous occasions, as well as
receiving a badge, announcing I Support
Caledonia Residents Association. The more the
merrier and the better the estate will look, both to
residents and visitors alike. Photos of previous
litter picks on are both our Facebook site and

As promised, the proceeds of last years

Christmas Raffle will be going towards
repairing the steps around the estate. Once
the weather gets a bit better, we will be
engaging a local builder to carry out the work.
If you live near some steps and see him, pop
out and say hello and a cup of tea would be
most welcome too.

Everybody likes a party, especially a birthday party. To celebrate Her

Majestys 90th birthday, the Committee are looking to organise something
very special this year. More details to follow soon watch this space!

PACT Update continued...

Committee members also attended the PACT meeting on 29 February in the neighbouring Amblecote area.
The police reported that there has been an increase vehicle crime and those residents on email and who
Like us on Facebook will have seen our important update about the theft of a van recently. The police
also updated us on their part in our Speed Awareness Campaign; The police have written to motorists who
we recorded as travelling at more than 40mph. Disappointingly they have refused to send advisory letters
to motorists travelling between 35mph and 40mph, despite evidence from Think!, the road safety
awareness group who advise that pedestrians are four times more likely to be killed if hit by a car travelling
at 40mph, than a vehicle travelling at 30mph. We hope to change the police decision by appealing to the
elected Police and Crime Commissioner particularly as we want to engage with the police, and we are
doing speed checks as the police have failed to.

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