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Management Board Meeting

Friday 10 April, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. 10:43 a.m.
Town of Laurentian Hills Council Chambers
34465 Highway 17, RR#1, Deep River, ON K0J 1P0

In Attendance:
Jim Gibson, Mayor Head, Clara & Maria Township
Kevin Waito, Fire Chief Laurentian Hills
Bruce Boucher, Councillor Laurentian Hills
Dennis Hyde, Councillor Laurentian Hills
Doug Tennant, Fire Chief Deep River
Glen Doncaster, Reeve Deep River
Rick McGee, C.A.O. Deep River
Sherry Batten, C.A.O. Laurentian Hills
Tammy Forbes, Treasurer Laurentian Hills
Cindy Anaka, Administrative Assistant Laurentian Hills
Chief Waito called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Introductions were made around the table.


Confirmation of Current Agreement Article 23

There were issues that came out of the last meeting held on April 2, and those issues were relayed
to Laurentian Hills Council.
Councillor Boucher stated that the Laurentian Hills Council wants to stay in and continue to
provide the Auto Extrication Service and does not want to withdraw from the agreement. If the
Town of Deep River and Head Clara & Maria opts out of the agreement states that they would
It was confirmed that the Town of Laurentian Hills does not want out of the agreement.
Reeve Doncaster disagreed what was discussed last meeting and he believed that it was all three
Towns requests that each Town goes on their own.
Chief Waito confirmed that Laurentian Hills could manage the auto ex on their own.
Reeve Doncaster then stated that they should move past clause 23 and move past to 24.
Negotiated in good faith. So that it is mutually beneficial for all Towns.
Chief Waito reiterated that it is the Council of Laurentian Hills that doesnt want out of the current
agreement. The decision to stay in or opt out is fully up to the elected officials.
CAO McGee wants to build relations with other municipalities.
It is up to the two Fire Chiefs to write a report for all Councils to review.
The reserves will disappear quickly. Forty thousand will not last long.

10 April, 2015
Reeve Doncaster said that Deep River has not been recovering their true costs until 2014. In the
funding agreement, by putting in the 43% from Laurentian Hills, 43% from Deep River and 14%
from Head Clara and Maria the money wont last for long. He asked if Laurentian Hills brought
that point forward to their Council.
Councillor Boucher said yes that they did bring those points up.
The Fire Chiefs will be looking into what needs to be improved.
Head Clara & Maria had agreed to a three year pricing of $800.00. They want the agreement
updated. They would like to know what needs replacing and updating for the equipment. Their
concern is that the unit is so far away form HCM and if Deep River had some sort of emergency
that their municipality wouldnt be serviced properly. They really would like a financial picture.
Mayor Gibson would like the funding formula made clear in the agreement. Mayor Gibson stated
that they paid their $800.00 yearly to be a good neighbour.
It was noted that per capita, Laurentian Hills is paying more than Deep River.
The updated agreement should include a reserve fund.
To replace a vehicle, it would cost 200,000.00. The current vehicle should be good for another 8
years, and then a new one should be bought.
The Fire Chiefs can spend $2,500.00 without asking and they would like to have their amount
raised to $3,500.00.
The SCBA has to be replaced ASAP. To replace the SCBA it would cost approximately
$9,000.00. Both the high and low air bags would need replacing as well. Three high pressure
bags are $7,044.00 and four would be about $10,000.00.
Chief Waito mentioned that there were more pieces of equipment needing updating as well.
Going forward with the agreement, Head Clara & Maria wanted a projection of future costs.
Both Fire Chiefs will update the agreement and include what would be needed to prepare a
reserve fund in the next couple weeks with a detailed list and then they will forward it on to all
three Municipalities.
This financial statement will give municipalities a chance to see if its worth while staying in or
leaving the NRERU. They can look at past call-outs and bring it back to the board. Money should
not be spent until it is known who is in/or out of NRERU. The Fire Chiefs will include a date for
another meeting.
Mayor Gibson wrote a resolution stating what is expected from the Fire Chiefs` report.

10 April, 2015
Moved by Mayor Gibson
Seconded by Councillor Boucher
Be it hereby resolved that the Management Board of the North Renfrew Emergency Rescue Unit
directs Chief Tennant and Chief Waito to produce a best estimate of Capital costs for the rescue
unit and bring these costs back to the board for inclusion in a rewritten agreement to the end of
YES - 3

NO 0


Chief Tennant stated that each individual municipality should set aside money into their own
reserves for replacement cost and projected costs. He didnt advise putting all three
municipalities money together.
This meeting of the North Renfrew Emergency Response Unit do now adjourn at 10:43 a.m.

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