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ECD 237 Preschool Learning Plan Format

Activity Name: texture touch boxes

Age of Child(ren): 3

Setting: small group

Developmental Focus: cognitive, fine motor
Key Content Focus: Science
Key Content Area Concepts: senses can be used to explore the environment
Key Content Area Skills: touching the materials and putting it in the right box
Integrated Content Focus: Math
Integrated Content Area Concepts: Data Analysis and Probability
Integrated Content Area Skills: classifying or organizing
Learning Outcomes:
The child will . . . touch and feel the material and place it in the right box
SC ELS: M-3K-3.4: recognize similar objects in the environment by color, shape,
or size
SC ELS: AL-3K-2.3: demonstrate delight or satisfaction when completing a task,
solving a problem, or making a discovery
Other standards:
12.C.ECa identify, describe, and compare the physical properties of objects
Materials to collect/prepare: tissue paper boxes, different materials that feel
different like felt, cloth, foam and other materials
Transition/warm up/introduction: poem about the sense of touch, I will say it
once then I will say it again and ask the children to say it with me
What can your fingers
See for you?
Whether a surface
Feels old or new?
Is it bumpy, lumpy
Slippery, slick?
Prickly, scratchy,
Hard as brick?
Spongy, rough?
Softer than dough?
Touch it!
See if your fingers know

Adult Procedures:
After the transition/warm up/introduction, the adult will

1. ask the children if they know what the sense of touch is

2. depending on what the children say explain what the sense of touch
is or clarify
3. explain my activity to the children and how to do it
4. observe the children as they do the activity and help if any of them
are struggling
5. thank the children for participating
Child Procedures:
1. First the child will . . . say if he or she knows what the sense of touch is
2. Next the child will . . . listen as I explain or clarify what the sense of touch is
3. Then the child will . . . listen as I explain my activity and explain how to do it
4. Then the child will . . . touch the material taped to the box and find a material
that feels the same and put it inside the box
5. Finally the child will . . . go back to class when finished
Conversation to Support Learning/Talking with Children:
Tell me about the materials that you sorted?
How did you know to put that materials inside the box?
What would happen if that material was the same color as the one on the
box but it felt different?
Talk to me about the way you knew that materials felt the same as the one in
the box?
Why did you place that materials inside the box?
Observations and Assessment: touch and feel each material and sort each
material into the appropriate box
Accommodations for individuals:
Simplification for atypical learners: the material taped to the box has to
be same color as the materials that has to be sorted into the box
Challenge for advanced learners: have similar materials that feel the
same but are different materials like cardstock and construction paper
Resources:, SC early learning standards, Illinois standards,

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