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Do We Truly Have an Equal Society?

Every morning, children everywhere recite the Pledge of

Allegiance. They finish with nation, under God, indivisible
with liberty and justice for all. But is there really liberty and
justice for all? (pause) Inside and outside of school grounds,
Americans of all ages and cultures face injustices that contradict a
truly equal society. Recently, the statistics of these acts of
cruelty seem to have been increasing more and more. (pause)
Unacceptable instances such as racial injustice (pause)
discrimination towards the LGBT community (pause) and police
brutality defeat the ideas that our founding fathers created for our
country. But this shouldn't be occurring We as a country a
nation a union MUST make a difference in our world for the
better (pause). We need to take a stand and make sure that
everyone is treated equally no matter what. Because if we dont
change it ourselves now. who ever will?(pause) If we fail to act,
what will happen to the thousands of individuals who still suffer
from discrimination and brutality each and every day?
Martin Luther King Jr. Day has recently passed. It is a day
where we honor and remember one of the most brave and
inspirational men in history. We think of this day as a time to
reflect on the past and how much our nation has changed in such
a small amount of time. But it seems as if now instead of moving

ahead in society we have experienced some major setbacks.

(pause) Not only have we suffered a great amount of setbacks,
but we have also went against what MLK and many other citizens
have fought very long and hard for, for many years. Recently, it
seems as if instead of having an equal society, we have one that
is divisible - without liberty and justice for all (pause) In the
past few years the amount of racial injustices have increased
significantly. (...) In America alone about 51% of people are racist.
This is proving how not only more than half of our American
citizens are racist, but also that not much has truly changed since
1964 when the law was passed to end segregation. This proves
the fact that just because a law stating that all men are equal was
passed, this really didn't change much about our society and how
they view and/or treat others of the opposite race.
Not only in society now, do we have an increasingly growing
amount of racism but also with this racism comes with a large
amount of injustice to the community. One of the biggest issues
involving the topic of racism is police brutality. To clarify, police
brutality is when a police officer uses an excessive amount of
force on someone for no apparent reason, usually leading the
victim with a severe injury or even death. For instance, since May
2013, 3,136 americans were killed by cops. Sadly, these number
have been rising more and more. Leading to thousands of trials

being taken place even at this very moment.These cases then

decide on whether the incident was caused by accident or due to
the victim's race. Also, to make matters even worse, 84% of these
crimes, witnesses for the trials that are and/or were being taken
place on this manner stated that they had witnessed the officers
using more force than necessary. To add, in all of these cases
that had been occurring, if not all, were a different race then the
officer himself, leaving many to conclude that the situation may
have been due to the officer being racist. These many cases are
just proving more and more how we as a union are a very divided
and unequal society.
To add, besides the fact that there is a continual amount of
racial injustice in our country, but also another occurring issue we
have been having, is the hate towards the LGBT community. To
clarify, LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender.
With being labeled under this community of people, they are
consistently being treated poorly and hated on for being who they
are. So many people feel that when one is Gay, Transgender or
any other sexual orientation, that they have something wrong with
them and that they shouldn't be allowed the same rights as any
other human being - Almost as if they are some sort of monster
or other freakish thing. These acts of cruelty and discrimination
happen on a daily basis to so many all over the world. To add, it is

also found that these cruelties sometimes are taken to a new

level, where one harrasses the person due to them being who
they are. This can then lead to even more serious issues. In
recent years the number of students who are Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual, or any other sexual orientation are afraid to be who they
are or even to go places due to them fearing that they will be
harmed. For instance, 82% of LGBT youth had problems during
the previous year with bullying about sexual orientation...64% felt
unsafe at school due to sexual orientation...44% felt unsafe at
school due to gender identification...32% did not go to school for
at least one day because of feeling unsafe. These numbers
unfortunately seem to have been rising more and more. With all of
these acts of hatred and discrimination towards this community of
people, the constant rate of suicide attempts are increasingly high
and seem to be getting larger. This serious issue occurring at this
very moment should not be happening. We should be making a
change as a union to end this problem.
As a result of all of these major issues and acts of cruelty
being displayed throughout the country, it is and should be a
constant reminder to everyone. It should remind us about how we
need to change for the the better. So that no one is treated any
differently than others. For that we stand united, equal, and strong
as one whole union. This is a country that was founded on people

coming here from all different backgrounds and cultures. It is a

place where we are able to practice whatever religion they want
or customs. We now need to promote the idea of accepting
everybody no matter what. We are all human. No one is the
same. There is no normal. There is no perfect person. We all
have different talents and abilities, and flaws that shape us into
being the the person who we are today. We are all unique and
special in our own way. So, we shouldnt be treated or treat others
any differently based on the person they are. We all deserve the
same rights as anyone else. No matter your race, sexual
orientation, gender, social status, or wealth we are all people.
No different than any other. We should all be treated with the
same respect.

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