Engl 325 Final Lesson Plan

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Subject: The Diary of Anne Frank

Grade level:
weeks M-F
Prepared by: Jacqueline Lockard

Time Frame: 2

Themes Explored: The themes we will explore will be the Holocaust, the hiding of
Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis terrorists, and the concentration camps
and the treatment of Jews.
Education Standards addressed:
RLA.O.8.1.5: use pre-reading and comprehension strategies (e.g., generating questions and previewing,
activating and evaluating prior knowledge and scanning or skimming texts) to critically analyze
and evaluate the composition of literary and informational texts for

making judgments


making complex or abstract summaries

RLA.S.8.3: Students will apply listening, speaking and media literacy skills and strategies to communicate
with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.
RLA.O.8.3.1: model effective oral communication skills (e.g., tone, volume, rate, audience, etiquette,
standard English) through the presentation of




RLA.O.8.1.11: Read, compare and interpret types of poetry (e.g., narrative poems, ballads, lyric, epic)
and interpret elements (e.g., lines, stanzas, rhythm, meter or rhyme) to derive meaning of poetry.

Objectives/Purpose: Students are to learn about the Holocaust from the

perspective of Anne Frank. They will follow her, and her families journey, to learn
about concentration camps and gain an understanding of the unfair treatment of
Materials Needed: Book: The Diary of Anne Frank, PowerPoint, Projection Screen,
Resources Used: YouTube video
Background: Students are going to discover the time of the second world war and
the Holocaust. They are going to read the book, "The Diary of Anne Frank" and learn
from the events as they occur in the book. We are going to follow along with the
book and take time out to have lessons that cover the concentration camps, the

segregation of Jews, and the time frames of all the major events. They will discover
the diseases that were spread at the concentration camps and the different types of
gasses they used. They will learn about the history and events that came from the
Holocaust while they practice reading skills, public speaking, writing responses, and
contributing to group assignments.

Activities : Week 1
Introduce Lesson
Begin reading "The Diary of Anne Frank" We will begin reading in class, more
chapters will be assigned as homework.
Students will be given a index card with a topic from the book on it and they will be
given a minute to speak about the topic and demonstrate public speaking.
Short lecture about concentration camps. We will discuss the daily lives of a Jew in a
concentration camp, they will learn about the diseases they spread, and the gasses
they used to kill them.
Students will watch a YouTube video on Holocaust survivors and their personal
accounts of their experiences in concentration camps.

Week 2
Students will watch short YouTube video about the Holocaust and the events that
occurred in relation to Anne Frank's diary.
Students will be given an envelope with a time period and event that occurred. They
will be placed into groups with question to begin a discussion about the time period
and event.
The class will be given pieces of paper that have a an event on it, they will arrange
themselves around the room in the order in which they occurred.
We will read the poem , First They Came for the Jews by Martin Niemller, and
discuss its relevance and relation to the Holocaust.

To make sure students are doing their reading homework, I will give short reading
quizzes when they come into class. I will give them 5 mins to answer 3-5 questions
about the assigned reading.

I will evaluate their public speaking to make sure they do not repeat themselves,
hesitate, or shift topics. They should speak loud enough and convey their point
During group work I will make sure everyone is taking part of the discussion and
activities by having them each take a turn presenting the final product. They will all
fill out a small slip at the end of the class evaluating each other's participation.
Students will receive a participation grade based on their effort in their group and in
classroom discussions.
Students will take 1 test aside from their reading quizzes about the Holocaust, and
"The Diary of Anne Frank".
At the end of this unit students should be able to feel confident speaking in public
and group settings. They should be able to effectively analyze the book, "The Diary
of Anne Frank", and should understand the historical events that surrounded the

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